Great Family
My Dog
My Job
The little things :)
Great Family
My Dog
My Job
The little things :)
i had a boat that i always wanted to name "return visits" that way whenever i was asked why i wasn't in field service on saturday i could respond, "i went out on return visits" and nobody would be the wiser.
just wondering, did anyone else come up with a good way to dodge that question?.
We had a huge group of teens in our kingdom hall and occasionally a few of us managed to get into the same "car group". There was one pioneer who was only a couple of years older than us and she owned her own vehicle. She would get a few of us together since she always had her own territory card and would suggest she take us to her assigned corner of the world for an hour and then would finish us up with some return visits. What a fine example all of our parents believed she was setting for us. We would squeeze as many peeps as possible into her tiny vehicle and make a beeline for the nearest convenient store. We would slide a magazine into the phone booth to start our time and then load up on drinks and snacks and begin a tour of our fine metroplex. We would crank up our sinful music on the barely working radio and sing at the top of our lungs while driving all over Ft. Worth and Dallas. Those were some fun times :).
i was df bout a year back and have since been enlightened by a life long friend.
i am leaning toward returning anyway but mostly for familyand friends.
i recognize the hypocrisy of this move but also don't feel that i should be subject to there authority and in my current state i am.
I'm so sorry that you are struggling with this decision. I understand what you are going through as I myself faded without being da'd or df'd but was still treated like an outcast by my so called life long friends. I thought that since I wasn't "officially" kicked out that I'd be able to hang on to them and it would make things so much easier in my relationships. I had an overwhelming sense that the elders were calling the shots and marking me as "bad association". I was baptized at 13yrs of age and ended up leaving over a couple of things that were major issues for me. The elders came to my house on a sheparding visit.....they knew that they had handled a situation incorrectly with me (i won't bore you with the details) and I actually cried and told them that they would never have control over me again (most liberating feeling ever). I even requested my publisher card, I didn't want it within the confines of their "files" but they said they would never hand it over. I think they failed to mark me publicly because they knew they were in the wrong and had caused so many problems in the family. But while it makes things slightly easier with my mom.....she goes back and forth in her treatment of me. One day she's really nice and acts like nothing happened, the next I get the cold shoulder. My brother is not really allowed to associate with me at all because I'm inactive and his wife is hard core JW. And I don't associate with any of the friends that I'd grown up with all my life because they treat me as if I was disfellowshipped anyway.
I can't tell you what to do.....just wanted you to know that I understand the hold you feel they have on you. It may or may not make things easier with the family members depending on how they view inactivity vs. disfellowshipping. Just can't control how people will treat you, you can only control your own actions. The elders only have power over your actions if you give it to them.
so at long last i've converted my childhood friend from being an apologist to being a near apostate.
lemme tell you how that happened.
this guy and i debate almost daily the virtues of being one of "jehovah's people.
Welcome searching4truth! Glad to have you here. I am primarily a lurker myself as you can see by the fact that I've been a member for 4 years and still have 35.....oh wait...this makes 36 posts. ;)
(i do not normally do long posts, so bear with me.
) i've decided to take it upon myself and look at a few quotes from the august 2006 awake on blood.
the wts writes:.
Thank you so much for starting this post. I actually received an honest to goodness real copy in the mail from a family member and can hardly believe the comments about hemoglobin. My favorite part of the article is where they state "the cell membrane with it's unique antigens is gone, severe reactions to blood types pose no threat. " They seem to be using this as part of the argument to justify separating the hemoglobin from the red blood cells. Like it's not really blood because you can't have a reaction if you get a type different from your own. One thing they fail to mention however is that plasma and platelets can also be administered without a cross match being obtained from the blood receiver. I know this because I administered both this week at my place of work and right on the front of the component is a large sticker that reads CROSSMATCH NOT REQUIRED. They are trying to say that hemoglobin is just a protein that happens to be connected to red blood cells. But that is the primary purpose of red blood carry oxygen from the lungs to the tissues all over the body. I seem to remember an article about abortion some years ago that said just as a crumb from a piece of bread is still bread, so is a few cells being part of a living human. So how is it that hemoglobin is not blood?
what has come back to me and what i have realized through this website is that my mother was probably mentally very sick with this religion for most of her life.. it was a sickening obsession to obey, tattle, feel extreme guilt, turn in family members, and never, ever measure up no matter what she did.
endless months of pioneering, meeting attendance and studying for meetings were not enough .....ever....she is now 73 years old and still trying to pioneer in the exhausting heat of florida.
in her full time pioneering days she came down with breast cancer.
I can totally understand where you're coming from. My mother professes to be one of the anointed and has been regular pioneering since I was in junior high. This meant if she had a "good call" to make, I was picked up an hour or so late from school. If I missed a meeting because I had too much homework, I wasn't spoken to for a few days. If you were home sick from school, she'd check on you in between bible studies if possible. She actually told me that when she found out she was pregnant....she feared she would have to give birth in the woods because the end of the world was so close (1973). Therefore, she promised Jehovah if he took care of her that she would "give her baby" to his service. There was so much pressure to auxillary pioneer during the summer break but I wanted her approval and love. Needless to say, she's not proud of who I've become.
Eventually, you just have to come to terms with the fact that you'll never have a "normal relationship" if you have one at all. I still choose to talk to her, but I only get as close as I feel comfortable with. I don't need the negativity in my would only bring me down. I respect the fact that she is my parent and really tried to do what she thought was in my best interests, I just don't see things from her point of view. I used to be so angry about things that happened, but I felt so much better to let it all go. Now I truly feel sorry for her and the fact that she must be so miserable trying to live up to someone else's expectations and sacrificed the relationship with her children to do so.
my little family of xjws are thinking of moving to texas, kind of looking at the area north of houston.
there seem to be plenty of apostates from texas on this forum.
is there anything i should know that is good or bad about that area?
My ex-mother in law used to live in Montgomery, Texas which is right next to Conroe. She had a house right on Lake Conroe which is absolutely beautiful and surrounded by pine trees. The lake is so much fun and makes those hot sticky summers a little more bearable. I liked it because it had all the necessary things like grocery stores, etc without the crowded city feel. Houston is not too far away so you have access to culture and major events but the traffic is terrible and the breeze from the ocean makes it incredibly humid. I would highly suggest visiting there in the middle of July or August to make sure you can stand it. I think you can acclimate to anything after awhile. Best of luck in your move.
what songs or groups were you forbidden to listen to as a jw?
were any specifically mentioned from the platform or were you counseled not to listen to a certain song?
for me it was the entire def leopard hysteria album - bad heavy metal told it was demonic, i listened to it in secret, silk's "freak me" - a virgin listening to a song about hot sex?
I had to throw out my Pyromania album by Def Leopard because the triangle on the front was a satanic symbol.
oh and stillajwexelder, everyone knows that W.A.S.P. really stood for Worship at Satan's Palace.
what is the stupidest thing a jw ever told you?
we all know that they say a lot of stupid things, but what really topped the cake?.
for me, it was an elder telling me i was progressing really well when my meeting attendance was down and my field service hours were slipping.
There was a discussion about the dangers of taking a blood transfusion, and someone said they had heard of a woman who received one and started acting bizarre. Apparently, she had always been the modest quiet type and after receiving a blood transfusion she began partying and dressing provocatively. They tracked the blood source down and found out that the donor had been a prostitute.
it's been a year since i've done this so i thought i'd do it again.
perhaps it will be a nice break from all of the ranting going on (myself included)..
by the way, i'm a weeping willow.
I'm a hazelnut tree :)