Interesting bio. Thank you for sharing. You are a valuable addition to this forum and lots of fun in chat.
(xenawarrior and minimus, take note that i am a man of my word!
chronology: i am 50. was born and raised a jw, reg pub @ 6, baptized @ 10, reg pio (b4 hs graduation) and giving public talks @ 17, went to bethel @ 18, left bethel @ 20, married (1st time) @ 21, df'd @ 29, divorced @ 30, reinstated @ 30, remarried @ 32, df'd again @ 48, divorced again @ 49. one heck of a roller-coaster, eh?.
disfellowshipping: both my df'ings were for apostasy.
Interesting bio. Thank you for sharing. You are a valuable addition to this forum and lots of fun in chat.
the overbeer is finishing up his last can of spiritual food for the night and has had some time to contemplate the past weekend's insanity before going off to a bit of somnambulation.
first, please excuse my behavior yesterday, as it was a bit harsh and not what i want to be.
now then.... moe, i apologize for getting on your case.
Yes, you have already apologized to me even though no apologies were necessary. I have always thought of you with the highest regard. I admire your intelligence and perception.
Thank you for graciously accepting my apologies to you.
i see the same thing happening here that happened on another site a couple of years ago.
all of this complaing about moderation.
i just can't believe it.. think of it this way.
Lilacs said: "Robdar, I understood Puzz post as saying it was an example"
You could be right. I am half crazed on pain medication right now. I will bow out. Thanks for your comments.
i see the same thing happening here that happened on another site a couple of years ago.
all of this complaing about moderation.
i just can't believe it.. think of it this way.
Exactly why did you feel that you had to tack on "was that you Trauma?"
There was no reason whatsoever except to make a dig. And now to act all self righteous because you didn't cuss.....
"This is an actual case and in no way was it made up to take a pot shot at TraumaHound's weight."
So why are you bringing up TH's weight, if you are not trying to be insulting?
You are pathetic.
Edited by - robdar on 18 August 2002 1:43:47
just curious.. i started diving (scuba!!!
) in 1990, progressing to advanced instructor with the british sub aqua club (equiv.
3 star instructor cmas).
I liked diving the one time I did it.
i see the same thing happening here that happened on another site a couple of years ago.
all of this complaing about moderation.
i just can't believe it.. think of it this way.
Some guy is suing the Fast Food Chains because he had no idea that their food was fattening.
There was no sign saying
"Don't eat three Big Mac's
if you want to stay skinny"
Was that you Trauma?
Is this a personal attack on TH? In my opinion, if there is to be any moderating on this forum, this is the sort of shit that should be edited. It isn't foul language that hurts, it is attacks like this that are for no particular reason except that somebody dares to disagree.
take this test...what is your true talent?.
your true talent is abstract reasoning .
Laffing my ass off at Joeshmoe...good one.
i'm thinking that if enough people are interested, we could arrange for a nice big air-conditioned scenicruiser (with bathroom and wetbar) from, say, cincinnati to brooklyn.
i'd be willing to drive from atlanta to cincinnati to catch up with the bus, and then have great apostafellowship all the way to ny and back.. what about it?.
post your reply here and if it looks like we've got enough for a busload, i'll arrange the arrangements.. -francois
As we have already discussed, I am up for this trip. I know that so far the response hasn't been enough to rent a bus. Why don't we rent a van? Also, I am sure that there would be hotels outside NYC that have kitchenettes. We could all rent a suite together and cook our meals. This would save money. Just a thought.
Any takers?
since bleep has posted his poll reguarding god i decided to post a poll on what afterlife torture bleep should recieve from yours truly.. here are your choices:.
a. fire pit.
b. frozen tombs.
LMAO at Joannadandy,
Set free the horny ostriches......
even though we were all raised with the firm doctrine that absolutely nothing happens to you after death, (except for those baptized before 1935 of course), does anyone here think that maybe something does happen after we die?
i've seen some programs about people that have reported having near death experiences.
while this doesn't offer proof, i find it very strange that one individual, during her nde, repeated a conversation she heard on an entirely different floor in the hospital while she was clinically dead.
Even though I used to be a skeptic, I have had too many personal experiences to further ignore the possiblity of life after death.
Yes, I believe that we survive death but what happens aferwards, I do not wish to speculate on.