Ummm.. We’re talking about aborting a late term pregnancy because the baby has Down syndrome, AND, there’s some sick sh@@ going on behind closed doors at Planned Parenthood.
If you think it all about the health of the Mother you are naive.
there was a recent legal challenge, brought about by a woman who herself has down's, which sought to overturn this sad state of affairs.. and a few days ago, a judge upheld the original law and denied her legal challenge.
this is pretty sick, don't you think?.
pro-abortion people love to ridicule religious people who claim that life begins at conception, so the obvious question is, when does life actually begin?.
Ummm.. We’re talking about aborting a late term pregnancy because the baby has Down syndrome, AND, there’s some sick sh@@ going on behind closed doors at Planned Parenthood.
If you think it all about the health of the Mother you are naive.
well, it has happened.. workers in these industries will be forced to vax or lose their employment..
i'm glad to be out of the workforce.. never thought it would come to this in a supposed democratic society.. no wonder protests and law suits are increasing in intensity.
like for fucks sake,,, a worker at a takeaway bottle / liquor shop.
It’s time that we stop filming these terrible excuses for law-enforcement while we observe their abuses and start filming while beating their asses. If that was my sister, or daughter, I would’ve given those people a reason to arrest me once they woke up in the emergency room.
They can’t call for back up if you knock them out…
if you are able to mentally justify that Police behavior somehow, then there is something wrong with you. You have a serious problem.
there was a recent legal challenge, brought about by a woman who herself has down's, which sought to overturn this sad state of affairs.. and a few days ago, a judge upheld the original law and denied her legal challenge.
this is pretty sick, don't you think?.
pro-abortion people love to ridicule religious people who claim that life begins at conception, so the obvious question is, when does life actually begin?.
Eugenics and The Left go together like Peanut Butter and Jelly.
a little surprised to see steven hassan interviewed today on cnn about the anti-vax believers and cult tactics.
here is the link:.
Yeah, it’s not logical to say you would be dead if you hadn’t taken the jab, because you don’t know that to be true, just as I can’t say for a certainty that I will get myocarditis from the jab.
The reality is that SARs-COV-2 is man-made and it’s a crap shoot. So are the jabs. We know for a fact that the Spike Proteins do not stay at the injection site as promised, but circulate through the body and for some this is deadly. The manufacturers were required to list the possible adverse reactions, so it’s easy to prove the dangers.
What hasn’t been done is to allow robust and public debates on natural immunity. I had Covid, so they say, and there was ZERO vaccines available at the time. I’m alive and well. I have no intention on taking the jabs that don’t work for long and don’t work on variants, and don’t do anything but maybe reduce the severity of your symptoms. Proper prevention and early treatment is proven to do the same without the risks of the jab.
a little surprised to see steven hassan interviewed today on cnn about the anti-vax believers and cult tactics.
here is the link:.
Well, it just goes to show you that anyone can be indoctrinated again. Hassan is just a member of the Big Pharma and “The Science” Cult.
Just because you can recognize a religious cult doesn’t mean you won’t be swept up by the Mainstream Media propaganda. He just jumped from one fishbowl to another…
i replied to a lesbian on the quora website who tried to state that god destroyed sodom because of the violent rape the people were trying to commit, not because they were homosexuals.
her argument perperuated so often was that it stated nothing about sex between "two consenting adults".
but, instead of using the bible scriptures such as a man shall not lay down with another as a woman, i used something else you never hear anyone use.... i told her to look to genesis 6:1-4 .
God can’t be too great if he allowed a perfect, extremely powerful being, aka “Satan” to corrupt creation, thereby allowing imperfection which makes homosexuality possible according to the Bible, but then condemns his Earthly children for having imperfections that exist only because he allowed “Satan” to act when God supposedly is all-knowing so should have been able to prevent “Satan” from acting by reading his heart and instantaneously vaporizing him, thereby preventing the whole issue…. 🤔
well, it has happened.. workers in these industries will be forced to vax or lose their employment..
i'm glad to be out of the workforce.. never thought it would come to this in a supposed democratic society.. no wonder protests and law suits are increasing in intensity.
like for fucks sake,,, a worker at a takeaway bottle / liquor shop.
I was told that everything was great Down Under and that any report to the contrary was conspiracy theory bullarky. Then I see videos on news outlets that are considered banned and see what I consider to be abuses of power.
I’m not exactly sure where all these events are happening and I guess it’s similar to the US in that what’s happening in California is not happening in the Midwest.
These crazy Liberal wackos have gotten a taste of power. I’ve always heard experts in History say the radical Left is always worse than the radical right as it’s more insidious… Seems to be true.
how many deaths were instigated which could be prevented?watchtower policies against vaccines left faithful sheep vulnerable to horrible consequences.antitoxins and vaccines against diphtheria, tetanus, anthrax, cholera, plague, typhoid, tuberculosis, and more were developed through the 1930s.. 1921 - "vaccination never prevented anything and never will, and is the most barbarous practice" - golden age oct 12, 1921, p.17.
1923 - "vaccination, summed up, is the most unhygienic, barbaric, filthy, abhorrent, and most dangerous system of infection known.
20,000 dead huh?? Well, look on the brightside.. The Elderly and Infirm section just got smaller..
1) I don’t believe the idiot GB or anyone in the writing department has a clue as to how those Dubs died, or their medical history. Were they like many Dubs, obese, closet alcoholics, on Big Pharma’s pain meds and unhealthy, waiting for Jesus to cure them? Where are the autopsy reports?
2) How many Dubs have needlessly died by refusing lifesaving medical treatments in the form of blood transfusions? Don’t tell me the GB care about people dying from Covid-19, if that’s even what happened and if that number is to be believed. Since when do Dubs give accurate numbers about anything, other than what involves $$$?
The mouthpiece of God is living in fear because they are brainwashed by “Satanic” Media who can’t be trusted under normal circumstances. So much so that are pressuring Dubbies to get the MRNA jabs as part of the ongoing, real-time experiment. If there ever was a time to be “Anti-Vax” wouldn’t it be now? We are in the last of the last of the last days and the Merchants, Kings, and Babylon The Great ( RCC ) are uniting to push a Genetic Therapy into your created body, all the while shitting on Jeehoober’s creation (Natural, non-patented compounds) and making synthetic versions to make Trillions.
Where is your faith GB????
just to put it out there, the whole gender pronouns idea being pushed by the lgbtq+ minorities is just a way to try to hide the sin of homosexuality.
if you can void people talking about your true sexual identity then it seems there is no sin anymore if two they or them of the same sex are together.
example of the coverup: ("i don't identify as either gender"), so the kids i'm raising in a lesbian relationship need not speak of me as a mom or any other female term and we all don't have to feel any stigma attached to the true terms so, any shame we might feel is hidden anyway.
I don’t care what anyone does or puts in their mouth, just don’t be an idiot and stay off my lawn.
one of my jw uncles got a call last night and was asked how many in his extended family have not taken the vaccine and he needed names.. a letter was sent to elders but it is dated the 27 which was yesterday, so i'm not sure it has anything to do with the letter.
but my uncle said the elder was coming down hard on him for not knowing who hasn't taken the vaccine.
he implied that not taking the vaccine "could" warrant judicial action.
Why in the F**K are Eldubs, including the GB attempting to dictate medical procedures? The GB are supposed to be THE channel of GOD.. yet here they are putting their trust in Politicians and Big Pharma..