I told my Eldub Brother that the quickest way to see which religion is true, would be passing laws that require them to pay income taxes, then watch to see who Lawyers up..
"if by 30 june 2020 an institution has failed to signify their intention to join the scheme, they will be immediately publicly identified by the scheme in accordance with scheme legislation and jurisdictions will consider other appropriate action.
this may include financial sanctions applied by state, territory or commonwealth governments, and changes to an organisation's charitable status.
naming institutions is necessary to ensure that people wanting to access the scheme know the status of relevant institutions.".
I told my Eldub Brother that the quickest way to see which religion is true, would be passing laws that require them to pay income taxes, then watch to see who Lawyers up..
the latest issue of the watchtower shows a man with a beard praying.. .
i fully expected to see him 'progress' to clean-shaven in the following pictures, but instead he is still bearded when 'applying bible principles'.. .
i then realized that he was already featured on the cover itself.. .
Nothing but a clever scheme to convince unsuspecting Middle Eastern persons (persons who may help the GB acquire very valuable real estate) that beards are acceptable. We all know beards are NOT allowed.
Where are the Middle Eastern Eldubs who have beards???
We all know that this man ( let’s call him Andre’ ) will be pressured to shave what facial hair he has, except for a mustache..
i never had much faith in whatever resurrection was.
what appealed to me about jw doctrines was the rejection of the "it's a mystery" defense of the indefensible.
when i would ask how going into non existence could be reversed when all the atomic parts of who we are had been scattered for thousands of years, the answer was "jehovah can do anything".
If scientists could record my consciousness before I die and then download it into a body, it would only be a copy of me, as opposed to preserving my consciousness.
As stated before, then only way I could be resurrected was if my “soul” survived my death because a perfect copy would still be a copy.
Immortality would require your individual consciousness to live on, despite whatever body it was in. It’s just like the “Altered Carbon” show on Netflix. If your consciousness dies, you die.
my wife was reading this book and telling me how much she enjoyed it and looked up the quote below to share it with me.
i quite enjoyed it, so i'm sharing it with you, for what it's worth:strange, indeed, that you should not have suspected that your universe and its contents were only dreams, visions, fiction!
strange, because they are so frankly and hysterically insane—like all dreams: a god who could make good children as easily as bad, yet preferred to make bad ones; who could have made every one of them happy, yet never made a single happy one; who made them prize their bitter life, yet stingily cut it short; who gave his angels eternal happiness unearned, yet required his other children to earn it; who gave his angels painless lives, yet cursed his other children with biting miseries and maladies of mind and body; who mouths justice and invented hell—mouths mercy and invented hell—mouths golden rules, and forgiveness multiplied by seventy times seven, and invented hell; who mouths morals to other people and has none himself; who frowns upon crimes, yet commits them all; who created man without invitation, then tries to shuffle the responsibility for man's acts upon man, instead of honorably placing it where it belongs, upon himself; and finally, with altogether divine obtuseness, invites a poor, abused slave to worship him.
Angels have to go to meeting too! Don’t you know they watch JW Broadcasting to learn Jeehoober’s will as revealed through the Gibbering Boobies??
If they stop going, or stop tagging along in Field Circus then they begin to lose their power.
They stop glowing and some of their feathers droop and fall off, then they get marked as weak until they get with the program. Sometimes they have to meet with resurrected members of the Gibbering Buddies and receive counsel and shepherding lest they develop apostate leanings.
Pretty common knowledge.. Surprised you guys didn’t know that...
DD 🤔
the latest watchtower is now out and they make this statement -.
7 during the thousand year rule of christ, all of jehovah’s earthly children will have to make changes to please him.
so all of them will have true fellow feeling as they help the resurrected ones to combat sinful tendencies and to live by jehovah’s standards.
I’m not so sure this is Nu-lite. These idiots just use nice sounding phrases as part of their carrot and stick routine.
It’s in the realm of, “No one has more Holy Spirit than another.” Yet we know who really has the Holy Spirit, don’t we...
i am so sick of hearing ( wife is pimi):.
critical times so hard to deal with.
last nano second..... buy out the time.
BARF!!!! The GB are so cloistered and self absorbed.... They are small-minded idiots. All those phrases make them feel smart... They’re stupid.... It’s sad for the J-Dumbs..
who is hosting who here?.
our kh zoom meeting invites are now coming in from jw.org, but are still hosted by the local elders.
