And how rich have they grown? Let's calculate some more:
There are approximately 10,000 congregations in Canada and the U.S. If we
assume that every two congregations has a kingdom hall, and that each hall
is worth $400,000, (the halls I know are worth anywhere from 50K to 1M), then
the Society owns no less than $2 Billion worth of Kingdom halls in these two
Then add in the rest of the world, the bethels, factories, farms, and the cash and
investments, and you have an empire with net assets of $10 Billion. I am personally
tempted to say it is much higher than this.
Remember in the late 60's, when the Society wanted to buy the Squibb buildings in NY?
They sent around pledge forms to all the congregations, asking for donations. I was a
child in a small rural congregation in Saskatchewan at the time. It sickens me now to
think of all of these farmers calculating their pennies so that they could send a donation
to a wealthy conglomerate so that it could swallow up some property in New York.