Oh well, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink!
Sure you can! The WTBTS does it all the time! Just tell the horse he will DIE DIE DIE!!!!!!! And that his Mummy(Australia)/Mommy (USA) won't love him anymore!
i know that there is a variety of posters here from different places.
i have seen some from canada, the u.s., and australia, and england.
so i wanted to ask about the "donation" arrangement for literature.. somebody in another thread mentioned the "double" payment thing.
Oh well, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink!
Sure you can! The WTBTS does it all the time! Just tell the horse he will DIE DIE DIE!!!!!!! And that his Mummy(Australia)/Mommy (USA) won't love him anymore!
ok, since it was so easy to get on here i'm assuming that this place is also over run by wts critics...but anyway!.
i've read a plenty of wt mags and got sucked in enough by the whole thing to go to a few meetings and do a bible study( which i wouldn't really call a study, since we just read one of their books).i soon broke of the whole thing and didn't even read another mag for about 6 years...6 months ago i wandered into h20 out of curiosity and ended up reading up on the arguments against the wts.. i have a simple question, and its probably very naive to ask this...but why is wts so afraid of debate?...there are plenty of sites arguing against the wts...but none for, apart the official site which doesn't address the issues raised by so called "apostates" anyway.. if the wt has the the truth why dont they just refute the the arguments against them instead of shutting up shop and labelling anyone who questions them an "apostate?
" or from satan or something.. i'm really beginning to think that all this wt business is just waste of time, that if i were to go to kh and ask questions that i have, i'm more likely to be labelled a trouble making agent of satan rather than be taken at face value as someone with serious questions.
Now BabylonSmurf,
There is no reason to get nasty with Marion-nett and call her in religious infancy. She has her right to her opinion just like the rest of us, even if it's to disagree. It's not that she's a religious infant and not ready for "meat and potatoes" it's that she prefers ONE type of food with no spices in it. Now be nice please. Or I'll have to come out there to the north suburbs and spank your butt, young lady! hehe..
Edited by - Roamingfeline on 16 June 2000 3:51:5
press release from bethel.
thu jun 15 20:22:08 2000. .
statement to the media (june 14, 2000).
Press Release from Bethel
Thu Jun 15 20:22:08 2000
Statement to the Media (June 14, 2000)
An article published in the June 14, 2000, issue of a British newspaper has incorrectly publicized what it feels to be a major change in the religious doctrine of Jehovah's Witnesses regarding blood transfusions.
In order to correct the misinformation, Jehovah's Witnesses are providing the following statement.
[Editorial note: the remainder of the press release is italicized]
The Bible commands Christians to "abstain...from blood." (Acts 15:20). Jehovah's Witnesses believe that it is not possible to abstain from blood and accept blood transfusions. They have consistently refused donor blood ever since transfusions began to be widely used in civilian medical practice in the 1940s, and this scriptural position has not changed.
If one of Jehovah's Witnesses is transfused against his or her will, Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe that this constitutes a sin on the part of the individual. This position has not changed.
If one of Jehovah's Witnesses accepts a blood transfusion in a moment of weakness and then later regrets the action, this would be considered a
serious matter. Spiritual assistance would be offered to help the person regain spiritual strength. This position has not changed.
If a baptized member of the faith willfully and without regret accepts blood transfusions, he indicates by his own actions that he no longer
wishes to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses. The individual revokes his own membership by his own actions, rather than the congregation initiating
this step. This represents a procedural change instituted in April 2000 in which the congregation no longer initiates the action to revoke membership in such cases. However, the end result is the same: the
individual is no longer viewed as one of Jehovah's Witnesses because he no longer accepts and follows a core tenet of the faith. However, if such an individual later changes his mind, he may be accepted back as one of Jehovah's Witnesses. This position has not changed.
Jehovah's Witnesses seek quality medical care and accept medical alternatives to blood transfusions. Support is given to members to help them obtain medical treatment that respects their religious convictions.
Contact: James N. Pellechia, telephone: (718) 560-5600
i know that there is a variety of posters here from different places.
i have seen some from canada, the u.s., and australia, and england.
so i wanted to ask about the "donation" arrangement for literature.. somebody in another thread mentioned the "double" payment thing.
Hi Andyman,
Down here in the Perth area, the friends are told to pay for their literature when they pick it up, and also to put all contributions in the box, the same as it is in the States. Your friend must be mistaken.
i was talking to a friend of mine who used to work in bethel nyc, a well respected brother.
he was telling me of how material for the book study group was really decided.
especially those really "deep", "meaty" books like " freedom and life everlasting in the sons of god", "gods kingdom of a thousand years" etc.
