I’ve felt from the beginning that the whole, “Get vaccinated for herd immunity” is a lie. That’s just based on common sense/the history of humanity. If no herd immunity can exist without vaccines, then there must never have been any serious viral threats since the dawn of man, otherwise we couldn’t be here as we couldn’t reach herd immunity because smarty-pants Scientists didn’t exist to invent vaccines....🤔
Thankfully even the Mainstream media ( takes them about a year to catch up ) is discussing how individuals who meet a given virus and win have immunity, especially T-cell immunity which is also finally being discussed.
The media has been repeating “Antibodies, Antibodies!!!” ad-naseum and trying to link a passage of time to less antibodies which require “booster shots” ( Bill Gates rubbing his hands 😈) as your immunity will supposedly wear off. Lol. Meanwhile T-cells/T-cell immunity, the real fighters when dealing with tiny viruses have been know for decades.
DD 🙄