It’s a parable, not a prophecy. That is the first concept you need to grasp. Also, no, it’s not a parable with prophetic significance. You’re not allowed to do that when studying the Bible.
It’s really simple. If you believe the Bible then any Xian can be a faithful and discreet slave and be rewarded, or cast outside. Furthermore the Master can use you in any way he wishes and award you however he chooses as in the PARABLE of the 11th hour workers.
It’s worth noting that just because you may be a “successful” religious example ( I won’t say leader ) and financially well off, or have all your needs cared for as in the case of the Governing Body, that does not mean you are a faithful slave. What matters is fruitage as mentioned in the PARABLE of the tree and it’s fruitage... If your fruitage is bad, then you are a rotten tree, no way around that according to Jesus.
Are you really going to argue with Jesus?