Interesting… Well, I’m sure some high level Jew knows the real story.
it’s been a long time since i’ve kept up with anything jw-related.
but just a couple days ago, i heard about all the new changes—beards, shunning, etc.
i was surprised, so i asked an old friend who i hadn’t spoken to in ages what happened.
Interesting… Well, I’m sure some high level Jew knows the real story.
DD .
1000 lit-up carts at 50 strategic locations near the stadium and on the strip.
Also, GO SAN FRANSICO!!! I can’t stand Mr. Pfizer/Kelce or T-swift. I hope the Chiefs are destroyed.
DD .
1000 lit-up carts at 50 strategic locations near the stadium and on the strip.
Well, the preaching work has taken on new meaning since the Annual Meeting. With no longer counting time and the fact that people aren’t putting up with a judgment message, the Gibbering Buddies decided to make an “adjustment” which is actually pretty major.
They can’t have types and anti-types anymore so they can’t really say that “just as in the days of Noah” blah, blah, blah… the door of the Ark is closed when the Great Tribulation begins. Therefore last minute conversions are possible and the J-dumbs can’t have an attitude about it like Jonah when Nineveh repented.
Now the preaching work is important again because JWs can’t say who will be saved and who cannot. The preaching work has meaning again because perhaps an inactive one or disfellowshipped one can be saved, even after the start of the Great Tribulation.
As much as I hate to admit, this new gaslighting adjustment is a genius move on the part of the Borg.
"misinformation, disinformation, science, this antiscience, uh conspiracy theory, these are propaganda terms.".
'don't use them' he says.
@ 19:33.
The Watchtard Babble and Trick Society Inc, is a cuck of the UN.
things got a bit lively after the agm leaks in october.
there was a lot of discussion going on on this board for a few months.
now that all the leaks have been more or less confirmed as policy, and we've had lively discussions at length concerning the changes, things seem to have slowed down here.. a few suggestions have been raised as to what might be the next changes, such as women being allowed to wear slacks (in the usa, anyway), decoupling from 1914 as an anchoring date and others.. so, what changes do you think will be announced this year?.
I’m currently laughing at the “clarification” on beards. Basically Stephen ( fat face ) Lett is gaslighting millions of people. It’s a dumb subject to even have a debate about since the Bible doesn’t say a man can’t have a beard.
What’s really annoying is that according to Jibber Jowls, promoting your own opinion is “causing divisions” yet that’s what the Gibbering Buddies did for decades on the subject of beards.
You will notice they said not to feel vindicated now that beards are allowed because J-dumbs have to be in step with the Borganization…. Not The Bible… 🤔
What new changes are coming?? Changes that, like beards, are influenced by the scene of the world changing? Probably something that mirrors the DEI nonsense…
Isn’t it strange that the one true religion allows the worlds view of beards to shape their view? Satan’s world didn’t like beards so beards were bad. Now it’s acceptable because Satan’s world accepts men with beards??
You can’t fix stupid….
perhaps this has been printed here before...but still it gave me a few here it is again.. the apostates' handy jw glossary.
by doug checketts.
"anointed" - an experience that, unfortunately, no "anointed" one has ever been able to explain.
That 10 year old’s story… Definitely child abuse.
the latest.
stkirsch24 minutes ago.
there is no question: the leaked data shows the vaccines have killed over 13 million people worldwide.
The Trolls here deserve to get boosters every month. They are actually dumber than Watchtards.
if you once were fully pimi and truly believed jw doctrine to the core like i once did, when you come to the reality that it is not the truth at all it can be extremely devastating.. i think only other ex jws could ever understand.
i wasted my entire life i thought the real life was yet to come to wasted the best years knocking on doors.
now i’m so angry.. i can understand why so many top themselves when they realise it was all lies..
Yes, we do understand. We know it can be difficult. You can always come here and vent.
It’s also ok to believe something new, or not. Lol. You’re in unknown territory, but that’s the fun part.
You have freedom now, even the freedom to go insane, or sane, whatever the case may be. If you want a wild ride just look back through all my old posts. I think I had every breakdown a person can have.
It’s ok to be upset about time lost, but that is just one perspective. Another is that your experience as a Dub has given you some very unique insights that you can use going forward. Also, remember that no one has a perfect life. No one….
Instagram lives are just curated highlights for the most most part, so don’t fall into the trap of self pity.
DD 🍺🍺🍺
dbm writes on the question: will sodomites get a resurrection?.
i guess it depends the date that you asked this question.
here is a screenshot from a video which gives an overview of the changes (new light) on this question:.
Bullet Head Splane’s entire persona makes me ill…
my wife zoe and i often talk about her grandmother who has never been a jw but is an excellent christian by other opinions.
she has led such a good life always kind and tried to follow jesus example.
before the agm new light my wife often thought according to current light is that as long as she dies before armageddon she will be resurrected.
I hope the GB get to judge me when I die. I’ll give them the Double-Finger salute on my way to Hell…