I am okay. Thank you for your concern and for the cyber hug.
my breasts will never refuse .
your salty wet kisses.
my body will never cease .
I am okay. Thank you for your concern and for the cyber hug.
it is my birthday 8/3/45 the old 5 7 two stents in the heart and 35 years of jw flustration two years old in freedom.. good day.
the walker of clearlake, ca ; mccomb, ms. and now sin city, usa.
Hip hip hooray, happy birthday Reckless!
my breasts will never refuse .
your salty wet kisses.
my body will never cease .
Mac, Thank you for responding. I'm glad that you found my poem lovely.
Little Toe, Thank you for your blessings. You know what you mean to me.
Prisca, Thank you for your comments. There is no "special" person in my life. This poem is about the death of my lover.
Thank you all for taking the time to respond to my poem.
I love all of you.
Edited by - robdar on 3 August 2002 8:46:7
my breasts will never refuse .
your salty wet kisses.
my body will never cease .
My breasts will never refuse
Your salty wet kisses.
My body will never cease
This aching for your touch.
Oh, my sweetest lover,
Keeper of my heart's desires,
I give myself to you
Freely and without regard.
Our moments together
Will not be many on earth,
But there is something more
Something more to existence.
I know this to be true
Because my heart has known yours
And yours has felt mine too
Longing to find you again.
My spirit has searched for
The other half it desired.
It is you that dances,
Leaves your essence within me.
When you go, remember
Only your physical self
Will leave me all alone
In three dimensional time.
But beyond this sad place
I know that you'll wait for me.
Death cannot stand between
What is, was, and what will be.
(For Him) Love, Robyn 8/2/02
Edited by - robdar on 3 August 2002 3:59:39
personally, i do not believe god ever has or ever will exist.
i have my reasons -- i guess i could be considered an agnostic, rather than an athiest.
i was curious to see what the larger part of the former borg community believed, now looking from the outside in, rather than the opposite.
I believe.
i was wondering what it is like to experience childhood in the org.
i am an aspiring writer ad the org has always interested me...not in the sense that i'd like to join.
please send me some replies.
I grew up in a small town in North Alabama also. Please email me. I would like to talk to you.
i was wondering what it is like to experience childhood in the org.
i am an aspiring writer ad the org has always interested me...not in the sense that i'd like to join.
please send me some replies.
Hi Knighthawk1981,
Childhood for a JW child is a very difficult life. Because there was no celebrating holidays, there is a lot of stress at school.
I remember once, in the 3rd grade, I received Valentines from the kids in my class. My curiosity got the best of me, and I opened them on the ride home. When I got home, I was a nervous, weeping wreck, convinced that my parents were going to punish me for doing it. I went in sobbing and gave my mother the opened Valentines and asked her if she was going to spank me for reading them. Thank goodness, she didn't spank me but even better, she didn't tell my father about the incident because he would have punished me.
Because the JW's can't salute the flag or stand for the National Anthem, there is a lot ridicule from other students. I was beaten up a lot at school for my beliefs. Being raised a pacifist, I wasn't supposed to fight back. I was supposed to consider this persecution proof that I was doing Jehovah's will.
Also, because there are so many meetings that a JW's has to attend, not to mention door to door work that would often have you knocking on fellow student's doors on Saturday morning, there is a lot of anxiety for JW children during regular school hours. You don't have enough time for sports, cheerleading, school trips, homecoming parades, plays, fund raisers, proms, etc.
Oh, and everybody in my school knew I was a virgin. This caused a lot of sexual harrassment not only from the guys but from the gals too. But those stories are for a different time and place.
You may find this hard to believe, but I do not regret my childhood. It made me strong in ways that I couldn't understand at the time.
I hope this information helps you with your research. Feel free to email me if you wish.
i am not a current, nor former member of the jw's, but my wife was one for four years.
also, my mom has been one for over 20 years.
i did attend several meetings with her, and prompty fell asleep each time.
Hello ex_Watchtowerite_hubby,
Welcome to the board. It is good to hear that this site is helping your wife recover. Even though it sounds as if your wife suffers depression without the aid of the Watchtower, I am sure she is much better without these people always looking over her shoulder.
As far as your mother goes, there is no need to worry about her. It sounds as if she is starting to see the "truth" about the organization. She will leave on her own time. The last thing you should do is push her towards making this decision. We all do what we want to do until we no longer want to do it. Just continue to be sympathetic and supportive towards your mother but don't complain too much about the organization. This can make her uncomfortable and force her to defend her religion against your perceived insults.
Again, welcome to the board. Tell your wife for us that she is welcome here also. We look forward to hearing from her.
i'll be off the board for a week while i go camping in wales!!!
hey that will be the longest time with out jwd or even a pc in well over a year.. even englishmans barbeque was a strain to not check my mail for that long!!
Wales is a lovely country and I admire your endeavors. You are very brave. I tried camping in Wales in the summer but it never stopped raining the entire time I was there. I couldn't believe the puddles of water or how deep they were. There are some great little B & B's in Llangollen in case it gets too wet for ya. I look forward to seeing your pictures.
Have a marvelous adventure.
okay, since i've been attending a new church, i've had the opportunity to sit on three committees.
i've gone hog wild and volunteered for everything trying to make up for all the years that i couldn't do anything as a female in the kh.
anyway, last night i stirred the shit in one of the meetings by voicing my opinion on how something in the church is run.
"Elsewhere said:
Maybe the preacher is hot for you and wants to offer you some "special priviledges"!!!
Sorry, if it is a Catholic priest, she would have to be a small young boy to qualify for that type of affection."
Reborn, sorry, you are wrong about this. I once had a Catholic priest ask me to marry him. I assure you that I am not a boy.