Kids Without Rules

by minimus 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    I see a lot of kids that rarely get discipline. They are allowed to do whatever they want and if someone says something to them they don’t want to hear, they blow them off, ignore them or engage in disrespectful talk.

    What’s wrong with today’s parents?? They are producing a generation of entitled brats!

  • Unclefester

    Yes in some cases that is true. However discipline needs to be conducted in a loving way. I am a survivor of child abuse by my jw mother. I can definitely say there should be a clear line between discipline and child abuse.

  • minimus

    I agree that discipline should be loving! But no discipline is not an expression of love to the children. We have too many entitled brats .

  • ThomasCovenant

    Isn't it one of the signs of the last days? Children have always been so well behaved for the last 6,000 years.

    Socrates (469–399 B.C.)

    ''The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.''

  • minimus

    Thomas, excellent quote!!

  • frozen2018

    What’s wrong with today’s parents?? They are producing a generation of entitled brats!

    So says every curmudgeon who has ever lived in human history...

    At the NSA, a "Curmudgeon" Incited Change from the Inside

  • Tameria2001

    I only had three rules for my children.

    Rule 1. Treat others the way you want to be treated, but don't allow anyone to walk over you.

    Rule 2. Don't get caught.

    Rule 3. If you do something wrong, inform me first before I find out from someone else.

  • LV101

    Have you dealt with their parents? This is not always the case -- it's a different world and they don't have to work for much. That ole saying the apple doesn't fall far from the tree is true - so sad. Disrespectful - no ethics re/others property or as human beings. Irresponsible, untrustworthy, oh my. I can't imagine a child turning out like many do and I blame the parents/caregivers, babysitters, whatever they are. For some reason, people think they have to be aggressive to exist. I don't mean assertive for their own rights and properties, but animal-like aggressive.

    The last thing parents want is for little Johnny or Susie to have responsibilities and have to work for something like they did. It seems to be normal.

  • caves

    It sure seems like it. My older age is showing...

    It seems more like a first world problem. Or I'll even go so far to say an American/Uk/ Canadian/ problem, obviously else where too and not all parents in these places are so flippant with rules. Just more of them than some other places. But I have noticed many other countries that will not hesitate to "bust that ass" of a child that needs it.

    It does seem somewhat cultural as well. I know some people in Spain, Italy, Russia, Iraq, from online and we've talked about this. Those parents have no problem whooping that arse. Those adults have massive respect for their elders, and even their society as a whole. They also look down on americans big time in this department.

    I do think it human nature during the teen and younger years to feel as if one has a better grip on life that the 'older ones' ....until age and experience sets in. Then many people do change, look back and see just how much of a spoiled shit ass they were.

    Some people never see it.

    I find myself saying more and more, "those damn teenagers". "those kids need a butt busting", "the kids of today are so spoiled and don't know it", "back in my day if I talked like that", ect... Same thing I heard when I was young from older ones.

    Also, haven't many schools stopped spanking? And lots of places parents can get arrested if they spank their child. (calling it abuse) Abusing the word abuse. I'm sure it was necessary in some cases to stop the pyco parents from really abusing kids , but then its gone to far.

    Bust those butts!

  • minimus

    Socrates was a wise man beyond his years

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