Who make up the patients in this Hockey Ring? What’s the demographic? Can you provide the age, race, co-morbidity factors, and the exact testing methods used to determine a “positive”COVID test?
Don’t get me wrong, one death is too many for any family. My GF lost an Uncle, but he was over 75, not taking any Vitamin D, C, or Zinc and had multiple co-morbidity factors. Once they put him on a ventilator it was all over.
We aren’t saying that COVID isn’t real. We aren’t saying it isn’t sad. It’s just ridiculous to shut down the economy, enforce unconstitutional restrictions, arrest people, censor people, even virologists, because they dare to question the Media/Social Media who are OWNED.....
Do yourself a favor and read some white papers from the UN/WEF/Klaus Schwab. COVID-19 and the Great Reset....
Before you say that’s a conspiracy theory, Time magazine did a cover of The Great Reset, and the WEF celebrated it the very day the NYT magazine said it wasn’t real, and Justin Trudeau is all about it. COVID is the perfect opportunity for a “Reset.”
You see, just like the Dubs and the GB, it doesn’t matter if we believe it... THEY believe it. The Globalists who want a New World Order/One World Government believe 💯 in their superiority and right to rule humanity and in their quest to save us from ourselves by any means necessary. That includes destroying what IS, to “Build Back Better”, and if they succeed they will be on top and you will be on the bottom.