If my memory is still working, "Mr. Coffee" was disfellowhipped for smoking. He felt that drinking coffee was as addictive as smoking. I remembered seeing him there and the Brother we were visiting mentioned that.
the recent post on how we felt about apostates when we were dubs made me remember something, which i touched on in the post.
when i was 11 my entire damn family visited bethel in brooklyn.
there was a grey-haired older fellow that stayed outside the facility yelling at the top of his lungs.
If my memory is still working, "Mr. Coffee" was disfellowhipped for smoking. He felt that drinking coffee was as addictive as smoking. I remembered seeing him there and the Brother we were visiting mentioned that.
i find myself interested in linguistics and especially ebonics and have discovered that despite the fact that i am a "whiteboy" i can "ebonicize" about anything(poem,song,letter,whatever).
so if you want/need anything translated into ebonics please give me the opportunity to do it for you.
i find myself interested in linguistics an' especially ebonics an' gots discovered dat despite da fact dat i be uh "whiteboy" i can "ebonicize" about anything(poem,song,letter,whatever).
Anybody for y'allbonics?
>The Association of Southern Schools has decided to pursue some of the seemingly endless taxpayer dollar pipeline through Washington designating Southern slang, or y'allbonics, as a language to be taught in all Southern schools. The following are excerpts from the Y'allbonics/English dictionary.
>HEIDI - (noun) - Greeting.
>HIRE YEW - Complete sentence. Remainder of greeting. Usage "Heidi, Hire yew ?"
>BARD - (verb) - Past tense of the infinitive "to borrow." Usage "My brother bard my pickup truck."
>JAWJUH - (noun) - The state north of Florida. Capitol is Lanner. Usage "My brother from Jawjuh bard my pickup truck."
>BAMMER - (noun) - The state west of Jawjuh. Capitol is Berminhayum. Usage "A tornader jes went through Bammer an' left $20,000,000 in improvements."
>MUNTS - (noun) - A calendar division. Usage "My brother from Jawjuh bard my pickup truck, and I ain't
>herd from him in munts."
>THANK - (verb) - Cognitive process. Usage "Ah thank ah'll have a bare."
>BARE - (noun) - An alcoholic beverage made of barley, hops, and yeast. Usage "Ah thank ah'll have a bare."
>IGNERT - (adjective) - Not smart. See "Arkansas native." Usage "Them bammer boys sure are ignert !"
>RANCH - (noun) - A tool used for tight'nin' bolts. Usage "I thank I left my ranch in the back of that
>pickup truck my brother from Jawjuh bard a few munts ago."
>ALL - (noun) - A petroleum-based lubricant. Usage "I sure hope my brother from Jawjuh puts all in my pickup
>FAR - (noun) - A conflagration. Usage "If my brother from Jawjuh don't change the all in my pickup truck,
>that thing's gonna catch far."
>TAR - (noun) - A rubber wheel. Usage "Gee, I hope that brother of mine from Jawjuh don't git a flat tar in my
>pickup truck."
>TIRE - (noun) - A tall monument. Usage "Lord willin' and the creek don't rise, I sure do hope to see that
>Eiffel Tire in Paris sometime."
>RETARD - (verb) - To stop working. Usage "My grampaw retard at age 65."
>FAT - (noun), (verb) - a battle or combat; to engage in battle or combat. Usage "You younguns keep fat'n,
>n' ah'm gonna whup y'uh."
>RATS - (noun) - Entitled power or privilege. Usage "We Southerners are willin' to fat for are rats."
>CHEER - (adverb) In this place. Usage Just set that bare rat cheer.
>FARN - (adjective) - Not domestic. Usage "I cuddint unnerstand a wurd he sed ... must be from some farn
>DID - (adjective) - Not alive. Usage "He's did, Jim."
>ARE - (noun) - A colorless, odorless gas. Oxygen. Usage "He cain't breathe ... give 'im some ARE !"
>BOB WAR - (noun) - A sharp, twisted cable. Usage "Boy, stay away from that bob war fence."
>HAZE - a contraction. Usage "Is Bubba smart ?
>Nah...haze ignert. He ain't thanked but a minnit'n 'is laf."
