The Rockefeller’s...
actually no one does.. i know this is a concept that can be hard for some to grasp, considering all other forms of organizations like sole proprietorship, general partnership, an llc, or a for profit corporation.
these organizations are created legally for the simple purpose of making a profit.. but unlike a for profit corporation,---- a nonprofit corporation is formed to carry out-.
whether that be religious, educational, charitable, scientific or other qualifying purpose.
so the new biden/harris gun policies are starting to appear.
it’s not clear yet, what they will be.. some suggestions; confiscate all guns.------buyback programs in each state.. there is much talk on social media that if this happens, the pandemic, + all the riots, + all the damaged property, + all the annual murders in america, - put together-will be like a sunday afternoon picnic, compared to all the deaths and property damage that will result because of “civil uprising” by millions of 2nd amendments advocates and just plain gun lovers.
americans love guns!.
the breaking news in canada today is the rollout of the pfizer/biontech vaccines.
perhaps we can put this pandemic nightmare to bed soon.. i hate to rain on the parade, but we yet are not clear of any allergic reactions, side effects there might be as they roll out.
but, just have to wait and state the obvious.
Number 1: You should educate yourself on the actual risks, and there are risks. They can be much worse for some than the actual virus. For me, I had a headache, mild fever ( 99-100 F ) and a stuffy nose. Assuming the rapid test I received was worth a shit... ( The PCR test is a joke and being used improperly to establish case numbers, NOT ACTUAL DEATHS, which drive all these idiotic lockdowns. The Nobel Prize winning inventor of the test ( passed away last year ) is on record and on film explaining why Dr. Faucci and other career politicians don’t know shit, and use the test improperly. Btw, Faucci and his ilk make $$$ from the vaccine stocks, so follow the money.) ....AND I actually had it, I could’ve taken DayQuil and went to work. I’ve been way more sick from the Flu in my childhood, so there’s no way I will take an MRNA vaccine.
The woman who founded Learn the risks. Org was a high ranking salesperson for MERK who became a whistle blower due to the corruption and the “keep them sick” mentality that drives the industry. Last year she decided to tell everyone that if she died mysteriously it was no accident. She went into great detail about her love for life and her son and her mission. She died mysteriously last week at 47.
Australia has also halted the use of the vaccine after reports of HIV being contained in the vaccine, which is true according to many Virologists from Germany, India, Australia, EU, ect. All these people, REAL SCIENTISTS, are being censored btw. More than one Scientist, censored by the Big Tech/Media, have written papers stating the COVID-19 is not the original Novel virus discovered a few years ago, but a man-made hybrid of 5 viruses, with an HIV delivery system. Now folks are getting a “false positive HIV” test according to the Media??? Really? 🤔 Why were these people censored when they were warning us a year ago about this virus and the vaccines being pushed by Bill Gates who is not a Doctor, Scientist or Virologist but a Globalist who’s father believed in Eugenics?
People are going to die from these vaccines which have not only been rushed, but in some cases are not traditional vaccines, but MRNA vaccines with unknown consequences long term. But hey, that’s alright. The Globalist and Bill Gates and the CCP feel the need to cull the herd. Just read the Georgia Guidestones and the writings of Klaus Schwab if you don’t believe it.
Think deeply about the discovery of the novel Corona virus which was kept in a a lab in Canada before being moved to the Wu-Han Level 4 Lab and “escaping” as a hybrid of 5 Viruses with an HIV delivery system. Research the involvement of Gates, Faucci, the complete adoration of Justin Trudeau of the Chinese dictatorship and his love of The Great Reset championed by Klaus Schwab. Think about the timing of the virus, the never before seen mass censorship on the part of the Media, and Big Tech who 3rd party “fact checkers” are owned by same folks who own CNN, ect.
If Joe Biden get in office we will be on permanent lockdown as he is a puppet of the CCP who coincidentally paid $400 Million dollars to Dominion Voting just weeks before the election which used COVID 19 as a justification for mail in voting which has proven to be a disaster. All the while Big Tech and Media censor anyone not on board with the CCP/Globalist narrative. Aren’t we glad Obama allowed propaganda in the Media?
