My GF is very Liberal, but does not claim to be a Democrat, yet repeated says, “We won!” She admits both parties are likely corrupt but decided to vote for Biden almost solely to protect women’s reproductive rights, ect.
What gets me is that she starts drinking the Kool-Aid even though she knows full well that Politics, like Religion, are driven by propaganda. Like me, she left a controlling religion and knows what propaganda is, but she has a YUGE ( 🤣) blind spot and thinks the Left is somehow great and will keep their promises, ect.
She and her best GF admitted they don’t like Biden, and find him creepy, and admit that Harris would be awesome as President if Biden were to step down for any reason. ( Like being mentally incompetent. ) They admit that voting for Biden was also to support the possibility of a female President in case he dies, ect.. lol wow...
I’ve found that Political views aren’t that dissimilar from Religious views in that for some, the Ideology takes hold and bypasses logical thought, and no reasonable, logical discussion is possible. I’ve seen families at each other’s throats over this election. I’ve found the whole thing fascinating yet terrible and I have absolutely zero faith in the process of voting.
I don’t believe the Republican Party is done contesting the results either. Also, while not supporting either candidate, I think every allegation of voter fraud with even a shred of evidence should be investigated and feel that elections should be fair and honest.
I realize that’s naive and that such a thing has probably never EVER happened as it’s all about power and money, and my voice really doesn’t matter at all to either party.
The best that I can do is to take care of myself and those around me. When all is said and done, I still go to work, pay too much taxes and have shit healthcare.