How do you know those very sites you mentioned aren’t the people Michael Yeadon mentions as the ones twisting the facts and lying themselves?
Why don’t you contact him?
hopefully i’m doing this right and it will display for you.
this is an interview with michael yeadon, former vice president and chief science officer of pfizer.
of course he has been attacked, slandered, shunned, ect, and this will never be allowed on social media, but he has taken the time to appear in an unpaid interview.
How do you know those very sites you mentioned aren’t the people Michael Yeadon mentions as the ones twisting the facts and lying themselves?
Why don’t you contact him?
hopefully i’m doing this right and it will display for you.
this is an interview with michael yeadon, former vice president and chief science officer of pfizer.
of course he has been attacked, slandered, shunned, ect, and this will never be allowed on social media, but he has taken the time to appear in an unpaid interview.
hopefully i’m doing this right and it will display for you.
this is an interview with michael yeadon, former vice president and chief science officer of pfizer.
of course he has been attacked, slandered, shunned, ect, and this will never be allowed on social media, but he has taken the time to appear in an unpaid interview.
All I can say is research for yourself what all the censored Doctors and Virologists are saying. Bill Gates is all about depopulation.
Maybe it wasn’t planned, maybe it was a accidental release in a Lab that provided a great opportunity? I don’t know..
What I do know because I’ve read the reports, is that the UN, WEF, Davos Group, and the like have all War Gamed exactly what is happening now, including how to censor and silence opposition.
Also, you can read “Covid 19 and The Great Reset “ by Klaus Schwab. Great Reset, aka Build Back Better.
hopefully i’m doing this right and it will display for you.
this is an interview with michael yeadon, former vice president and chief science officer of pfizer.
of course he has been attacked, slandered, shunned, ect, and this will never be allowed on social media, but he has taken the time to appear in an unpaid interview.
I don’t know how carefully you watched the interview, but he’s very clear ( 40+ years of experience/former Chief Science Officer for Pfizer..🤔 ) about the minuscule threat of “variants.”
What better way to spread fear than to use the threat of variant strains?
First the lockdowns were for a month, and even Faucci was saying masks were ineffective. There’s WHO official doctors saying masks are ineffective in interviews and clips, ect. What changed?
Was it faulty PCR testing combined with the Media who automatically equated case numbers with death numbers and ran with it? Did Bill Gates and Faucci who are heavily invested in the success of the vaccine rollout just decide to tell everyone what reality is??
When you have Bill Gates an admitted Eugenics advocate funding almost every major “Health” organization and heavily involved with the UN, and Faucci, the most influential person in the world of “Gain of function” research then there should at least be an eyebrow raised...
Faucci moved the work to Wu-Han, and there’s a couple Mainstream journalist reporting on this with one recently appearing on the Joe Rogan Podcast. So, the story isn’t as simple as a “variant” strain appeared in a food market, and now more “variants” are on the way...
Let’s say they are right. Well, you can’t stop variants. Not even their miraculously perfectly working mRNA shots can do that, so what’s the point of endless lockdowns that can’t stop variants? What’s the point of mask mandates and arresting people at stadiums for taking their masks off to eat while social distancing? What’s the point of vaccine passports if everyone is going to repeatedly get some kind of variant?
Let’s say they are right and the mRNA shots make you immune. What’s the point of forcing others to vaccinate? You’re immune now, your family is immune, and you can’t stop variants so you’re going to get another infection and another shot. Who cares about anyone who doesn’t want it? They will die off, right?
But, what if the truth is that your immune system, if healthy, will kill Covid-19 and cheap medications will kill it as well making a 99% survival rate for most people a reality?
If that’s the truth then there are many, many people in positions of authority who have much to answer for.
hopefully i’m doing this right and it will display for you.
this is an interview with michael yeadon, former vice president and chief science officer of pfizer.
of course he has been attacked, slandered, shunned, ect, and this will never be allowed on social media, but he has taken the time to appear in an unpaid interview.
Again, the death numbers aren’t going to be accurate if the PCR tests are being used incorrectly as many censored experts, including the inventor, have stated. 579,000 actual deaths solely from Covid-19 with absolutely no other co-morbidities?
