I don’t know how carefully you watched the interview, but he’s very clear ( 40+ years of experience/former Chief Science Officer for Pfizer..🤔 ) about the minuscule threat of “variants.”
What better way to spread fear than to use the threat of variant strains?
First the lockdowns were for a month, and even Faucci was saying masks were ineffective. There’s WHO official doctors saying masks are ineffective in interviews and clips, ect. What changed?
Was it faulty PCR testing combined with the Media who automatically equated case numbers with death numbers and ran with it? Did Bill Gates and Faucci who are heavily invested in the success of the vaccine rollout just decide to tell everyone what reality is??
When you have Bill Gates an admitted Eugenics advocate funding almost every major “Health” organization and heavily involved with the UN, and Faucci, the most influential person in the world of “Gain of function” research then there should at least be an eyebrow raised...
Faucci moved the work to Wu-Han, and there’s a couple Mainstream journalist reporting on this with one recently appearing on the Joe Rogan Podcast. So, the story isn’t as simple as a “variant” strain appeared in a food market, and now more “variants” are on the way...
Let’s say they are right. Well, you can’t stop variants. Not even their miraculously perfectly working mRNA shots can do that, so what’s the point of endless lockdowns that can’t stop variants? What’s the point of mask mandates and arresting people at stadiums for taking their masks off to eat while social distancing? What’s the point of vaccine passports if everyone is going to repeatedly get some kind of variant?
Let’s say they are right and the mRNA shots make you immune. What’s the point of forcing others to vaccinate? You’re immune now, your family is immune, and you can’t stop variants so you’re going to get another infection and another shot. Who cares about anyone who doesn’t want it? They will die off, right?
But, what if the truth is that your immune system, if healthy, will kill Covid-19 and cheap medications will kill it as well making a 99% survival rate for most people a reality?
If that’s the truth then there are many, many people in positions of authority who have much to answer for.