Your welcome Just Kidding. If you want to read the whole thing or share it with someone its found in 95 WT 10/15 issue page 29. I have never seen a article that warns AGAINST too much zeal as a trap.
Posts by BU2B
Attention AMIII! you need to read WATCH OUT FOR SELF RIGHTEOUSNESS- A WT you would never see today!
by BU2B ini was reading an article from a '95 wt called "watch out for self righteousness" it exposes amiii as a true pharisee by their own definition.
the style and content sound a lot like ray franz but it obviously was not.
i am confident you would never see an article like this in todays wt land.
Anthony Morris The Third
by Yondaime inwhen i am3 was going to speak i was ecstatic to hear this lunatic embarass himself.
after the propaganda indoctrination session, a relative asked me what my spiritual goals were, i told em i want to become a servant before i turn 23 so i could get laid.
Even strong counsel can be given with a loving tone. Tony the turd has an obvious condescending disdain for the Rank and File. He should be trying to build people up, not tear them down.
How is spandex talked about, yet common kindness and love and good qualities are not??
The WT would never print that jogging pants are unacceptable while Jogging. I cannot get over the arrogance that one "imperfect man" thinks he can tell other grown adults what to wear. Its one thing to give counsel on what to wear to bethel or the KH. Now they are branching out into everyday clothing. The control grows.
Why is being tardy to "morning worship" more important than helping the sick or lonely.
Anthony Morris The Third
by Yondaime inwhen i am3 was going to speak i was ecstatic to hear this lunatic embarass himself.
after the propaganda indoctrination session, a relative asked me what my spiritual goals were, i told em i want to become a servant before i turn 23 so i could get laid.
How are his comments on clothing not "man made" laws? How is wearing workout clothes to work out inappropiate? How was his talk NOT pharasiacal? Can a honest dub say that he resembles Jesus more than the Scribes and Pharisees?
Attention AMIII! you need to read WATCH OUT FOR SELF RIGHTEOUSNESS- A WT you would never see today!
by BU2B ini was reading an article from a '95 wt called "watch out for self righteousness" it exposes amiii as a true pharisee by their own definition.
the style and content sound a lot like ray franz but it obviously was not.
i am confident you would never see an article like this in todays wt land.
I was reading an article from a '95 Wt called "Watch out for self righteousness" It exposes AMIII as a true pharisee by their own definition. The style and content sound a lot like Ray Franz but it obviously was not. I am confident you would NEVER see an article like this in todays WT land. Here are some Highlights!
IN THE first century, the Pharisees enjoyed the good reputation of being righteous worshipers of God. They were earnest students of the Scriptures and prayed frequently. Some people viewed them as being gentle and reasonable. Jewish historian Josephus wrote: “The Pharisees are affectionate to each other and cultivate harmonious relations with the community.” No wonder they were probably the most respected and highly regarded individuals in Jewish society at that time!
True, they offered long prayers while standing in public places, but this was just to be seen by others, as Jesus said. Their worship was a mere charade. They were fond of prominent places at evening meals and the front seats in the synagogues. While all Jews were obliged to wear fringes on their garments, the Pharisees tried to impress people by wearing excessively long fringes. They were proud to display their enlarged scripture-containing cases worn as amulets. (Matthew 6:5; 23:5-8) Their hypocrisy, their greed, and their arrogance finally brought them disgrace.
Sound familiar yet??
Jesus voiced God’s rejection of the Pharisees: “You hypocrites, Isaiah aptly prophesied about you, when he said, ‘This people honors me with their lips, yet their heart is far removed from me. It is in vain that they keep worshiping me, because they teach commands of men as doctrines.’” (Matthew 15:7-9) Their righteousness was really self-righteousness. Understandably, Jesus warned his disciples: “Watch out for the leaven of the Pharisees.” (Luke 12:1) Today, we too must “watch out” for self-righteousness or guard against becoming religious hypocrites.
In doing so, we should recognize that a person does not become self-righteous overnight. Rather, this tendency creeps in progressively over a period of time. Even inadvertently an individual can acquire the undesirable traits of the Pharisees.
As imperfect humans we may occasionally feel that we are better than others because of our natural abilities or advantages. But Christians should quickly dismiss such thoughts. You may have many years of experience in Christian living. You may be a skillful Bible teacher. Or perhaps you profess to have been anointed to reign with Christ in heaven. Some in the congregation enjoy special privileges as full-time ministers, elders, or ministerial servants. Ask yourself, ‘How would Jehovah feel if I were to use what he has given me as a basis to feel superior to others?’ Surely, this would displease him.—Philippians 2:3, 4.
How does the above paragraph harmonize with AMIII saying that any man who does not have "special privleges" is NOT a suitable marriage mate?? Is that not making them superior to others? Again- Sound Familiar after that Zone meeting??
“Stop Judging”
According to one Bible encyclopedia, a self-righteous person “considers himself either morally upright or in right standing with God because of his adherence to the letter of legal requirements without regard to their spirit.” Another work describes the self-righteous as “excessively religious people who spend all their time seeking out wickedness in others.”
