That's true, ballistic, they do say that about certain dogmas. But then they said exactly the same about every one of the dogmas that are now rejected as obsolete, what we non-JW's call "old light". What guarantee is there that some future incarnation of the GB won't reject one or more of the dogmas the current GB regards as sacrosanct?
There is none!
Robert V Frazier
The Watchtower is not the instrument of any man or any set of men, nor is it published according to the whims of men. No man's opinion is expressed in The Watchtower. (The Watchtower, 1931 November 1 p.327) If you believe that, you'll believe ANYTHING!
JoinedPosts by Robert_V_Frazier
A modest proposal
by Robert_V_Frazier inno, all of you jonathan swift fans, i'm not proposing that we start eating jw's.
they probably taste terrible, anyway.. .
i propose that the society extend its disfellowshipping policy, and start formally disfellowshipping "old light" expired dogmas.
A modest proposal
by Robert_V_Frazier inno, all of you jonathan swift fans, i'm not proposing that we start eating jw's.
they probably taste terrible, anyway.. .
i propose that the society extend its disfellowshipping policy, and start formally disfellowshipping "old light" expired dogmas.
No, all of you Jonathan Swift fans, I'm not proposing that we start eating JW's. They probably taste terrible, anyway.
I propose that the Society extend its disfellowshipping policy, and start formally disfellowshipping "old light" expired dogmas. Instead of perpetually leaving people, both inside and outside of the JW's, wondering if this or that statement of belief in some WTBS publication that's older than last week is still operative, they could make a column in The Watchtower magazine which formally and officially disfellowships beliefs that are no longer to be believed.
The format could be:
1) A brief statement of the "old light" idea that is no longer operative.
2) An exact quote, with references, to where it was first published and most recently published (this would be the same quote, for some ideas, but two separate quotes for most).
3) The tagline, "This teaching is no longer among the official teachings of the Jehovah's Witnesses."
That way, everyone would know where they stand. JW's wouldn't have to wonder, "Has that idiotic teaching this opposer is bringing up been superceded by new light? Or should I still defend it as the Truth?" Opposers could choose not to bring up disfellowshipped doctrines, to save time and energy to discuss current ones. Think of what a great feature this would be!
And just think: each and every dogma, doctrine, hypothesis, guess, and fancy notion that JW's defend to their last dying breath today, could EASILY be printed in the "Disfellowshipped Doctrines" column of next week's Watchtower!
Robert V Frazier The Watchtower is not the instrument of any man or any set of men, nor is it published according to the whims of men. No man's opinion is expressed in The Watchtower. (The Watchtower, 1931 November 1 p.327) If you believe that, you'll believe ANYTHING! -
My fellow frustrated computer users...I am making a short movie..need help
by DigitalFokus inmy laptop has restarted on me for the last time and its going to die.
from droping my internet connection after typing a long post out and then losing my entire post to freezing to the all the other horribly frustrating problems a pc has.. i have had enough.
this computer is going to die.
I thought of Wagner's "Flight of the Valkeries" just before reading the opera suggestion. Robert V Frazier
Attacking Satan by drawing scary pictures
by hallelujah in.
i was watching pictures of the stampedes at the haj and it occurred to me that throwing stones at the pillar of satan was a really ineffective way of dealing with evil in the world.
it occurs to me that drawing scary pictures of satan in the watchtower is similarly ineffective in combating evil.. any thoughts?
Householder to JW: "So, if I buy one of your crappy magazines, will you get your multi-headed demon snake thingy pet off my lawn?" Robert V Frazier
by VM44 indoes anyone have a link to an image of the watchtower with the "put faith in a victorious organization" article?
With thanks to kid-A for inspiring this: If anyone can get this to actually show up in a post in this thread, please do! I can't do it.
Robert V Frazier -
JW botany
by Robert_V_Frazier in .
in which a gung-ho jw apologist tells us that an adult plant has different dna from that of the seed it grew from.. .
because grown-up plants don't look like big seeds, and the watchtower once quoted from an article in the world book encyclopedia mentioning "chemical changes" in a germinating seed!.
In which a gung-ho JW apologist tells us that an adult plant has different DNA from that of the seed it grew from.
Because grown-up plants don't look like big seeds, and The Watchtower once quoted from an article in The World Book Encyclopedia mentioning "chemical changes" in a germinating seed!
Robert V Frazier -
Remind you of anyone?
by Robert_V_Frazier in
robert v frazier
Robert_V_Frazier Robert V Frazier
Aprocrypha and JWs
by Lilycurly ini made a search but didn't come up with anything specific about what are the views of jws concerning the apocryphal bible books.. from what i know, some man a long time ago (catholic or pagan, but certainly not a jehovah's witness) decided wich books were inspired and wich to dump, and then proceeded to assemble the bible as we know it today.. now i don't want to start a fight about wether or not they would be inspired....but how do the jws explain that they accept this choice made by this particular man (or group??
) do they admit tha the man was inspired?
if they do, then they'd have to admit that god gives his blessing to other religions, and if not, they are missing some books and serious information..... what would my father tell me, if i asked him?
Probably the best book on this whole subject, and more, is A General Introduction to the Bible by Norman L. Geisler, William E. Nix.
Robert V Frazier
Help Need Info on College WT article
by JT in.
does anyone know where i can find a scanned copy or link to the recent study article on college.
What's the date and pages of the article? Need a footnote. Thanks for posting the article itself, by the way!
Robert V Frazier
For Parents: Suggest replacements for Bible CDs at night for our kids?
by ithinkisee inour kids are used to listening to what they call "bible tapes" at night when they go to bed.
(my book of bible stories/death, and learn from great teacher cds) we haven't had too much objection to them for now until we can move from our current town to our new location - where we can do a full-on fade.. my question: we would like to start weaning them off the bible tapes now.
anyone have any good suggestions nighttime story cds they could listen to instead of the wt kids crapola?.
Instead, maybe even stuff with good moral (but not necessarily biblical) topics.
The Adventures in Odyssey radio programs are excellent. Focus on the Family sells them on audio CD. You can listen to the program on the radio to see what the series is like before buying any of them. There's a huge collection of the programs available. They are Christian, but not at all preachy. The writing is top-notch, and characters are funny and interesting.
Robert V Frazier