Oh, BTW, in case you are wondering, of course that is really me in my profile! Well, not quite,
I have to confess: the stupid photographer missed my better physical qualities by
taking the photograph at the wrong angle...can you believe it?
not until god gave man his first breath did he become a living soul.
the verses in genesis are not the only verses in the bible to make this clear.
abortion is not a sin, though blasphemy and idolatry are.
Oh, BTW, in case you are wondering, of course that is really me in my profile! Well, not quite,
I have to confess: the stupid photographer missed my better physical qualities by
taking the photograph at the wrong angle...can you believe it?
not until god gave man his first breath did he become a living soul.
the verses in genesis are not the only verses in the bible to make this clear.
abortion is not a sin, though blasphemy and idolatry are.
Is that you, Bad One? Do we finally get to see the "real" you?
i am new to the board and have read countless gripes and pokes at "the organization" but i fail to find one interesting question.. in preface... i was disfellowshiped myself over 5 years ago.
in that time, i had done much searching, visited many churches and faithes.. going to some for as short as one session and some as long as 6 - 8 months.
after i felt my search was in vein i stopped attempting to go to these shurches all together.. i never forgot how to pray through.
But the one thing that I am trying to stress to others is... dont only question the WTS, question ones self and any other view points a the same time. As many claim that they have learned from the WTS, and that they have come to another conclusion from questioning thier original view point... question it as well.
How did you arrive at the conclusion that we haven't questioned other view points? Is it not OBVIOUS from our comprehensive posts that
we question just about EVERYTHING (except maybe what brand of diapers you are wearing )?
PS, Welcome, Anotheropenviewpoint!
i enjoy the guest speakers that appear on tech tv's "unscrewed" show.
in the latest one i watched there was a guy that believes the earth is encased in an imaginary cube, and that this proves there are 4 simultaneous days in a single earth rotation.. http://www.timecube.com.
some quotes from his site:hey stupid - are you too dumb to know there are 4 different simultaneous 24 hour days within a single rotation of earth?.
You've missed the point!
I was referring to your recent posts!
i enjoy the guest speakers that appear on tech tv's "unscrewed" show.
in the latest one i watched there was a guy that believes the earth is encased in an imaginary cube, and that this proves there are 4 simultaneous days in a single earth rotation.. http://www.timecube.com.
some quotes from his site:hey stupid - are you too dumb to know there are 4 different simultaneous 24 hour days within a single rotation of earth?.
Are you Farkel?Nope. Does that disappoint you?
Are you an angry SOAB? What's you're problem? Take a chill pill, man!!! Spanner
i enjoy the guest speakers that appear on tech tv's "unscrewed" show.
in the latest one i watched there was a guy that believes the earth is encased in an imaginary cube, and that this proves there are 4 simultaneous days in a single earth rotation.. http://www.timecube.com.
some quotes from his site:hey stupid - are you too dumb to know there are 4 different simultaneous 24 hour days within a single rotation of earth?.
Time is cubic, you stupid idiots!!!
Are you Farkel?
i live on the east coast in pa. it has been raining off and on for about ??
8 weeks.
my brain is water logged and i need sun!!
DJ, It's good to see that you have a sense of humour!
And by the way, I LOVE curls; my 4-year-old daughter has lovely curls!
*Strokes shotgun...it will be useful in about 20 years time!*
i live on the east coast in pa. it has been raining off and on for about ??
8 weeks.
my brain is water logged and i need sun!!
Yeah, it's ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC here in the UK!!!
(Sorry DJ, I'm not trying to rub it in or anything; afterall, it's just God (or is that Jesus?) doing His [or their (if you are Aguest)] Job!
Even now, at 7.24PM the sun is shining, it's...let me see now...82F according to
the thermometer located next to my sun lounger (which overlooks a wonderful
view of the sea BTW).
My plants are positively smiling at me! It is as if they are saying:
"Thank you Spanner; thank you for allowing us to have a such a truly enormous
amount of sun, even though you were created to eat us!" (Gen. 1:29,30).
Ahhh! Isn't life just wonderful!
Sorry Beer talkin!
You posted that at 6.21PM! You must be legless by now!
so many do quote a scripture to make a point against an idea, yet i see that a number do not seem to believe in the bible's inspiration, anyway.
so, do you believe that the bible is god's inspired word??