I have already thought of that explanation. It was a fine clear, dry night. Well as dry as you can find in Alabama. But thanks for your suggestion.
not to get too deep of a "scary" subject, but wanted to hear opinions out there.. when taught at the kh, we were always told there is no such things as ghosts, but if there were one it was a demon.
i want to use that as an example to how dogmatic they are about so many things, that if they say it to be one way, then that is the truth period.. as it turns out, growing up, we had a ghost in our house.
don't laugh, it is true.
I have already thought of that explanation. It was a fine clear, dry night. Well as dry as you can find in Alabama. But thanks for your suggestion.
not to get too deep of a "scary" subject, but wanted to hear opinions out there.. when taught at the kh, we were always told there is no such things as ghosts, but if there were one it was a demon.
i want to use that as an example to how dogmatic they are about so many things, that if they say it to be one way, then that is the truth period.. as it turns out, growing up, we had a ghost in our house.
don't laugh, it is true.
Here's a picture for you that I took with my new digital camera. I posted it on my website. If anybody can suggest what this might be, I would appreciate hearing your point of view.
It may take a minute to download. Thank you for your patience.
Edited by - robdar on 28 August 2002 12:45:33
jehovah's witnesses/wts have reached "critical mass" - says ex-circuit overseer.
------posting copied from h2o-----.
posted by xelder [seeker4] on july 13, 2000 at 12:00:52 {rn3hpwrs1eubi2tgjvegd9bhhxgwag}:.
Hi Big Tex,
Nah, I am not referring to you. I am speaking to "Bitter Truth". Sorry for the mix up.
Many Blessings,
jehovah's witnesses/wts have reached "critical mass" - says ex-circuit overseer.
------posting copied from h2o-----.
posted by xelder [seeker4] on july 13, 2000 at 12:00:52 {rn3hpwrs1eubi2tgjvegd9bhhxgwag}:.
I think you are a fraud and you are still a JW. You are here trying to convince us that changes are coming. Haven't I spoken to you before under different aliases? Except back then, you were trying to convince me that you have a friend on the GB who told you to encourage others to hang in there, work their way up the ladder and make changes from the inside.
Edited slightly when I noticed the date this thread first appeared. Most remarks left.
Edited by - robdar on 28 August 2002 1:28:22
Edited by - robdar on 28 August 2002 1:33:35
i was laughing at the thread talking about the blue smurfs, how demonic they were.
:) it made me remember other stupid phobias the witnesses had, and how easy rumours were to spead around.
one for instance, was the false rumour about proctor and gamble, and how their business emblem/ picture/ whatever you call it was demonic, and how it was the sign of the devil, and to stay away from anything to do with that company.
I know of one sister that claims to have been sexually attacked by a demon but she is schizophrenic. It was probably a case of one hand not knowing what the other hand was doing, if you get my drift. LOLOLOL
i was laughing at the thread talking about the blue smurfs, how demonic they were.
:) it made me remember other stupid phobias the witnesses had, and how easy rumours were to spead around.
one for instance, was the false rumour about proctor and gamble, and how their business emblem/ picture/ whatever you call it was demonic, and how it was the sign of the devil, and to stay away from anything to do with that company.
Did the sisters at your congregations live in morbid fear of a demon raping them? You wouldn't believe the stories I have heard about the sisters fighting off the devil's advancements. LMAO. I guess nothing turns Satan on more than a female, Christian, witness of Jehovah.
Edited by - robdar on 27 August 2002 16:40:58
i got this e-mail from my mother.
i sent her coc and many, many docs documenting all the false prophocies.
she does not want any part of the real "truth.
Thanks for sharing your letter. Your mom stated:
"You have a free will to do or follow your heart and I choose to follow Jehovah and stick with his organization"
You love your mom, you want what's best for her. I have felt the same way with my parents. But I must point out to you that your mother has stated her heart's intentions. It is her free will to chose what she wants. She doesn't seem to be denying you your free choices either.
Leave her be. Let her enjoy her life and the decisions she has made. She seems to be happy with them. Sometimes the greatest gift we can give somebody is the freedom to make their own decisions. It seems that you mother has made hers.
I know that this view will probably not be a popular one. But, I think you should consider it.
Edited by - robdar on 27 August 2002 5:25:17
have you heard the song "stuck in a moment you cant get out of" by u2 ?
i was listening to this today and it got me thinking........... i have decided that i will no longer be contributing to this forum.... at least for the meantime.
this forum has helped me in every way that i need to be helped, and for that i thank everyone who played a part in this.. i guess i have achieved my goal now.
Yes, we've had a nasty little flame war but it is over now. Eventually, we will all get over it and have a better understanding of each other's viewpoints. If the disagreements have left a bad taste, please remember that there are many times when an argument will strengthen a relationship.
This board has helped so many come to peace with the time they spent in the Tower. I am glad that you are one of the ones that found what they were looking for. I hope that you come back every now and then for a visit.
Best wishes,
Edited by - robdar on 26 August 2002 16:0:51
i came across this clip from an assembly where a co 'reasons' with the audience on whether christians should wear beards 'in this time of the end'.
while not containing any reasoning at all it could also be concluded from this clip that the wbts doesn't like you to wear sandals either.
oh, and jesus was a cross dresser.
Obviously you are a nice Christian brother who can control his wanton, horny desires. However, here in the west, a sister should dress more modestly in order not to tempt the men in the congregations. My goodness, the brothers should not be distracted from their theocratic responsibilities by the sight of a sexy foot. Surely this would anger Jah. And Jehovah already has enough to be upset about.
So the sister's in your congregation can flaunt their feet all they want. I, for one, do not wish to taste the great wrath of God Almighty when Armageddon comes. I shall pray for my sisters in Nigeria.
PS: Welcome to the board. Many blessings to you.
Edited by - robdar on 26 August 2002 14:58:47
are westerners the evil of the world?.
western lands have gleefully exploited the worlds resources over the past 200 years.most of us have taken advatage of what our economies have offered to us.but has and does our life style not only ruin the earth but ensures that other countries remain pour.. the goods we demand and are used to having ,have a cost to the environment .we want them cheap , this ensures low wages where big western companies can get cheap labour.the size and power of western business means that pourer countries cant grow economically.the big western business are so powerful that they earn more money than entire countries.. suvival of the fittest has taken its toll on mankind while we live in comfort the majority of earth inhabitants don't.how much is our fault?
There is no doubt about it, the opulence of the west (including some European countries) is causing all manner of problems for other people in the world. The article posted doesn't even mention the pollution that we are causing. It's little wonder that so many hate us.