Thanks, sf. Now I understand; this was/is the policy in Canada, but not in the USA. I also note that as usual, this was only done because the secular government ("Satan's organization") forced them to do it.
Robert V Frazier
in the vicki boer trial transcript, this paragraph took me completely by surprise:.
[68] one of the first things sheldon longworth did upon hearing the plaintiffs first disclosure was to consult the 1988 watchtower letter setting out the policy for dealing with cases of sexual abuse of children.
likewise, brian cairns turned to this document immediately after the december 29 meeting to determine what should be done.
Thanks, sf. Now I understand; this was/is the policy in Canada, but not in the USA. I also note that as usual, this was only done because the secular government ("Satan's organization") forced them to do it.
Robert V Frazier
or something like that ... maybe i read it wrong .
i'll let you decide (bizzarre).
let's hope it's better than dick-van-dyke's accent in mary poppins !
Since you visited Florida, I wonder what you thought of the southern accents there
Southern accents in Florida?? No such animal. The most common accent here is New York\New Jersey. Followed by generic above-the-Mason-Dixon-line American.
You have to go north from Florida to get to the South.
Robert V Frazier
in the vicki boer trial transcript, this paragraph took me completely by surprise:.
[68] one of the first things sheldon longworth did upon hearing the plaintiffs first disclosure was to consult the 1988 watchtower letter setting out the policy for dealing with cases of sexual abuse of children.
likewise, brian cairns turned to this document immediately after the december 29 meeting to determine what should be done.
In the Vicki Boer trial transcript, this paragraph took me completely by surprise:
[68] One of the first things Sheldon Longworth did upon hearing the plaintiffs first disclosure was to consult the 1988 Watchtower letter setting out the policy for dealing with cases of sexual abuse of children. Likewise, Brian Cairns turned to this document immediately after the December 29 meeting to determine what should be done. The 1988 Watchtower document was an exhibit at trial. I do not need to decide whether the directions set out therein are completely in accordance with the requirements of the relevant child protection statute in 1988 or in 1989/1990. Nothing in this case turns on that legal issue. What is clear from the document is that the official policy of the church was to report child abuse cases to child welfare officials. Further, the policy advises that elders as ministers have a positive duty to ensure that child abuse is reported. Although the policy suggests it is permissible to require the offender or family members to report the matter to their own physician who would then have a duty to report, the policy also emphasizes the need for the elder to follow up to ensure that the reporting in fact occurred.
What letter is this? Has anyone here heard of it? It's never mentioned in any of the BOE letters (all later than 1988) on the SilentLambs site. The Society has never mentioned it in any of the videos that they produced as their "response" to the Dateline show, etc. I know for a fact that no such "policy" or advice is ever given in any of the WT and Awake! articles they proudly display on the official WT website.
What gives?
Robert V Frazier
nowhere in the bible is it stated to celebrate your wedding anniversary, yet j.w.
baby showers are acceptable, but not birthdays.. correct me if i am incorrect, but doesn't the bible say to "honor the father and mother of your youth", yet mothers day and fathers day are unacceptable to celebrate.
But I have also found that if you dig deep enough you can find pagan origins for almost everything including baptism.
Pagans eat food, too. And breathe air. And drink liquids, sometimes including water. All of these pagan practices should be shunned by all loyal Christians Watchtowerites.
Robert V Frazier
i think i've discovered one real contribution to human thought, specifically logic, that has been made by the watchtower bible and tract society in general and every single jehovah's witness who has ever debated about the nwt in particular.. .
they've invented a new logical fallacy.. .
i thought it could use a spiffy latin tag, so i've called it the aliquis alicubi fallacy.
I think I've discovered one real contribution to human thought, specifically logic, that has been made by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society in general and every single Jehovah's Witness who has ever debated about the NWT in particular.
They've invented a new logical fallacy.
I thought it could use a spiffy Latin tag, so I've called it the aliquis alicubi fallacy. That's Latin for "somebody somewhere". It's a species of positive ad hominem fallacy.
It goes like this: "You have challenged the NWT's rendering of II Hezekiah 7:13. You are apparently unaware that the 17th-century Perfunctory Obscurantist Translation (POT) done by the self-acclaimed scholar Dr. Thaddeus Ignatius Inbred, with the aid of a state-of-the-art polyglot Ouija board, renders it into the Urdu language in more or less much the same way the NWT does. Therefore, there is no concievable grounds for criticizing the NWT's rendering of this verse."
