They’re very greedy and perhaps delusional true believers, and they aren’t going to spend any of their own money if they don’t have to. It doesn’t matter if they have Billions in the bank, that’s not to be touched unless absolutely necessary.
They have spent decades brainwashing the sheeple into thinking that giving money pleases God, just like all Organized religious slime-faced, lying weasels and their ilk. There’s no way they can just say, “We have enough money!”
Can you imagine what would happen?? Once people know that they can achieve financial goals and taste success, they aren’t going back to being poor slaves. You can’t put that Genie back in the bottle.
I want the Borg to burn as much as the next guy, but if they can spin the Sex Abuse cases as persecution, and gain sympathy, then they can get even more $$$.
These lawsuits may benefit them in the long run.