So many do quote a scripture to make a point against an idea, yet I see that a number do not seem to believe in the Bible's inspiration, anyway. So, do you believe that the Bible is God's inspired word???
How Many Feel That The Bible Is Not "Inspired" After All???
by minimus 34 Replies latest watchtower bible
I don't believe the bible was inspired.
Too many inconsistancies and copied storylines from old Sumerian/Babylonian stories.
The gospels alone should tell you that they weren't inspired, not one of them backs the other up. If you had to write one gospel using the four in the bible you wouldn't be able to do it.
No, I do not. Most of the good stuff in the Bible is common sense anyway (eg, the golden rule). Also, most of the proofs that are supposed to show the bible is inspired is not too strong IMO. Take the prophecies, for example. How can you be so sure that the bible wasn't changed to suit history? I don't think you can!
Some praise the bible's scientific accuracy. "The bible says the earth is round and people thought it was flat until Columbus' day!" That's just plain wrong. The earth has been known to be spherical since at least in ancient Greece.
Also, my wife has been researching religions and it's amazing how Christianity has appeared to 'borrow' so many ideas from other, much, much older religions.
In my mind the bible and Christianity has lost all credibility as being special, unique, and inspired.
minimus dear chap, you have it the wrong way round. Asking whether people believe in a presuppostionalistic standpoint (Biblical inspiration by god) is all well and good, but asking people to say whether they believe the Bible IS inspired would be better, as it avoids implying that something that has not been proved is the default postion, whereas the Bible (in absence of proof) NOT being inspired is the default position.
I believe the Bible is an interesting piece of literature and an interesting perspective on human history. I may quote from it, from time to time, but usually in reference to something that others may have asked questions about first.
As for science, it isn't very scientific at all. It seems to be more like a collection of myths in some places.
The moon is observably round and I think ancient man was smart enough to figure out that the earth was too.
Vegetation was created before seasons were. Isn't that backward? Plants grow according to seasonal changes. I haven't seen any evidence that it was the other way for 7000 years and then changed to adapt to a seasonal environment.
Nothing ate this vegetation or pollinated it until two creative days later when flying creatures (and presumably insects) were created.
The earth and the heavens were created, but maybe the earth didn't start spinning right away. When it did start spinning, there were no seasons.
Dinosaurs missed the boat when it was time to get on the ark. Where did they go? They only lasted about two creative days? Why weren't the other creatures God made that day extinct too?
How did we get oil or petrified wood? Did God have to create it too, under the ground, since the seas and dry land that crushed it was created before vegetation and animals?
Inspired? I'm no scientist, but the more even I study it the more of a jumbled mess it appears to be.
As always, thanks for the good question.
I don't believe the Bible is any more inspired than any other great work of fiction. Shoot, "The Hobbit" has probably been a source of more inspiration to me personally!
I often say that I consider all the holy books of different religions to be deserving of equal respect, but if I was to examine how I really feel, I'd have to admit I don't respect the Bible and its god as much, because of the crap I've been through because of it.
For a long time I had this theory that the bible was written by men inspired of Magic Mushroom Power and that those sporadic times of "spiritual revelation" were in fact actually fungi derived. Shrooms my good people...or peyote or any other manner of psychedelic drug. That theory did not stay for too long..ate a large amount of shrooms myself once upon a time and just never looked at them the same way again.. Now I just dont think that it was inspired of anything...other than maybe testosterone...
I no longer think it is inspired. I don't even know why it was written in the firs place, just to control people? This is a new admission for me, I have never put into words what I have been thinking about the Bible and its chosen religion. As a book it isn't even that interesting to read. Just a lot of killing and men getting all the sex they could want. I do know whoever wrote it didn't think much of women, he must have not been gettin any.
The bible is crap.