The Pharisees were guilty of this. In time their man-made rules seemed more important than God’s laws and principles. (Matthew 23:23; Luke 11:41-44) They appointed themselves judges and were prone to condemn anyone who did not meet their self-righteous standards. Their superior attitude and exaggerated self-esteem generated a need to control other people. Their inability to control Jesus enraged them, so they plotted his murder.—John 11:47-53.
How unpleasant it is to be in the company of someone who sets himself up as judge, always looking for faults, scrutinizing and policing everyone around him. Really, no one in the congregation has the authority to impose on others his opinions and self-made rules. (Romans 14:10-13) Balanced Christians realize that many aspects of daily life fall into the realm of personal decision. Especially must those who have a tendency to be perfectionists and demanding avoid judging others.
True, the Christian congregation is authorized to have guidelines that contribute to the smooth operation of Jehovah’s earthly organization. (Hebrews 13:17) But some have distorted these guidelines or have added their own rules. In one area all students in the Theocratic Ministry School had to wear suits and button up their jackets when delivering a talk. A student who failed to do so would be disqualified from giving future talks. Rather than make such hard-and-fast rules, would it not be more reasonable and in harmony with the spirit of God’s Word to give kindly, personal guidance as needed?—James 3:17.
Self-righteousness may also promote the view that if a Christian is undergoing many personal difficulties, he must be spiritually deficient. That is precisely what self-righteous Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar thought about faithful Job. They did not have a complete picture of the situation, so it was presumptuous for them to accuse Job of wrongdoing. Jehovah disciplined them for their distorted evaluation of Job’s trials.—See Job, chapters 4, 5, 8, 11, 18, 20.
Misguided Zeal
Self-righteousness and zeal are often interrelated. The apostle Paul spoke of religiously inclined Jews as having “zeal for God; but not according to accurate knowledge; for, because of not knowing the righteousness of God but seeking to establish their own, they did not subject themselves to the righteousness of God.” (Romans 10:2, 3) As a Pharisee, Paul himself had been extremely zealous, though his zeal was misguided, not based on Jehovah’s righteousness.—Galatians 1:13, 14; Philippians 3:6.
Appropriately the Bible admonishes: “Do not become righteous overmuch, nor show yourself excessively wise. Why should you cause desolation to yourself?” (Ecclesiastes 7:16) In the congregation a Christian may start out conscientious, but his conscientiousness and zeal can degenerate into self-righteousness. When guided by human wisdom rather than by Jehovah’s righteousness, religious zeal can hurt others. How?
Parents, for example, may become overly occupied in attending to the spiritual needs of others, and in the process they may neglect the needs of their own family. Or parents may be excessively zealous, demanding more of their children than they can possibly do. (Ephesians 6:4; Colossians 3:21) Some children, unable to meet such unreasonable demands, respond by leading a double life. A reasonable parent will take into account the limitations of his family and make appropriate adjustments.—Compare Genesis 33:12-14.
Extreme zeal can also deprive us of tact, empathy, and tenderness, which are vital in our dealings with others. A person may work very hard to advance Kingdom interests. However, his extreme zeal may hurt people along the way. Paul said: “If I have the gift of prophesying and am acquainted with all the sacred secrets and all knowledge, and if I have all the faith so as to transplant mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. And if I give all my belongings to feed others, and if I hand over my body, that I may boast, but do not have love, I am not profited at all.”—1 Corinthians 13:2, 3.
How does Tony the Turd stack up when compared to this article? I will let you be the judge.
by nowwhat? inin my previous post, i mentioned i am now out but wanted to go to the branch meeting anyway.
i am so thank ful i did!
if there was any lingering doubt that i was making the right decision, tony's rants gave me total clarity.
I asked my wife if discussing tight pants and punctuality are more important matters to address than showing love and kindness to others, something that is fading by the month among JWs. I told her that that talk will only make the controlling elder bodies, and judgemental gossipers worse. Elders will "MAN UP" and talk to people about their clothing choices.
Inactive ones are bloodguilty?
by dissonance_resolved ini've been thinking about brother morris' statement at the zone meeting this past weekend that inactive ones are bloodguilty.
bloodguilt is defined as "guilty of murder or manslaughter.
" murder is #1 on the list of disfellowshipping offenses- all they would have to do is change the wording from "murder" to "bloodguilt" and suddenly there you have grounds to disfellowship anyone who's inactive.
His talk will spawn a new wave of judgementalism, rule making and gossip among uber dubs. Just imagine the gossip if a sister wants to marry a nice brother, but he is not a MS yet. Imagine everyone trying to discourage it because something must be wrong with his spirituality. Now they have AMIII talk as ammo.
Imagine hateful the gossip of sisters discussing others clothing choices. This was already prevalent, but now will be worse since they wil feel justified after that talk. Imagine if sisters see another sister in the park jogging IN JOGGING PANTS! THE SCANDAL! THE HORROR!
