20,000 dead huh?? Well, look on the brightside.. The Elderly and Infirm section just got smaller..
1) I don’t believe the idiot GB or anyone in the writing department has a clue as to how those Dubs died, or their medical history. Were they like many Dubs, obese, closet alcoholics, on Big Pharma’s pain meds and unhealthy, waiting for Jesus to cure them? Where are the autopsy reports?
2) How many Dubs have needlessly died by refusing lifesaving medical treatments in the form of blood transfusions? Don’t tell me the GB care about people dying from Covid-19, if that’s even what happened and if that number is to be believed. Since when do Dubs give accurate numbers about anything, other than what involves $$$?
The mouthpiece of God is living in fear because they are brainwashed by “Satanic” Media who can’t be trusted under normal circumstances. So much so that are pressuring Dubbies to get the MRNA jabs as part of the ongoing, real-time experiment. If there ever was a time to be “Anti-Vax” wouldn’t it be now? We are in the last of the last of the last days and the Merchants, Kings, and Babylon The Great ( RCC ) are uniting to push a Genetic Therapy into your created body, all the while shitting on Jeehoober’s creation (Natural, non-patented compounds) and making synthetic versions to make Trillions.
Where is your faith GB????