In short, somebody somewhere translated it the way the NWT did (or close to it), so nobody can criticize the NWT for translating it as somebody somewhere has. It's a ploy used in the KIT throughout to defend its "translations", and I have long suspected that this principle was the only thing driving the production of the NWT. For every objectionable (in the Society's eyes) verse in the Bible, a search was initiated to find somebody somewhere who rendered it in such a way that the Society could accept it. The NWT reading was then copied directly from the "somebody somewhere", and that was the extent of the "translating".
That this is usually the only defense given, and always the first defense given, lends some credibility to my hypothesis. But we'll never really know, will we?
What we do know is that this rhetorical dodge has no substance to it. When we are discussing the NWT, we ought to discuss that, and not every conceivable mistranslation of every verse in every obscure translation that has ever been done. When the JW's lay this on us, we should just say, "It's irrelevant what aliquis alicubi has done. What is the justification for what the NWT committee has done? From the grammar, the lexicons, the context, and other relevant facts only, please."
They use this as the primary or sole justification for most of their bizarre misinterpretations of the Bible and prophetic speculations as well.
Robert V Frazier
The Watchtower is not the instrument of any man or any set of men, nor is it published according to the whims of men. No man's opinion is expressed in The Watchtower. (WT 11/1/1931 p.327) Yeah, right!
who was the first person to look at a cow and say, "i think i'll.
squeeze these pink dangly things here, and drink whatever comes.
who was the first person to say, "see that chicken there...i'm gonna eat the next thing that comes out of it's bum.".
Did Harry Houdini ever lock himself out of his car?
What would our chairs look like if our knees bent the other way?
If M&M's melt in your mouth, not in your hands, what do they do, say, under your armpits?
Why did Superman always take so long? Why didn't he just use his super-senses to find out where the bad guys were, round them all up and drop them off at the police station in 17/10,000ths of a second, fill out detailed crime reports in the next 23/10,000ths of a second, then take the rest of the day off? And the rest of the month, too. I mean, come on! He could both fly and run faster than the speed of light without breaking a sweat.
And how is it that all the women on earth of child-bearing age weren't pregnant with Kal-El's children? We're talking Kryptonian sperm, here. Super-fast, super-strong, indestructible, and determined. Nothing short of kryptonite diaphrams could have saved the women of earth. And that carries an awfully high risk of cervical cancer.
Okay, better not think about that one any more.
i've tried this several times, so have my wife and kids.
it worked every time!.
Shall I spoil the fun by revealing how it works, or do you prefer the mystery?
Robert V Frazier
you heard it here first.
read the story from the respected "weekly world news"..
Even if it is in Weekly World News, this is for real. See
Available for dead pets, too!
Robert V. Frazier
can you tell me why in your nwt of the bible john 20:28 says, "in answer tomas said to him, "my lord and my god!
"" (captial g) to the resurrected jesus, however in john 1:1 it says, "in the begining the word was, and the word was with god, and teh word was a god.
" (lower case g) and then since jws have said that he (jesus) is a creation (the first creation, archangel) in your very own nwt it says in john 1:3 "all things came into existence through him, and apart from him not even one thing came into existence.. it would seem to me that if all things came into existence through him, and apart from him not even one thing came into existence, then he must be god and not archangel.
Explanation: The Bible teaches that Jesus is God, and the Watchtower Society doesn't believe the Bible on this point -- among many others.
Robert V. Frazier
what do these scriptures apply to now?
who is apollyon, the locust, the trees and grass??.
rev 9:1-11. the fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and i saw a star that had fallen from the sky to the earth.
What do these scriptures apply to now? Who is Apollyon, the locust, the trees and grass??
Now? Nothing that I know of. It's about an attack of a swarm of demons sometime in the future. Apollyon is a demon. Possibly Satan, possibly someone who works for Satan. The locusts are demons. Only someone who has been exposed to toxic WBTS fumes would ask "Who is the trees and grass?" Trees are big plants that you make baseball bats, pianos, and books out of. Grass is a small plant, often eaten by cows.
Robert Frazier