I think it’s very racist to say the African variant is more aggressive.
this is a good watch.. i agree with it 100% - the people pushing for everyone having to carry id are the ones that have shown over and over again that they can't be trusted with people's information.
the tech companies want it because they would be able to link online tracking and information logging with people's real-world activities.
the government wants it because they would have control over people and movement.. both should be chilling to anyone with half a brain.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uggvgke0n8o.
I think it’s very racist to say the African variant is more aggressive.
ever wondered what blm do with their donations?.
well, i think i may have discovered an answer.. co-founder patrisse cullors has bought herself a nice, million dollar home in topanga, an exclusive la enclave, the demographics of which is approx.
80% white and 1.5% black.. yeah, cullors, an open marxist, has benefitted greatly from a capitalist country, lol.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4zrno_jcc0.
Her Bank Account matters. No need to loot a Footlocker for her..
this is a good watch.. i agree with it 100% - the people pushing for everyone having to carry id are the ones that have shown over and over again that they can't be trusted with people's information.
the tech companies want it because they would be able to link online tracking and information logging with people's real-world activities.
the government wants it because they would have control over people and movement.. both should be chilling to anyone with half a brain.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uggvgke0n8o.
Trust your FDA Masters. They know what’s best for you. Don’t worry when a year or two down the road you feel funny and your immune system is weaker and weaker and weaker. Just trust the science....trust the science...trust the science... shhhh... it’s ok... Faucci is here... shhhhh... he loves you... it’s ok... just go to sleep...go to sleep...
DD 🤫
this is a good watch.. i agree with it 100% - the people pushing for everyone having to carry id are the ones that have shown over and over again that they can't be trusted with people's information.
the tech companies want it because they would be able to link online tracking and information logging with people's real-world activities.
the government wants it because they would have control over people and movement.. both should be chilling to anyone with half a brain.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uggvgke0n8o.
Lol. Go get your Covid Jab and your safe, right?? If it works then why do you care if your neighbor is “vaccine hesitant”?? ( Shudder....) Oh, God! The vaccine hesitant!!! Whatever will we do with folks who actually understand that these “vaccines” would never have been approved until 2024, and only IF they worked and had no serious long term health issues.. 😱😱😱
If it doesn’t work and you can still get Covid even after being fully vaccinated then what’s the point?? Oh well, just trust whatever Media says, I’m sure you’ll be fine.
this is a good watch.. i agree with it 100% - the people pushing for everyone having to carry id are the ones that have shown over and over again that they can't be trusted with people's information.
the tech companies want it because they would be able to link online tracking and information logging with people's real-world activities.
the government wants it because they would have control over people and movement.. both should be chilling to anyone with half a brain.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uggvgke0n8o.
Wow. Just another “bad faith” video. Everyone go get your Covid Jab asap while supplies last!! Don’t be questioning what’s in the infusion, just roll up your sleeve.
can it get any weirder?
here is a demonstration of a midweek meeting demonstration, showing a sister out in field service talking to a householder.
they are both wearing masks due to covid.
Wow, they’re still doing meetings...
DD 🤔
what a total bunch of asswipes the left has become.
now they have gotten the publishers to stop printing dr. seuss.
dr seuss.
Listener obviously doesn’t see the big picture.
The Combine of Social Media, E-Commerce, and the Far Left ( aspiring Communists/Overlords ) who are controlled by the Financial Elite are censoring thought and speech.
Not only are they saying, “You can’t think this and you can’t read that.”, they are now saying, “You can’t even buy this or that.”
Ebay is sweeping its marketplace of Dr. Seuss books that are banned. You can’t even buy them.
Amazon has deleted copies from Kindle, EVEN IF YOU ALREADY OWNED THE BOOK...
It’s not enough to stop printing these books, now they must be destroyed.
It’s just a small step away from the Government coming into your home to search for and remove reading material deemed unacceptable.
After all, who is the Government of not the persons put in place by the Elite? Social Media, Amazon, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab. The Davos Group. These Globalists don’t even attempt to hide the future they desire. Less of YOU, more for them as they build the Neo-Feudalist Society of their dreams with you, if you survive, living in a “Smart City”, with the things you rent from them, doing the tasks they assign to you.
I hope you like The Hunger Games, because that is exactly where Society will be if the idiot, fake-woke Liberals and China Joe and his Masters are allowed to continue operating.
australia: jehovah’s witnesses to join redress scheme for child sexual abuse survivors.
So the ARC is no longer an Apostate lie?? Lol! Genius.
australia: jehovah’s witnesses to join redress scheme for child sexual abuse survivors.
Hahahahaa!!! I told my Eldub relative that if we want to see who the true religion is, just see who worries about having to pay taxes.
Jeehooberdoober can provide for any true Xian, so the Governments of the world should require all religions to pay some kind of tax, and have completely transparent financial records to receive any tax breaks or exemptions.
Whichever religions refuse to pay taxes/ obey Caesar is a false religion. Just follow the money.
gen 1: 11 says: .
11 then god said, “let the earth sprout [j]vegetation, [k]plants yielding seed, and fruit trees on the earth bearing fruit according to [l]their kind [m]with seed in them”; and it was so.
12 the earth produced [n]vegetation, [o]plants yielding seed according to [p]their kind, and trees bearing fruit [q]with seed in them, according to [r]their kind; and god saw that it was good.
The fact that we are here is amazing enough. I’m not sure it really matters exactly how everything happened. Too much time is spent on that question.
What is more important right now, in my opinion, is why does the Universe appear to be conscious and why are we all linked together at the Quantum level? How can we affect reality by observing it? Are we creating reality? How can objects light years apart affect each other instantaneously?
Are we a thought or neurons within a greater consciousness? What is consciousness anyway?
It’s been described as watching a show on an old TV, you see the picture, but when you look inside the TV, there’s only parts...
The picture/energy/frequency is being broadcast..