Meanwhile China’s economy is booming and they are having their CCP broadcasts before an audience that is eerily cult-like ( Think JW annual meeting on steroids ) while they brag about destroying the US BY 2030 which just happens to be the 100th anniversary of the CCP and the proposed date of the UN’s 2030 agenda.
So, think about that and take care of your immune system, buy some guns, and keep your head down. Don’t take anything the FDA or Gates tries to give you.
as spock would say " fascinating".. with 2020 being such a terrible year.
are people of the christian faith going to look at this as a sign of god, to give them hope and renew their faith?
so the new biden/harris gun policies are starting to appear.
it’s not clear yet, what they will be.. some suggestions; confiscate all guns.------buyback programs in each state.. there is much talk on social media that if this happens, the pandemic, + all the riots, + all the damaged property, + all the annual murders in america, - put together-will be like a sunday afternoon picnic, compared to all the deaths and property damage that will result because of “civil uprising” by millions of 2nd amendments advocates and just plain gun lovers.
americans love guns!.
as imperfect and flawed capitalism is, it has worked better than other forms of economic and political systems-so far.
it’s very simple in “theory.” capitalism is an economic and-or, political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.
in other words, keep government out of it as much as possible.
Bezos, Zuckerburg, Gates, they have acquired wealth, and the power and influence that go with it. The real concern is this... Does great wealth equate with the right to dictate who can speak, or who can do business, or who must take a completely new and untested vaccine?
Does wealth give them the right to influence elections through censorship, or dictate public health policies and medical care because of the undue influence their wealth affords them?
It’s the way of the world I guess. The peasants can revolt, and when the smoke clears new leaders/Super-Rich will rise. Wash, rinse, repeat..
when i say; “socialist” i don’t mean everyone is equal.
instead i am referring to “leaders” being rich and powerful, whereas the ordinary citizen being poor, and powerless.. i was surprise that the majority of the world is run by socialist government.
the last few countries that are not socialist are the united states and parts of europe.
I don’t believe freedom exists. It’s a thing we tell ourselves. In the USA, we have “freedom” to operate within certain boundaries. It’s like operating within the Matrix, it’s just that there is no real world to escape to, unless you want to say that going off the grid and being a survivalist is freedom. Even then your life is affected by so many things that are out of your control, with the ultimate limit being aging and death.
That being said, it appears that what’s happening now is a bit unprecedented because we have a multi-national group of Globalists pushing a socialist/communist agenda with the backing of Big Tech and the Mainstream/Legacy Media, all backed by China. They want a One World Government and there will be no Middle Class, only tiers of the wealthy and the slaves.
We are all slaves already, with a bit of room to run around the maze if we are lucky, room to gather more cheese if we want, have a big nest if we can afford it, but we are still not free.
What’s coming is even worse because essentially a Global Corporation will run everything, own everything and every one, at least those left alive after the next round of lockdowns and the coming depression/vaccinations if Biden is elected and Bill Gates gets his way.
As the Globalists say, “You will own nothing and you will be happy.”
These elite f***s want to be Gods. If there is an Anti-Christ and it’s a collective entity then it’s the Globalists.
seeing on another post here about former jws throwing away literature.
i am curious as to the various opinions on there value.. for me i have been inactive for 3 years almost 4. i still have alot of books and of course all their bibles ever produced (except a few from the 1800s.).
in my opinion i think there are four books the jws produced that are useful:.
They haven’t “produced” anything useful in the history of their existence if we take a moment to realize that anything useful they have “published” was taken from another source and was not an original/educated thought on the part of the WT writers.
Start by subtracting everything we know to be false, then subtract all the misquotes, followed by all quotes taken out of context, then all the speculation, ect. Whatever may be left that is factual, like secular advice, or common sense advice, did not originate with the Watchtower or the Gibbering Buddies, or the Writing Department, so they have actually produced nothing of benefit, ever..
i had to read this paragraph twice in case i'd misread it the first time.
who is he trying to kid!?
mr gomez says, "there's very little rules, if any, most of our conduct is governed by principles, and there's a lot of room for us to make personal choices.