Thanks, Maxee! Oh boy, I love "junk food".
ok, since it was so easy to get on here i'm assuming that this place is also over run by wts critics...but anyway!.
i've read a plenty of wt mags and got sucked in enough by the whole thing to go to a few meetings and do a bible study( which i wouldn't really call a study, since we just read one of their books).i soon broke of the whole thing and didn't even read another mag for about 6 years...6 months ago i wandered into h20 out of curiosity and ended up reading up on the arguments against the wts.. i have a simple question, and its probably very naive to ask this...but why is wts so afraid of debate?...there are plenty of sites arguing against the wts...but none for, apart the official site which doesn't address the issues raised by so called "apostates" anyway.. if the wt has the the truth why dont they just refute the the arguments against them instead of shutting up shop and labelling anyone who questions them an "apostate?
" or from satan or something.. i'm really beginning to think that all this wt business is just waste of time, that if i were to go to kh and ask questions that i have, i'm more likely to be labelled a trouble making agent of satan rather than be taken at face value as someone with serious questions.
But one day they will realize what a "bad witness" they are giving to others who see how they treat people (EVERYONE) who disagree with them, and they will regret it.
No they won't regret it.. because they never admit they are wrong.
Ms T
anybody interested in cajun food?
anybody here know how to make a real gumbo?
Hey Seven.. ya forgot da potato salat....
i was talking to a friend of mine who used to work in bethel nyc, a well respected brother.
he was telling me of how material for the book study group was really decided.
especially those really "deep", "meaty" books like " freedom and life everlasting in the sons of god", "gods kingdom of a thousand years" etc.
Yes, and we good little sheep (baaaaa baaaa) ate it up and paid for them. While our kids sometimes went hungry to feed the Great Shepherd.. (or the big publishing machine that claims to take his place!)
is anyone out there familiar with the now almost legendery jw "true" story about the demon possessed smurf doll that got up and stormed out of the watchtower study screaming "that's a load of crap" in response to an answer to a question being given by a brother concerning the final destruction of satan?
i'm also interested to learn of any similar incidences.
- crazyarms
I would say it is just that: Legend.. Sheesh...
I have been in this religion from long BEFORE the Smurf doll story.. and I would daresay it is just like all the other Urban legends out there.
from http://www.ajwrb.org/basics/breaking.shtml.
breaking news .
dateline: june 15, 2000 .
From http://www.ajwrb.org/basics/breaking.shtml
Breaking News
Dateline: June 15, 2000
We began receiving reports in late May that the Governing Body of Jehovah's
Witnesses had recently decided that
Jehovah's Witnesses who accept blood transfusions would no longer be subject to
investigation by congregation judicial
committees. While these reports came from sources we deem reliable, it appears
that the reports were incomplete or that
the original decision was modified at some point.
We must emphasize that as of this writing we are yet to see any of the
correspondence that has supposedly been sent to
branch offices or local congregations. The following remarks will address
comments made by a London Bethel WTS
representative to the London Times and assume that he had accurate information
concerning the new policy.
While the WTS has in fact ceased disfellowshiping JW who accept blood
transfusions, it will from this point forward be
understood that one who accepts blood will have unilaterally disassociated
themselves from the WTS, unless they express
remorse and sincere repentance that satisfies local elders. Read the BBC story
that appeared on June 14, 2000.
Individual who are "disassociated" Jehovah's Witnesses are treated identically
to those who are disfellowshiped. They are
shunned by Jehovah's Witness friends and denied normal family relations with JW
family members. So this is in fact a minor
change and is primarily a diversionary tactic aimed at reducing the WTS's
liability in these cases. It is also possible that the
WTS is attempting to deflect some of the criticism it has been receiving in
medical journals in recent months over the
contradictions and inconsistencies in the policy and improve its position with
some European governments who feel that the
WTS is a dangerous sect.
It should be noted that the WTS only uses "disassociation" in special cases. For
example, if a person is charged with
violating WTS policies but refuses to appear before a judicial committee to face
expulsion or disfellowshiping, he has the
option to simply "disassociate" himself. This can be done by writing a letter to
the congregation or telling two elders that he
no longer considers himself a Jehovah's Witness. As mentioned earlier the entire
congregation will treat him as an
unrepentant sinner and shun him. If a congregation member refuses to shun him,
they too will be disfellowshiped or
The other special case where "disassociation" is used is when a Jehovah's
Witness joins the military. To avoid potential
problems with governments, the individual will not be charged and asked to
appear before a judicial committee. Rather, the
congregation simply makes an announcement that they
"disassociated" themselves. In this way the WTS hopes to avoid
difficulties with the authorities.
As can be seen from the above, "disassociation" is basically a streamlined or
"fast track" to expulsion and shunning. The
WTS has got itself caught up in nightmare and is struggling to find some way to
disentangle itself from a tragic and
misguided policy that has claimed untold numbers of JW lives. We suggest that
you check this site frequently as we will
post any significant developments or news that might further clarify matters.