Posts by Splash
[Day 4 - 31/7]The Royal Commissions investigation of child sexual abuse within Jehovah’s Witnesses. + VIDEO
by C0ntr013r inby popular demand i give you day 4, and i will finally get a couple of days to sleep .
part 1 has been uploaded and part 2,3 and 4 will soon be available.. part 1:.
[Day 4 - 31/7]The Royal Commissions investigation of child sexual abuse within Jehovah’s Witnesses. + VIDEO
by C0ntr013r inby popular demand i give you day 4, and i will finally get a couple of days to sleep .
part 1 has been uploaded and part 2,3 and 4 will soon be available.. part 1:.
Thank you C0ntr013r, it's the only way I can get to see these. I really appreciate it.
What Angus Stewart has realised and fully understands, is something that your average JW and elder will never allow themselves to grasp.
The WT prints just about every conceivable angle on a topic, then chooses when to use each one.For example, the GB are prophets, but they're not really prophets.
The Holy spirit appoints elders, but the Holy spirit only guides the elders.
The WT abhor child abuse, but they really do nothing to stop it.
JW's love all people, but not enough to protect them from abusers.
You must do as you're told even if it seems strange, but there are exceptions to this.
The Catholic Church is the main part of the harlot, but JW's will pay them to get legal representation.
A brother must not take someone to court, but the organisation is famous for it.Angus also see's the difference between the written word and the real life actions.
WT have tried to hide this with their large margins in the Elders book, so the elders themselves have to write in the questionable policies in their own hand writing.The poor sheep are lambs to the slaughter. This includes elders who 'listen, obey', but are still waiting to 'be blessed'.
Day 4 Looks to Be Live at Any Moment - Link...and Upcoming Witness List!
by LostGeneration in,-july-2015,-sydney.
anyone know who this monty baker is?
i'm sure this guy will be able to tell the rc how things work behind the scenes without all the evasiveness, being that he is an "apostate".
"My team can find another 14 references that the elders are appointed by holy spirit"!
This guy has done some serious preparation!
"Report it to the elders if you hear anyone in the congregation talking bad about the GB"
by hardtobeme inlast night and elder gave the bible highlights at the congregation.
he talked about apostasy.
and among other things he said: "report to the elders if you hear anyone in the congregation talking bad about the governing body".
Jesus exposed the false teachers in the first century.
Looks like he's doing the same in the twenty first century.
Another Shocking clip From JW Australia Royal investigation Elder would not report MURDER
by Watchtower-Free in
So many bad attitudes on this thread.
Don't you know you are speaking of divinely appointed glorious ones?
*** w98 6/1 p. 17 par. 10 “Put Up a Hard Fight for the Faith”! ***
It is all too easy to find fault with the appointed elders, for they are imperfect, as all of us are imperfect. But if we dwell on their faults and undermine respect for them, might we be “speaking abusively of glorious ones”?
[...] Those who persist in such negative talk could cause divisions in the congregation and perhaps even be likened to dangerous “rocks hidden below water” at gatherings of fellow believers. (Jude 12, 16, 19)
Never would we want to pose a spiritual danger to others. Rather, let each of us resolve to appreciate responsible men for their hard work and devotion to the flock of God. -
"Report it to the elders if you hear anyone in the congregation talking bad about the GB"
by hardtobeme inlast night and elder gave the bible highlights at the congregation.
he talked about apostasy.
and among other things he said: "report to the elders if you hear anyone in the congregation talking bad about the governing body".
I wonder if they will need two witnesses. -
Turns out they don't care about JW children either.............
by dubstepped inso by now most of us have seen the clip of an elder getting owned by the attorney regarding why they don't seem to care for the children outside of the congregation by refusing to report suspected child abusers.
if not, here's a link:.
If an elder gets into trouble as a result of this Royal Commission, either because they have been appointed despite having previously abused children or because they mistreated an abused victim in a JC, maybe even DF'ing them, then the other congregations elders are also culpable.
How? Because they would have known about this other elder, his history, the JC abuse etc.
To stand by and knowingly let these things happen just because it's the easy option, demonstrates that elder to be complicit too.
How can any congregation BoE defend themselves if one of them turns out to be an appointed pedophile?
WT Financial strategy to reduce liability - Create artificial debt!!!!!!
by Viva la Vida insee this letter from the royal commission: .
letter from watchtower australia to governing body regarding transfer of funds between branches.
In this way we will keep our “turnover” below the threshold and so avoid
the difficulties and obligations that will otherwise apply if we come within the jurisdiction of
this Privacy Act.
They even put "turnover" in quotation marks! This is in their letter!
How knowingly deceptive.
Australian Royal Commission - What can the Governing Body do?
by Listener inas far as i am aware, it's not within the power of the australian royal commission to call as a witness a non-australian.
it is confined to dealing with the jws and child abuse as it is handled within australia.
it is clear from the testimonies so far that it is the branch office that gives the elders direction as prescribed ultimately by the governing body.. there are two witnesses who have been called up to attend the rc from the branch office in sydney, one is rodney spinks from the service desk and the other is vincent o'toole, overseer of the legal department.
Geoffrey Jackson of the GB is Australian.
I wonder if he could be called over.
Nine Seconds that says it all. Have these elders any shame?
by Wasanelder Once inwhat can i add?
this says it all.. elder on stand is mute till prompted.. .
i guess i could encourage you to watch to the end and a guest commentary, lol..
Room 215 The question that begs a reply is: When, if ever, will the commission hear from any of the Bethel higher-ups?
The last two witnesses who will be called are
Rodney Spinks - Member of the Service Dept. in WTBTS Australia, and
Vincent Toole - JW Solicitor and Head of Legal at WTBTS Australia.