I was recently called by a random congregation several hundred miles away to validate that a person that used to be in the a local congregation when I was an elder was actually there and was in good standing at the time. I was the only person that this inactive publisher could remember from the original congregation due to being inactive for 5-7 years and the elder that called me said the original BOE could not even remember this person - much less find a PRC for her.
I would bet money that local BOEs cannot find a PRC after 3-5 years or won't expend the effort to find one even if it is buried somewhere in a local file cabinet.
Also, I continue to post this on here again and again. If any JW contacts you about ANYTHING that is a disciplinary matter....you simply need to say:
"I need to consult an attorney before talking further with you about any matter or before disclosing any personal information. Please contact me in 30 days to discuss further and during that time I will meet with my attorney and engage them for further discussion."
You will NEVER hear from that cong/brothers again since the JW Org runs from legal problems like scared rabbit.
You don't actually need to have an attorney or ever contact one....just say you need to have an attorney involved and they will drop it like a hot potato.