This is repugnant. They know that a child who is exposed to this, and wants to do the "right thing" AKA pleasing their parents and other authority figures will now be bugging their parents to get baptized because its kewl. Kids like to imitate what they see and when they are told that it will please the "imaginary" Jehovah they will do what they are told. Kids already have active imaginations so believing in the big "sky-daddy" isnt too hard. Plus almost all the adults around them believe in it, and those who do not are nothing more than someone to give a tract to.
I truly believe I have either great strength or incredible weakness that I do not blow my fuse. My oldest daughter is 5 now and is exposed to this garbage, and it IS WORKING. My wife shows her these videos on the IPad as do my parents. I cant stand it and it is ruining my life. I could be having a good day, mowing the lawn, and having a cold beer or going out to eat with my family and THEN my daughter may say something she saw on the videos. Just the other day she threw out a little "magic toy pony" because it was magic and Jehovah hates it. She said she feels proud and good to do it. My wife was sitting there the whole time so what could I say? 5 year olds think in black and white, something is either good or bad.. No middle ground. I try to draw her out and get her to think, but that is really not to effective at her age, neither am I a child psychologist/miracle worker. It ripped my heart out and I proceeded to drink tequila until my pain was numbed and I didnt care about much and the thoughts slowed down in my head.