There is evidence that GMOs are dangerous. Most of the EU and Russia has banned their importation and cultivation.
so, the anti-gmo movement scored another victory today.
chipotle has opted to only use non-gmo food items.. hooray for them.
i'm pretty neutral on the subject, mostly because, other than questionable treatment of farmers, i have seen no evidence to avoid gmo's for health reasons.. basically, my neutrality boils down to the stance that i'll buy non-gmo, so long as the price is reasonable.
There is evidence that GMOs are dangerous. Most of the EU and Russia has banned their importation and cultivation.
so i dropped this comment to someone from "my" congregation...... "i just don't like being lied to".... this was in response to their attempt to become my 'bff' (i'm sarcastically using the expression 'best friends forever' here).
i ran into them in the street.
they started chatting all about the cong gossip, teachings, upcoming witness events etc.... i was just quiet and not really contributing to the conversation.. when she asked "so what's new with you?
we - as in we jws - say that the memorial is our only holiday.back in my young days when i was still living at home, my mom would buy us (or as we got older and made our own money, make us buy) new suits for the memorial.
my mom would put on her best dress which she probably only bought for the memorial.
she would say, it is our only holiday so we should dress special for it.
we - as in we jws - say that the memorial is our only holiday.back in my young days when i was still living at home, my mom would buy us (or as we got older and made our own money, make us buy) new suits for the memorial.
my mom would put on her best dress which she probably only bought for the memorial.
she would say, it is our only holiday so we should dress special for it.
Its nothing special, the same as every other meeting, the outline consiting mainly of warning why you should NOT partake EVERY YEAR! Why then do people view it as special? Because it is hyped up in the KM as memorial SEASON, there is a lower aux pioneer hour requirement, there is a campaign, etc. It is special because they SAY it is!
Even more perplexing is why the "special talk" is considered any different than any other public talk! The only difference I can see is that the same outline is being used in every KH around the world that week! Thats it!
what is the wackiest...strangest....most unusual jw teaching or practice?
what is the wackiest...strangest....most unusual jw teaching or practice?
There are many baffling beliefs and practices of JWs that are shared with other groups, so I will try to stick to something that is unique to them.
The fact that JWs have believed for 100 years that they may NEVER DIE is the craziest, most delusional belief! Everything that has ever lived, plant, animal, human, fungus, microbe, EVERYTHING that has ever lived HAS DIED, yet they insist that if you obey a group of men in NYC you will be the exception. It baffles me that I once thought this. They think they will cheat death when nothing ever has. They then build and structure their whole lives from what career to choose, higher education, marriage and children etc around this delusion.
oh, there is one brother that keeps prattling on about "the 5 pillars of faith and worship".
- prayer.
- personal study.
i am most curious.
i'm in contact with service and writing and brochure first step there bleeding publishers they can't take it anymore publishers are depressed because they feel they must shun others and they know it's unloving.
am i alone in this feeling?
i wish i could muster the cojones needed to tell my husband "i want a divorce, move away, not be a jw anymore!".
i find myself screaming these same words over and loud inside my mind, several times a day, and yet on the outside my actions could not be more opposed to these inner feelings.. sometimes i worry that this internal conflict will cause me to go crazy.
I can relate to the way you feel. A few times a week I dream of packing up and running away, maybe joining the coast guard, backpacking through europe, or anything to get away, far away from the kingdom hall or anyone who would try to guilt me into returning.
I do love my wife but I do not feel close to her anymore. I do not think our marriage would survive being a "divided house" so the only options seem to be either fake it and watch my children be indoctrinated, or leave the KH alltogether and deal with a angry wife and mother, insecure sad kids, and a probable failure of the marriage. I dont think I could live day in day out in a marriage where I am the worldly "bad guy". If the marriage ended in divorce, my wife would likely get the kids the vast majority of the time seeing as I work so much and my wife has a daycare. It is a very bad place to be in.
I still hold out hope for my wife. She sees some hypocricy/lack of love but its still "gods organization". Things are made even harder by the fact that I am basically an athiest, and would be dishonest for me to teach my kids about god when I do not believe. My wife shows them caleb and sophia videos and I am powerless to stop it. I just want my daughters to think for themselves, not because of what I or anyone else tells them. I want them to draw their own conclusions.
For now, I take things one day at a time, because if I dont I will be overwhelmed. I try to do as little as possible JW related, and enjoy life as best I can. Whatever will be will be-que sera sera.
I guess I just mean to let you know you are not alone, and I take comfort in knowing I am not alone either. Its good to know we are all here for each other.