Now peoples SPIRITUALITY will be judged openly by others.
I asked my wife, who sees the lack of love among JWs if wearing tight pants or being on time is more important than treating people like crap? The pharisees dressed modestly, yet were judgemental, merciless cruel people. The GB only cares about outward things- Tight pants, cleavge, FS time, not watching certain movies etc.. But do not seem to care about how people treat one another or loving one another.
Tony the turd says a god of understanding and mercy is "not the God he knows" which explains his insensitve, biting words. If he is one of "Christs Brothers" then he is Cain out of the group.
What is more disturbing is that I am beginning to get the distinct feeling that this tyrant is the new "Don" of the GB, the head honcho. This makes sense since he seems to have the most dominant abrasive way about him. The blood ban, child abuse issue, etc will never change with such a heartless man at the helm. Compare him to men like Sydlik, Barr, and Swingle. Even though these men were responsible for some bad things, they at least came across as loving and caring. In the case of Swingle, Ray Franz said he agreed with him on most things, but would not stand up like he did. Swingle was sympathetic to Franz. Of course you still had your unloving hard asses like Barber and Jaracz.
Nowadays from my perspective, the GB seems to be filled with either Buffoons and wierdos like Lett and Splane, Yes men like Sanderson, and strict pharisees like Morris. Just like on elder bodies, usually the most dominant personality rules, so it would make sense the GB would be the same.
If Morris is in control of the GB the increasingly controlling tone in the WT makes sense. For chrissakes The conclusion of his talk was him SCREAMING OBEY THE FAITHFUL SLAVE and BE BLESSED! I told my wife that it made me feel uncomfortable because he essentially said OBEY ME AND YOU GET TO LIVE! The arrogance is getting worse. He reminds me of a despotic dictator growing more tyrannical and narcissistic over time. The rhetoric will only grow worse.
Got ratted out for celebrating Halloween...
by cognac inone of two things will happen.
i'll get disfellowshipped and never have to worry about being "told on" again for living a normal life, or; they won't do anything.. either way, it's freeing and i feel relieved... it will be sad if i get disfellowshipped but i've come to terms and made peace with it as much as can be expected.
it's a huge weight to have off.. was told on a week ago and haven't heard anything.
Just deny it. Use the trusty 2 witness rule to your advantage!
US Zone visit
by obarac inanyone will atend?.
how we can follow this meeting?.
anyone will inform us live?.
Saying that if you don't push yourself and have a full share in the FS theN god will look down and see blood on your hands and kill you is the ultimate guilt trip.
Zone Visit: An Announcement That Will "Test Your Faith"
by breakfast of champions inthis is the scuttlebutt in one of the "bethel congregations" by us.. no details as to exactly what this "faith-testing" announcement might be.. anyone else hear any of this pre-zone visit hype?.
Wow boc- that's good progress.
i am actually happy Morris did not give an upbuilding talk. I don't think he could anyways, and every talk I have ever heard has been condescending, critical and hateful.
I notice little things that give insight onto a persons character. When he was talking about bible studies being being down, ddf anyone notice how he said how they TRIEDto simplify the reporting system for you! He said it with such a manipulative tone.
Also at the end when he yelled out how obedient people in the new world will have LISTEN TO GOD, OBEY THE FDS, AND BE BLESSED AND LIVE FOREVER! It was creepy to have him essentially saying. OBEY ME AND YOU WILL GET TO LIVE FOREVER! And this after his opinionated hateful rant. What right does he have to say you can't wear workout clotWes while working out!! Omg.
The worst part was him saying ahow if you don't marry a MS or elder you are not spiritual, and the marriage is doomed! How is that even said?? Or the father of 7 lamenting his 2 youngest, WHO WERE STILL WITNESSES, just because they did not SERVE they were failures. I wonder how many felt like walking out. I wonder what JWs truly feel about that talk. No mention of mercy etc. he set the stage now for even more judgemental ism among the JW rank and file and elders. People Weill now feel justified in being hateful and petty, gossiping if they see a sister jogging in anything other than baggy sweatpants. The control was textbook cult, i wish someone could dents Steve Hassan a copy of this.
how can anyone who has read the gospels thin JC would approve of this man or his vile words! For him to say that if you don't like this information, take it up with god as he holds up a wt printout. he is saying god wrote it! Can he get any more arrogant?? Who cannot see these guys have gotten really really full of themselves? If this is not arrogance, can a JW give me an example?
How to Knock Nazi Elders off their high horse
by suavojr inthe borg has many inconsistencies, when the topic is helping humble and honest people achieve their full potential.
consider a working man who works 40 to 60 hours a week and still manages to show up to all the meetings, participate, do all of his assigned work within the kh, but his ministry has slipped to 8 hours per month.
this same man is working hard to move up within the ranks only to get shut down without even knowing.. .
Good points Suavojr- I have been taken off the reader list for the WT and Bible study. Yet I am still good enough for mikes. No explanation to me was given. I have not turned in time for 4 months and they have stopped asking. Maybe that has something to do with it..