mrsjones5 said: He wasn't a jw and he didn't seem shocked about it. His retort was that this kind of stuff goes on all over. I think you're still operating under the concept that these kinds of things are rare within the org.
Yeah, Imallcool, I think you were shocked because of what mrsjones5 said. When I was a witness I never expected things like that or child molestation. Now it doesn't surprise me at all because it happens in the real world all the time. When I was lurking here and learned about the child molestation cases I was shocked and in denial. I said to myself, "Surely that doesn't happen in Jehovah's Organization! This must be made up!" Of course it wasn't made up and it helped me wake up and see the JWs as simply another man-made religion.
Don't worry about editing your posts to please others. You can't please everyone.