I know a very young brother that got married in June of this year. They are now divorced that fast. A very credible person told me that he will get married again to another sister this October at the same Kingdom Hall where he got married in June!
I can't sleep because I just received a very shocking news more than few minutes ago
by Iamallcool 116 Replies latest jw friends
But why does it worry you? Are you out yet?
It does not worry me at all, it is way too fast.
I'd believe it when I saw it...
Unless there's an annulment or a public reproof involved, I can't see how anyone could get into and out of one marriage and into another one that fast....
I think someone's pulling a "fast" one on you....
No, he is not pulling a fast one on me at all. He also gave me the link of their engagement in the newspaper.
There's no "public reproof" involved????
Is this guy an elder's son???
Well, his step father is an elder, but his real father is never a witness.
Yeah, what ziddina said. JW land is full of drama.
ziddina, he did not tell me what kind of judicial action she got. I will ask him now.
"Full of drama"...
Hee hee hee heeee!!!
....Too true!!!