>SEED - (verb) - past tense of "to see". Usage "Billy Bob seed Bubba over'ta the fill'n station yester'd."
>VIEW - contraction (verb) and pronoun. Usage "I ain't never seed New York City ... view ?"
>GUBMINT - (noun) - A bureaucratic institution. Usage "Them gubmint boys shore is ignert.
it appears that the wts will "spin" the facts behind the longo story, so that the "reality" of his past, and the "negative reality" of "disfellowshipping and shunning" never be communicated to the general public.. bearing in mind that he was reared as the son of an elder, and may have once even been a ms himself, pay close attention to the wording used to describe longo's association with jws:.
initially christian attended the kingdom hall with maryjane and the kids.. .
also note the quote regarding possible "pastoral visits" and "meeting attendance".
The fact that Mary Jane's sister admitted that when Chris was disfellowshipped it even isolated her from her family. So the whole family suffered because of it.
I have been told that in the latest Elders school they further encouraged families to stay away from disfellowshipped relatives to please Jehovah.
While we do not know all the facts, we do know that a family has suffered horribly and Chris Longo must be going through trauma every second. I am hoping that the trial will give insight into his feelings.
it appears that the wts will "spin" the facts behind the longo story, so that the "reality" of his past, and the "negative reality" of "disfellowshipping and shunning" never be communicated to the general public.. bearing in mind that he was reared as the son of an elder, and may have once even been a ms himself, pay close attention to the wording used to describe longo's association with jws:.
initially christian attended the kingdom hall with maryjane and the kids.. .
also note the quote regarding possible "pastoral visits" and "meeting attendance".
After reading the various news accounts, I wonder if Chris Longo didn't have a chemical imbalance. In particular the one that causes Bi-polar disorder. This disorder manifests itself with making poor judgments, wild spending sprees, grandiose opinions of who they are and what they can do, etc. etc. There is a list in the DSM manual.
Unfortunately, since most are unaware of the symptoms and just feel a person should 'shape up' the problem goes untreated while proper 'meds' and counseling can help a person live a productive life.
IF ( big IF) he was in fact suffering from such a disorder the last thing he would need is to be cut off from any support system that would be available to him. He probably was not aware of mental health support groups that can help such ones by discussing their problems and what they do to cope. Most people with a chemical imbalance are unaware they have a problem. They need a good shrink to diagnose and treat and then a support system is a must.
The human psyche' is extremely delicate and is kind of like a 'humpty dumpty' that when broken cannot be put back together again.
In theory the WT says that elders will call on disfellowshipped ones but in reality most do not bother. It is a rarity to see shepherding visits on those disfellowshipped. I have observed that the policy ' out of sight - out of mind', is in force. Unless a person begs and begs and begs, there is little interest in those who have been booted out.
Living in a world that has undue stress on everyone, trying to understand the mental, emotional, physical condition is impossible. it is in the best interest to cut others some slack. We have no concept what pressures they face and what is their capacity of coping with these stresses and what is the breaking point.
was it ever determined whether or not he was an actual jw?
i remember when it happened, but didn't know about this letter till much later.. .
No he wasn't a witness. He had studied with the witnesses but had become involved with other things (Day trading etc.). His son was into the Boy scouts which would have been unacceptable as a JW.
were they liars for the watchtower?
some forum members have made much of the letter from the portuguese branch of the jehovahs witnesses, explaining why the watchtower affiliated with the united nations department of public information; they believe it contradicts a similar letter from britain.
in this post i rebut that argument.
I thought the same thing 10/4.
I read the posts under 'scandal' and he would not give an inch when there was proven refutation to the contrary.
He is much too passionate and shrewd in his arguments to be a disinterested person. He acknowledges all the things that have been hurtful - but those things are disproportionate to the immensity of the UN/WT situation. I think it's called 'theocratic strategy. (sp?)
I would just be happy if I would have seen straightforward answers in the past to a lot of things. I can understand errors, but admission and apology makes a difference. The 4 most important words are: 'I made a mistake.' The 2 most important words are: 'I'm sorry'
We had been taught to 'out' even small indiscretions and they used them over our heads. I hate to say it, but I fear a double standard here. At least the circumstantial evidence points that way.
were they liars for the watchtower?
some forum members have made much of the letter from the portuguese branch of the jehovahs witnesses, explaining why the watchtower affiliated with the united nations department of public information; they believe it contradicts a similar letter from britain.
in this post i rebut that argument.
