The most irritating thing is that they say the bible has laws and priciples. Ok fair enough. The problem is that the GB has seen fit to define said principles and make hundreds of mini laws relating to them. There is no room for the individual to work out how a certain principle may apply or not apply to them.
For instance, the scripture about modesty. Tony has told us straight up that yoga pants are NOT APPROPRIATE, and no one OF SOUND MIND would wear them and THATS ALL THERE IS TO IT. He has taken a principle and made it into law. If a JW woman as an individual decided they were not modest FOR HER thats fine. If another decided they were modest THATS FINE TOO! They are for the individual to decide between them and god how to apply the principle. 100 years ago a glimpse of stocking was looked on as something shocking :). Now it is not. Fashions change and what is modest at one time and place is not in another time and place. Its not for Tony "Assclown" Morris to decide.