I see the same phenomena sitting behind 14 yr old Sister BarbieDoll who spends the assembly writing her name in calligraphy, over and over and over......
Oh my ghod I used to do that. It looked like I was taking notes.
despite all the fakery and non-credible statistics, there is still a lot of zeal in this organization.
five meetings a week.
are demanding all by themselves.
I see the same phenomena sitting behind 14 yr old Sister BarbieDoll who spends the assembly writing her name in calligraphy, over and over and over......
Oh my ghod I used to do that. It looked like I was taking notes.
our niece, irene, who posts here as inky, sent me an email.
her 27 year old son is getting married in two weeks, and she posted a few days ago about how he didn't invite her to his wedding.. she told me i can post it as she doesn't want to read it again.. "dear mom.
i've needed to write this letter to you for some time now.
I'm almost speechless.
To say those things to your own mother. I can't comprehend how anyone could be so hateful. It really makes me nauseous.
(((((((((Inky)))))))))) I'm very sorry. The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society has turned your son into a real asshole. I hope he comes to his senses one day and begs for your forgiveness.
Something is horribly wrong when the most heartless of drones, ones who willingly deny their own parents and children the most basic human instinct of love, are the very ones who constitute your religion's 'good examples.'
there are many reasons why we choose a username.
on this forum, aside from some of the more obvious names associated with our avatars, what does your nickname/username mean or refer to?.
some are first names.
yikes. will it ever end!
f is for farkel right?.
did he really leave or something?
i think we should have a farkel appreciation thread dont you?
No offense, but that's the wordiest I've seen you in some time.
None taken! I know. I've been the queen of one-liners lately, havent' I?
there's a spot open for COO...
I'm your Huckleberry
f is for farkel right?.
did he really leave or something?
i think we should have a farkel appreciation thread dont you?
Now there's gonna be a Cult of Teejay
Teej, you are absolutely correct. I, for example, left the jWs all on my own. I had been out for about five years before I even had a computer. I didn't even know these forums existed until I had been out for a long time.
I left because I wanted to, not because of something I read on an internet forum. I'd venture a guess that that's the case with most folks here.
This isn't being said to diminish the time and effort it takes to write those essays. But when the authors are put on a pedestal and basically worshipped, it makes me wonder if these folks didn't learn what is, in my opinion, the biggest lesson to be learned from being a witness. Quit being a follower.
One of these days, Alice. Pow! Right in the kisser!
i hate mondays!.
i also feel bad because i have been receiving subtle hints from my hubby that he may be leaving me.
we have been married for 24 years, have 4 beautiful, intelligent children (one is no longer with us), we have been though troubles, worries, the death of our darling claire, money problems - you name it - we've been there.. now - because i have different religious views to him, he doesn't think he can associate himself with me any longer.
I'm so sorry. I'll never understand how people can put their devotion to an imaginary friend ahead of their love for a real, tangible member of their own family.
f is for farkel right?.
did he really leave or something?
i think we should have a farkel appreciation thread dont you?
what Thunder said.
oh. and T
imagine a marriage that has lasted 16 years.
there are no children.
one spouse was a jw for 20 years, the other for 34. the former, male, has discovered that the jw religion is not the truth, and decides to leave.
my answer to this hypothetical question is 4.
well, we are sitting at the computers and he told me he was growing hair under his arms.
i just shook my head and said ok
well, i guess he could tell i didn't really believe him, so he pulled one out and showed it to me lol!
awww Six. So you finally got a pube, did ya?