I am inclined to believe that Joseph Alword is putting up smoke and mirrors on his web page and is ACTUALLY a lawyer in the legal department of the Society and is trying to "tone" down the storm.
the following is an old post on the ho2.
its a little long but if you have a little time it tells a story about how to be an elder inside jw .
between love and me - part i. its late night and im just coming home from another long elder meeting.
I remember that post from H2O. I also remember when you came on and I had e-mailed you to discuss some of your thoughts as well as an identity matter. You replied and then I lost track of you. (I posted under a different screen name)
It is good to hear that you still walk the tight rope with a delicate balance. We will all stand before the judgment seat of God - individually, and no one should force us to deny our conscience as Jehovah holds us accountable individually.
I find much encouragment from my personal Bible reading. It gives me time to get away from the "forest of ideas" (many human ideas - even my own) and get direction on what path is right for me to follow. Needless to say following the path that Jesus forged is always right. He says that his yoke is kindly and his load is light. When the yoke becomes oppressive and the load heavy then something is wrong. It's time for self examination. Taking out the compass that points to due north will send us in the direction of Jehovah and his spirit which will help us make a proper evaluation and give us peace.
Peace is not something that comes to us automatically. It is something we pursue, something we chase after, something we make and something that we can share. Your post shows that you agonize over many things but continue to seek peace- with yourself, your family and your cong,and most of all Jehovah.
Never allow anyone to separate you from this peace that is proof that the spirit of Jehovah is resting on you. Learn from the examples of the Israelites who as a nation were approved and then cast off. Yet individuals maintained their approved relationship and had a measure of peace. As a nation they had peace and Almighty support and threw it all away.
No matter what happens even just one person can make a difference. A difference for him/herself as well as those in your immediate circle.
i posted a question in november on whether i should da - and i got a surprising level of response - i was also swayed towards not 'playing the wt game'.. however, i feel i want closure.. please see below the letter i have just finished writing - i plan to post it later this week, but would like to know your opinions:.
1) should i send it - yes or no.
You said: The Watchtower Society has been denouncing the UN and its predecessor the League of Nations for 80 years, believing them to be a world empire of false religion, predicted in the Book of Revelation
Just one small point. The League and UN have NEVER been considered as the World empire of false religion. They come under the guise of the wild beast. Remember the beast that was and is not and becomes the 8th king? It's political.
hi all,.
all my experience is that once a jw begins to question the organization, a irreversible progression sets in that leads inexorably to a total disaffection with the organization that no amount of ``shepherding'' can change.. so my question to you all is: can we document one single case in which a disgruntled ex-jw was successfully reactivated/restored to loyal dubdom?
(my impression is that the efficacy of elders' ``shepherding calls'' is a myth, a total waste of time).
I agree wholeheartedly with your observation. Unfortunately there are a lot of people who would like to help with the 'mundane' jobs but in most cases it's control and power. Involving all those who are in good standing makes all feel valuable. It makes the work light and during the process people get to 'know' each other better. In a relaxed atmosphere like counting the literature or other simple jobs it does not require shepherding techniques. It's kind of like expecting a surgeon to take care of a matter that a nurse or a receptionist could handle as well. Let his expertise be put to good use to handle major areas.
Paul said that love believes all things. Where is that 'trust' that we need to have of others. Who says that we need a 'mother hen cluck' who needs to do all the grain finding, scratching and overseeing the little chicks? Let them grow up! ( I guess you can tell that I'm a farmer at heart.)
But too many PO's are into the 'carrot treatment'. They hold out the carrot but never quite let the horse get it. Too often if they have managed to get hold of the carrot they jerk it back out of their mouth and pull a few teeth with it. This is the problem with giving 'little people' a major responsibility. They fail to get the whole picture and this is serious because lives are being ruined due to poor training.
Until there is a realization that Christianity is a team effort and there is no place for people sitting on the sidelines. Everybody has something of value to offer and their offering should be appreciated and encouraged. Getting back to how Jesus talked and walked is an individual decision. But that is what Christianity is still about.
I could relate to your thoughts.