I don’t believe freedom exists. It’s a thing we tell ourselves. In the USA, we have “freedom” to operate within certain boundaries. It’s like operating within the Matrix, it’s just that there is no real world to escape to, unless you want to say that going off the grid and being a survivalist is freedom. Even then your life is affected by so many things that are out of your control, with the ultimate limit being aging and death.
That being said, it appears that what’s happening now is a bit unprecedented because we have a multi-national group of Globalists pushing a socialist/communist agenda with the backing of Big Tech and the Mainstream/Legacy Media, all backed by China. They want a One World Government and there will be no Middle Class, only tiers of the wealthy and the slaves.
We are all slaves already, with a bit of room to run around the maze if we are lucky, room to gather more cheese if we want, have a big nest if we can afford it, but we are still not free.
What’s coming is even worse because essentially a Global Corporation will run everything, own everything and every one, at least those left alive after the next round of lockdowns and the coming depression/vaccinations if Biden is elected and Bill Gates gets his way.
As the Globalists say, “You will own nothing and you will be happy.”
These elite f***s want to be Gods. If there is an Anti-Christ and it’s a collective entity then it’s the Globalists.