Aww Tdog,
We love you too.....
otay, so i'm catching up on the little "problem" here on the board and i'm thinking "you know, ex-jw's will always be weird".
there is a spector we cannot shake, like a shadow at forest edge.
it is far far away at times but ever present, ever vigilant waiting for a moment to remind us of our scars.
Aww Tdog,
We love you too.....
on to a lighter and brighter's some of my favorite monty python songs...the first one appropriate for today's climate.
Robdar - thank you for reminding the overbeer of his umm, overlooking of this song
(((Mimi))), you are so welcome. I hope that migraine goes away soon. Maybe Valis' Blue Star Anointment cream can help?
Robyn of the I'm feeling better and want to go for a walk class.
on to a lighter and brighter's some of my favorite monty python songs...the first one appropriate for today's climate.
I have no idea why this double posted.
Edited by - robdar on 22 August 2002 18:23:50
on to a lighter and brighter's some of my favorite monty python songs...the first one appropriate for today's climate.
Good Sir Knight Valis,
Thank you for the link.
Brave, Brave, Sir Robyn of the not afraid to die class
Edited by - robdar on 22 August 2002 18:13:13
on to a lighter and brighter's some of my favorite monty python songs...the first one appropriate for today's climate.
You left out the "Every Sperm is Sacred" song.
Robyn-- of the knights who say nee class
won't you shut up with all your arguing for ten minutes and concentrate on the threads that really matter.
people are hurting and you can't hear it for all the shouting in here..
Thank you for bringing this post to our attention. Somehow I missed it. I have sent a message to Lara. I hope she responds. I hope it isn't too late.
Many blessings to you.
folks,over the years,seem to think that they must change meanings and words so the words will fit their own truths.they think truth is relative.but the real facts remain that even though some people think truth is relative,at the same time truth is always open and anything else but truths is a lie.. from a hindu's point of reference reincarnation is a cycle of life in which when we die,we are reborn into another matters not if the next life is improved or not.and returns with a new body,soul,or whatever karma allows itself to be.. resurrection,as in christ,means christ returned as he left.luke 24:39,makes that statement.
"and he said to them,"why are you troubled?and why do doubts arise in your hearts?behold my hands,my feet that it is i myself handle me and see...for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see i have.
reincarnation is coming back,after death in something new.resurrection is coming back the same way.. wt or watchtower followers are famous in creating something from nothing out of the bible.they have changed their theology doctrine many times.and those who listen to watchtower is basically a watchtower follower.. so basically,as in luke 24:39,if we believe or teach that christ came back any other way,then we teach heretical blasphemy.
As for you Robdar...the resurrection doctrine...I rather believe in what Christ said not the Watchtower
As for you Frank..... yes, the resurrection doctrine. I get your point, really I do. However, it has been so long since I have read a WT, that I have no idea what you are talking about or what the WT has to say regarding his resurrection.
Could you explain what the witnesses say, since I do not recall what you are talking about? It might help me if the subject ever comes up with my parents. Thank you so much.
folks,over the years,seem to think that they must change meanings and words so the words will fit their own truths.they think truth is relative.but the real facts remain that even though some people think truth is relative,at the same time truth is always open and anything else but truths is a lie.. from a hindu's point of reference reincarnation is a cycle of life in which when we die,we are reborn into another matters not if the next life is improved or not.and returns with a new body,soul,or whatever karma allows itself to be.. resurrection,as in christ,means christ returned as he left.luke 24:39,makes that statement.
"and he said to them,"why are you troubled?and why do doubts arise in your hearts?behold my hands,my feet that it is i myself handle me and see...for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see i have.
reincarnation is coming back,after death in something new.resurrection is coming back the same way.. wt or watchtower followers are famous in creating something from nothing out of the bible.they have changed their theology doctrine many times.and those who listen to watchtower is basically a watchtower follower.. so basically,as in luke 24:39,if we believe or teach that christ came back any other way,then we teach heretical blasphemy.
What WT doctrines are you referring to?
((((Trauma)))) and ((((Ugg)))),
Thank you for your love and support. Having friends like you make this more bearable..
the world of humanity has two wings ~.
one is women.
and the other men.. not until both wings.
Nice poem. Thanks for sharing.