There’s definitely a lot of food for thought on this subject and there seems to be groups with plenty of incentives to spin information.
What worries many censored Virologists and other Doctors are the completely unknown and long term side effects, especially those on the immune system of anyone taking round after round of these new, “approved for emergency use” yet fully untested mRNA shots.
The Government in any Country overreacting initially can be understood, but that seems to have very little to do with the continued course of lockdowns and mask mandates, arresting citizens, and censoring actual health experts and Government officials who disagree with the current narrative and have real data to share.
I wish the interview had been 3 hours long, and I hope even more information is shared with the public.
hopefully i’m doing this right and it will display for you.
this is an interview with michael yeadon, former vice president and chief science officer of pfizer.
of course he has been attacked, slandered, shunned, ect, and this will never be allowed on social media, but he has taken the time to appear in an unpaid interview.
That’s a good question. I’m just guessing here but the answer could depend on:
1) Are the countries you are referring to accurately reporting figures? Are they counting non-Covid deaths as Covid deaths, ect?
2) Taking into account that the virus is more infectious but less deadly on average than Influeza which he spoke about.
So, just because it’s infecting more people, assuming the PCR testing is accurate, that doesn’t mean more people are going to die without masking and social distancing. We do know that many, many people died from suicide due to lockdowns in developed countries, and I’m sure many, many, many more have died in 3rd world nations as a direct result of the lockdowns and malnutrition, ect.
I don’t have figures on the above examples, as I’m just thinking out loud here.
Maybe these are questions that Michael Yeadon can answer?
hopefully i’m doing this right and it will display for you.
this is an interview with michael yeadon, former vice president and chief science officer of pfizer.
of course he has been attacked, slandered, shunned, ect, and this will never be allowed on social media, but he has taken the time to appear in an unpaid interview.
If you know how to make the video play here, please feel free. I am not ver tech savvy. I have taken apart a Sega Saturn and installed a mod-chip, but that’s about it..
DD 🎮
hopefully i’m doing this right and it will display for you.
this is an interview with michael yeadon, former vice president and chief science officer of pfizer.
of course he has been attacked, slandered, shunned, ect, and this will never be allowed on social media, but he has taken the time to appear in an unpaid interview.
Hopefully I’m doing this right and it will display for you.
This is an interview with Michael Yeadon, former Vice President and Chief Science Officer of Pfizer. Of course he has been attacked, slandered, shunned, ect, and this will NEVER be allowed on Social Media, but he has taken the time to appear in an unpaid interview.
I sincerely hope you find this helpful and informative as I did when it was sent to me.
Many other Scientists have also been banned, censored, cancelled, whatever you want to call it. These aren’t tin-foil hat wearing Flat-earthers trying to contact the Halebop comet with a Speak-n-spell and an umbrella, these are real Scientists.
I challenge you to listen objectively with an open mind, and if you take issue with what he says, don’t tell me, email him. Also, don’t immediately discount it simply based on where it has been posted. Many of us have been branded as “mentally diseased apostates” by groups with a vested interest is keeping us quiet, so we should at least be able to remain objective.
as if the chinese haven't already done enough to the world recently, they have now let a 22 ton rocket go out of control and start falling to earth.
it's going 18,000 miles an hour and no one knows where it's going to hit but if it isn't water then it might leave a scuff mark.. the good news it is shouldn't be canada, as we're too far north.. the bad news is, well ... are you in canada or the same latitude or more north?.
chances are it will hit the pacific, but it's 2021 and the way things are going it could hit a major population area.. if it does hit anywhere with lots of people, i hope it twats the shit out of beijing..
That clip!! Lol. I forgot about that. One of the funniest things I’ve ever seen. Genius! I mean... uh racist and it should be cancelled immediately.
remember when caitlyn jenner came out as a trans woman a few years ago?.
it was stunning and brave, i'm sure you'll agree.. well, a good portion of her congratulators are now dreading the prospect of jenner becoming california governor.. you see, jenner is a republican, and has come out and said that trans women competing in women's sports is unfair (which is correct and a breath of fresh air).. so now trans people and their allies are getting ready with the smelling salts in case transwoman caitlyn jenner wins the race.
Better eat your Wheaties!!