The Gibbering Buddies love to say, “The Theocratic School is the only one you will never graduate from!”
No shit..... If you’re not a brain dead, submissive drone without ambition or normal human pride then you’re labeled as rebellious and influenced by Satan. No wonder the GB constantly tell the Sheeple to be lowly, content, submissive, ect. What a soul crushing cult for all but the walking dead..
who is hosting who here?.
our kh zoom meeting invites are now coming in from jw.org, but are still hosted by the local elders.
So now all the local brainwashing sessions are modeled after the JW Broadcasting propaganda sessions... 🤢
How would like to be subjected to an even more boring version of J-Dumb Broadcasting? Or, how would you like to be an Elder who has to give scripted talks all the time? 🤢🤢
Before my last meeting ever, they had just made some changes to the “School” and I think they did away with the #4 talk or made it more scripted? It was some kind of change that limited freedom of research or something... I actually liked reading and researching and delivering a topic in an interesting way, and quite frankly I was an excellent public speaker. Way better than 95% of what you hear at Conventions. I wasn’t bombastic, but I wasn’t boring like a robot. I was just me, and had some talent.
I suppose that’s why “Jehovah” didn’t want me to be a MS, because I was too good and knew the Bible too well, and studied too much and used a Concordance and thought too deeply... I remember my Ex getting angry/embarrassed because I spent more time reading the Bible and highlighting passages and checking cross references then I spent watching the speakers/program.. PROGRAM... ain’t that the truth!!
I remember my last “School” assignment. Keep in mind that I had just went through several inquisitions for “Apostate tendencies” for questioning the biblical basis for the “10 Hour” service rule. Apparently it’s not a rule, but just a guideline.. 😂
Any-who... we moved to another Congo, my Ex thought a new start would fix me.. and the point that I needed to work on for the “School” was..... wait for it.... ( keep in mind I’m an adult who is studying Hebrew and Greek...) .... Accurate Reading. 😑😑
This is the ORG folks... As mentioned on another post, they lost any semblance of intellect decades ago. But you know what? That’s how they want it because it’s a Cult.
They want a cookie cutter mass of sheeple that STFU and read their scripts and curb their curiosity and don’t ask questions. Oh yeah, don’t forget the sacred privilege of monetary donations! 😂
jehovah's witnesses are mentioned in this excellent article that begins by reporting on an especially awful mormon child sexual abuse case.
the article then discusses the issue of the penitent privilege exemption which former jws working through scaars.org are trying to influence state lawmakers to eliminate.. .
Vidiot, they are full-on delusional narcissistic egomaniacal Watchtards. That’s why they truly believe they can handle it internally. It’s the same underlying delusion that makes them believe Jeehibbity-hop has their back in service by having angels protect them, yet J-Dumbs die in field circus, on the way to meetings, on the way to the Memorial, ect.
I see first hand the same delusion from my GF’s Pentecostal family. They are f’ing ate up with delusional thinking.. Coincidentally, Pentacostals also believe they are the one, true religion..
i see a lot of kids that rarely get discipline.
they are allowed to do whatever they want and if someone says something to them they don’t want to hear, they blow them off, ignore them or engage in disrespectful talk.. what’s wrong with today’s parents??
they are producing a generation of entitled brats!.
My child was very well behaved. I think she was just a good person. She got some swats at the meetings ( I feel bad about it now ) because of the pressure to have a “spiritual child.”
I find most children annoying, except from a distance, and I have no tolerance for disrespectful children, or ignorant parents.
Aside from the JW pressure, my Ex and I were very balanced and let our child be herself. I spent as much time with her as I could, trying to give meaningful advice, some of which contradicted the GB many times.. mostly from me as I was learning the truth about the truth.
There’s a difference between children being silly just because their children, and children who are disrespectful. I don’t believe in the saying that children should be seen but not heard, but they should learn how to remain silent when someone else is talking.
Maybe part of the problem is that there is so much information available, but what do you do with it all? Having information is not the same as being wise. Now we have a bunch of intelligent, know it all children (gorging on the Internet) who believe they know better than the previous generation, but hasn’t it always been that way??