Congrats to you Esmeralda. That was a Beautiful, very moving tale. I wish you both the best in your future. Sounds like you have it all, now, and I'm very happy for you.
today, april 20th, is the fourth anniversary of a very special day in my life.. the anniversary of my rebirth.. this rebirth was not a religious experience, but it was something totally pure, amazing and healing.. it had nothing at all to do with the society, or rather, of freeing myself from it.
it was however, a giant first step in that direction.. today is the fourth anniversary of the day i got letter that changed everything.
the words on the pages were alive, and magical: they released me from my old life and for the first time.
Congrats to you Esmeralda. That was a Beautiful, very moving tale. I wish you both the best in your future. Sounds like you have it all, now, and I'm very happy for you.
i just posted this on h2o and though i'd put a copy here as well.... hi rick,.
i just thought it may be appropriate for me to express my appreciation for your site and what you have accomplished over the last few years and i'm sure will continue to do.. like many others, h2o was one of the sites which helped to open my eyes to the watchtower society and beliefs and practices of jehovahs witnesses and realise that there were things seriously wrong which a lot of other people saw as well - it wasn't just limited to our local congregation.. i did participate on h2o occasionally as caliban but never really kept up-to-date with all the posters, personalities and what was going on between them.. the reason i decided to create an alternative forum,, was because at the time it appeared that the very pro-jw community was well served by witnet and the anti-jw's had h2o but that it may have been a bit too much for the 'mildly curious' jw to visit.
my idea was to have a forum more like witnet which would gradually allow more open discussion than was allowed there without being too off putting to many as a way of introducing the issues to them more gently.. i'm sure your views and standpoints have changed over the years and mine have too.
I love the way you always take the high road. You're a class act, no doubt about it. I suspect that is why alot of people are flocking in here to this site. The atmosphere would draw them in. It's friendly,intelligent, usually calm, and respectful, much like yourself.
I would hate to see it change to become like H20. Although H20 was the first place I found on the net regarding the Borg, it was also apparent fairly quickly that alot of hate resided there, and it made me uncomfortable to always be dealing with people's huge piles of anger. I just didn't enjoy it, and still don't go there very often. When I see some of those same people coming here and trying to change the flavor of this forum to that same twisted outlook at H20, it makes me cringe, to be honest. I can slam-dunk people with the best of them, but I can't honestly say that it gives me much pleasure to do it. Better an intelligent, respectful conversation than the mindless angry drivel I see going on over there so much of the time.
In any case, thanks for maintaining this forum, and being the classy guy you are.
after a transatlantic discussion with my wife we have both reached the conclusion that we will not be posting to this board again.
though we see the board as serving a useful purpose for some, it does not at present suit the path that we have chosen to walk to extract ourselves from the wts.. this board is in an invaluable place for those of you who have recently left the wts and need a place to stretch your wings and share you hurt and pain.
but once we learn to fly, it seems important that we should leave the nest as quickly as possible, lest we become caught in a vacuum between the wts and real life.
Hi Step,
I have just started coming around again to the board, after a hiatus of a few months. I'm sorry I haven't been able to get to know you before you left. I was touched by your letter to the board. You made some VERY valid points, and I hope people take it to heart.
As RedHorseWoman said, this board used to be a place where the "high road" was taken the majority of the time, but since the H20 posters have flown in, it's been a bit of a mess, and I hope it rights itself one day soon. I'm sorry to see you go, but I completely understand.
BTW, I live in Perth, Australia, but I'm a USA citizen, originally from Missouri, which was where I attended a congregation for 20 years. I completely understand your point about not getting stuck in a place that is somewhere between the WTS and "Real life". I applaud you and your wife for striking out in a different direction. I do think it's the better one in the long run. Good luck to you in your endeavors. :-)
way to go was given the "cool site" award from netscape open directory!.
congrats to simon!.
--java...counting time at the coffee shop
Congrats, Simon! This place has grown so much in the past few months it's hardly recognizable! lol But it's thanks to the warm atmosphere you created that has gotten it so far. Thanks for your hard work!
hi guys, you have so supportive with asking about me, need some air words right now, leaving in ahour for emerg.
prayers laughs anything will do.
regards.....nojw ... forgive any misspelled words just to shaky to type.
Just saw your post Nojw, I want to send you best wishes and hope all news is good news.
(Post edited for spelling error)
i received this in an email... interesting.
opportunity to ruin government statistics.
I received this in an email... interesting. :-)
Opportunity to ruin government statistics
Here's a novel idea...
As some of you may know there is a census coming around on August
the 7th. For those who don't know, a census is where the government
collates general information about it's residents (number of people
living in your house, religion, etc.)
If there are enough people in Australia who put down a religion
that isn't mentioned on the census form it becomes a fully
recognised and legal religion. It usually takes about 10,000 people
to nominate the same religion. It is for this reason that it has been
suggested that anyone who does not have a dominant religion to put
"Jedi" as their religion.
Send this on to all your friends and tell them to put down "Jedi" on
their census form. And remember, if you are a member of the
Jedi religion then you are by default a 'Jedi Knight'.
So...If this has been your dream since you were 4 years old, do it
because you love Star Wars. If not, then just do it to annoy
people or the Govenment, or because you think it would be fun.
hello all,.
just letting you know that the second issue of my newsletter, life after the watchtower is finally done.
you can find it at <a href="">proclaiming the truth about the "truth".
Thanks, Moridin. Nice newsletter. Keep up the good work!
two jw's knocked on my door peddling the watchtower and awake.
i was still in my satin pj's and had a tiara stuck on my head as i was playing make believe with my five year old.
i forgot i had it on, and they didn't seem to find that strange, lol.
Two JW's knocked on my door peddling the Watchtower and Awake. I was still in my Satin Pj's and had a tiara stuck on my head as I was playing make believe with my five year old. I forgot I had it on, and they didn't seem to find that strange, lol.
I told them I am disassociated, figuring that would get rid of them quickly. (I'm really just inactive) But they kept on without a beat, asking if I'd like some brothers to come here to chat with me, and asking if I want to stay in that "condition". They also asked me if the local brothers know that a disassociated JW lives here. I told them I don't need anyone to come chat with me, and I am absolutely certain I would like to stay in this "condition" and no, the local bros don't know me. They seemed non-plussed about that, but took my word for it and told me to have a good day.
I was just wondering, because in America, they would have tried to back away from my evil apostate door as quickly as possible if I'd said that. These fella's just seemed to want to rehabilitate me, didn't mind it if I'd have chatted with them! They didn't look old enough to be elders.. one was pretty young, and the other looked old enough to be a MS. Weird, huh?
my name is miriam.
i am a friend of johns.
last night he went to the hospital with severe abdonimal pains.
Glad to hear he's on the mend.. but it sounds as if he's a bit of a mess.
hi all.. just having my gripe for the day.. heh heh.
once upon a time, people had something called moral fibre.
they had ideals which they believed in.
HI TW, you voiced my feelings exactly. Although toward the end of the fracas, some did finally wade in and have a good say at the perpetrator, there were those who stood back and just let the chips fall, so to speak. That's where the hurt and disillusionment came in. I have since found out, that some didn't even know about it, and would have come to my defense had they known. But the entire thing just takes alot of energy out of a person. Sigh, I'm getting old and tired of slaying dragons! lol I just want to sit in my chair and crochet! hehe..