From the foreward:
"First of all, I sincerely hope that neither my words nor my experiences will be interpreted as some kind of revenge, or the result of any bitter feelings, or a witchhunt aimed at Jehovah's Witnesses. However, I must admit to having such feelings when I discovered that I had been deceived for several decades by false and divergent teaching regarding Jesus and His so-called "Second Coming" in 1914. At first, during the period of change from the old to the new way of life, I felt bitterness, aggression and resentment for all those who had both misled me and presented me with a false hope, and these negative feelings must no doubt have been evident in the first interviews and talks I gave after leaving Jehovah's Witnesses.
All that is left now is a burning desire to help Jehovah's Witnesses. When I meet them on the street I greet them and I long to talk with them. But this I cannot do, for the Watchtower Society forbids all Jehovah's Witnesses to talk to former members. They are not even allowed to greet me!
Nevertheless I pray for them all, and I pray that God will open their eyes. The Watchtower Society depicts me as an apostate. Rumors are spread all over Norway that I have been guilty of embezzlement and "wife swapping", in fact that I have led a very debauched sex life. Since no one dares to make these accusations openly, I cannot "prove" that they are false by taking legal action, and although many Jehovah's Witnesses might wish to greet me, they dare not do so because this has been prohibited by the leaders, who have described me as an "evil servant". A Witnesses seen talking to me could risk being disfellowshiped.
Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that other people are informed about how the Jehovah's Witnesses cult is built up, how the system itself - the Watchtower hierarchy - is formed, and the effect on each individual member of the cult. Not least is this important for psychologists and other medical personnel who may have to treat Jehovah's Witnesses, who are riddled with phobia and misconceptions implanted by the Watchtower Society.
Therefore, it is my hope that this book will help to reveal the way a Witnesses thinks, and the sort of methods and tactics the Society employs to keep control over the minds of its members. " - Joseph Wilting