I don’t work for the WHO. I’m not the one saying these things, saying they are great idea. I’m not trying to pass insane legislation, ect.
I’m not really sure what your point is.
are you ready for the delta variant task force, funded by bill gates to come to your home?
after mass censorship and in some cases arrests ( australia ) for speaking out against lockdowns, or the dangers of untested medical procedures, we now have morons who want to send people to your home, to remove infected family members.... how will you know you’re infected??
a pcr test cranked up to detect anything of course!
I don’t work for the WHO. I’m not the one saying these things, saying they are great idea. I’m not trying to pass insane legislation, ect.
I’m not really sure what your point is.
are you ready for the delta variant task force, funded by bill gates to come to your home?
after mass censorship and in some cases arrests ( australia ) for speaking out against lockdowns, or the dangers of untested medical procedures, we now have morons who want to send people to your home, to remove infected family members.... how will you know you’re infected??
a pcr test cranked up to detect anything of course!
Are you ready for the Delta Variant task force, funded by Bill Gates to come to your home? After mass censorship and in some cases arrests ( Australia ) for speaking out against lockdowns, or the dangers of untested medical procedures, we now have morons who want to send people to your home, to remove infected family members...
How will you know you’re infected?? A PCR test cranked up to detect anything of course!
Why haven’t more American citizens suffered the abuses taking place in Europe, Australia, India, or Canada? Because we have guns.
Why are the Democrats so rabid in their desire to spark race-wars and protests, and to ban guns? That’s an easy one. So they can take over with zero or minimal resistance.
Just wait till Kamala Harris takes over...
i see posts that evans does not seem to like being removed.
i guess he is not a lot different than the control cult he left.
his rebuttal to the zoom assembly he said that dawkins made some silly comments about gender.
Virtue signaling isn’t an opinion, it’s cowardice.
it is reported that in the usa, 30 people are dying per day after receiving the corona vaccine.
anyone else hear about this?
- article.
Dislike all you want. Go do some research..
it is reported that in the usa, 30 people are dying per day after receiving the corona vaccine.
anyone else hear about this?
- article.
Yes, one of the huge factors to consider is the refusal of the CDC and the FDA to allow repurposed drugs, many of which are far, far safer than the vaccines to treat Covid-19.
As Weinstein said, it really seems like someone wants the pandemic to continue and wants as many vaccinated as possible. Current events and the data coming out only make sense when viewed through that lens.
He would love to hear another theory as to why data seems to be ignored, why propaganda is rampart and why vaccines are being pushed.
it is reported that in the usa, 30 people are dying per day after receiving the corona vaccine.
anyone else hear about this?
- article.
According the Dr Weinstein (I happen to agree) nothing about the way these vaccines have been handled makes any sense at all to any objective expert, except when viewed from the goal of pushing as many vaccines as possible.
The goal isn’t concern for the individual, and concern for the group doesn’t make sense either when the data, i.e, the above, peer reviewed data, is considered.
It seems that certain institutions want to coerce as many people as possible to take these experimental vaccines. The end goal is the real question..
Is it just for money??
it is reported that in the usa, 30 people are dying per day after receiving the corona vaccine.
anyone else hear about this?
- article.
Listen to the latest Podcast with DOCTOR Bret Weinstein. You can also read the very informative and PEER REVIEWED paper entitled “The safety of Covid-19 Vaccinations- We should re-think the policy.”
Again, don’t just be lazy and absorb what you’re told by the Media. Get caught up and decide how many needless deaths are acceptable.
hi everyone , how are ya'll ?
l have a question particularly for any americans on here .
l have an american friend from la who has recently been trying very hard to investigate bill gates and his foundation , she has shared quotes from a lot people making very serious accusations against bill .
It’s taken over a year for the “non-conspiracy” news ( LOL ) to catch up with the “conspiracy theorist” sites that have been censored, banned, slandered, ect.
hi everyone , how are ya'll ?
l have a question particularly for any americans on here .
l have an american friend from la who has recently been trying very hard to investigate bill gates and his foundation , she has shared quotes from a lot people making very serious accusations against bill .
Saying someone is “good” is kind of meaningless. Good compared to whom? Good from what perspective?
If you are possessed of a particular ideology and so are your friends and you act upon that ideology then your friends will probably think you are “good.” You just made a mistake going to Epstein Island and giving experimental Polio vaccines to African children and you bought up all the Farmland and supported GMO crops to be helpful, and don’t like Farmer’s Markets because you’re so “good.”
What’s true about Bill Gates? Time will tell, but why would anyone with one ounce of reasoning ability believe what paid fact checkers say about the person they are fact checking, or use the SIFT method of doing research on the internet?
DD 🤔
the governing body is a lot like today's dems.
they want to keep the rank and file in a permanent dependent state.
keep them stupid and dependent and they can rule them forever.
Republi-tards and Demi-tards. Right wing, Left wing... two wings on the same Dodo Bird..