Evidently.....none of you understand Jeehoober’s eagle-like vision and farsighted wisdom.
the latest instructions from the kingdom hall trust here in the u.k are very revealing, and current j.w elders need to beware !
i will get to that in a minute.
maybe in the usa and other countries too ?.
Evidently.....none of you understand Jeehoober’s eagle-like vision and farsighted wisdom.
i have a friend who would like to write an article all about the failure of jwism to protect children.
what sites do you think i could direct them too without sending them down a rabbit hole of craziness??
i’m definitely sending them to trey bundy’s articles.
I have a friend who would like to write an article all about the failure of JWism to protect children. What sites do you think I could direct them too without sending them down a rabbit hole of craziness??
I’m definitely sending them to Trey Bundy’s articles.
lately that’s all i’ve been hearing about!
i’m sick and tired of listening to white people begging for forgiveness simply because they are white.
in a nearby town, a six year old girl asked her mom, “ why don’t we have a black lives matter march here?
There’s stupid people everywhere, it doesn’t matter what their color is.
I live in an area that’s mixed. It’s kind of close to what’s called “The Hood.”
My neighbors are disrespectful, party late into the night, do drugs, don’t watch their kids, drove through my yard and lied about it, raise Pitbullls and treat them like shit...AND... don’t want “White” people in the neighborhood.
They could just as easily be “White” and trashy, but they just happen to be “Black.” If they were white and I was black, would I be a racist for calling them out on their shit??
There’s bad examples of humans everywhere.
It takes a lot of time and energy to research TTATT and then accurately post that research. Why do it? Hopefully to help Dubs awaken. Yet, it’s exhausting when I can just go live my life. Especially when I know I can’t make anyone awaken...
Why did Outlaw ( one of my faves ) leave?? Maybe to live his life.. Sometimes you have to take care of you, instead of researching every new, dumb belief that the GB put forth.
I know I did a ton of research, emailed and communicated with folks like Candace Conti’s Lawyer, ect explaining how the Dubs will lie and explaining “Theocratic Warfare”, ect. It’s exhausting. I need a break..
Maybe some of the Old Guard just need a break, and need to live their own lives, besides, we don’t have any Trolls worthy of combat lately.
lately that’s all i’ve been hearing about!
i’m sick and tired of listening to white people begging for forgiveness simply because they are white.
in a nearby town, a six year old girl asked her mom, “ why don’t we have a black lives matter march here?
I’m so tired of hearing about it as well. As far as genetics are concerned, I’m a Mutt.. I look more European, so I get labeled as “White.” I have no control over who my parents were, and I grew up in a lower middle-class family.
My Parents were raised by good, honest Farmers and Cattlemen types who’s ancestors went through the Great Depression in the US.
I grew up in a farm, was raised in a cult, have worked physically since I was big enough to use the necessary tool for whatever job, had zero higher education, ect. I’m still working hard most days, although I have finally achieved a more administrative position, but it’s still work. I’ve never had a hand-out, except from my parents, yet I’m somehow supposed to feel guilty about being “White.”
If we traced every single prosperous civilization’s history, we would find that they had slaves. Black people had black slaves. I hate even saying “Black”, should I say Egyptian, African?? Anyway, they all had slaves at some point. Is there such a thing as “Egyptian privilege”?? Where does this guilt-tripping end? I have absolutely ZERO to do with any type of slavery or oppression of anyone.
I did my time feeling guilty about who I was, what I was, ect in the cult. No more.. I’m done with that.
There are some super shitty racist people out there, of many ethnicities, take your pick. They should feel guilty. I don’t.. I won’t.
Do “Black” lives matter? Of course.
after further review and thought, i really don't see how removing a monument or statue that may be truly offensive to a large group of people is in some way rewriting history.. i think of germany or other parts of europe.
you don't see swastikas on buildings or statues of hitler or mussolini or other upper level generals in public.
would it be good for a person (think jewish) to drive around a city and see hitler in a public park, even though it is "historical?
We have a real problem with Identity Politics today, and SJW’s who think they know everything and that EVERYTHING is a Patriarchy.
Add to that, the issue of Social Media and “Likes”... So many people saying “Blank Matters” yet the real motivation is being an “Influencer” on Tick-Tock... 🙄
I really can’t wait to be that old guy that no one bothers as I live my final days behind my fence, mowing my lawn, checking my garden and telling everyone to Piss Off while I remember the old days when we had Malls and Arcades and hot girls wore leg warmers..
i’m not sure if this is in the right topic area or not, but sometimes i wonder:.
if it were not for “religion”, what would the current gb do for a living??.
my speculations:.
I’m not sure if this is in the right topic area or not, but sometimes I wonder:
If it were not for “religion”, what would the current GB do for a living??
My speculations:
1) Tony Morris: Funeral Home Director
2) Sam Herd: Golden Corral Restaurant Regional Manager
3) David Splane: Historic Vacuum Museum Curator
4) Gerrit Loesch: Wholistic Enema/Foot Detox Technician
5) Stephen Lett: Balloon Animal Expert/Rent-A-Clown for the Hollywood Elite Homosexual Community
6) Geoffrey Jackson: Owner/Operator of Australia’s largest Handmade Digeridoo Outlet/Small Engine Repair
Kenneth Cook: That guy who goes around restocking Gumball Machines
Mark Sanderson: Amazon Millionaire from selling used Japanese School Girl panties
Feel free to comment/add to the list..
DD 😇
the point of the letter was how many are feeling disappointed these days.. no circuit assembly, convention, how we can't fellowship at the k.h.
disappointed we might have had a love one die, etc etc.
he then goes on to write about how disappointed jehovah must have felt when his first human creation rebelled.
Poor Jehovah.... all perfect with eternal life and what not, he just can’t get decent help...
"if by 30 june 2020 an institution has failed to signify their intention to join the scheme, they will be immediately publicly identified by the scheme in accordance with scheme legislation and jurisdictions will consider other appropriate action.
this may include financial sanctions applied by state, territory or commonwealth governments, and changes to an organisation's charitable status.
naming institutions is necessary to ensure that people wanting to access the scheme know the status of relevant institutions.".
I told my Eldub Brother that the quickest way to see which religion is true, would be passing laws that require them to pay income taxes, then watch to see who Lawyers up..
the latest issue of the watchtower shows a man with a beard praying.. .
i fully expected to see him 'progress' to clean-shaven in the following pictures, but instead he is still bearded when 'applying bible principles'.. .
i then realized that he was already featured on the cover itself.. .
Nothing but a clever scheme to convince unsuspecting Middle Eastern persons (persons who may help the GB acquire very valuable real estate) that beards are acceptable. We all know beards are NOT allowed.
Where are the Middle Eastern Eldubs who have beards???
We all know that this man ( let’s call him Andre’ ) will be pressured to shave what facial hair he has, except for a mustache..