The changes I want to see are
1. The removal of the 2 witness rule
2. The releasing of names of known abusers
3. No reappointment of abusers to positions of authority
4. Mandatory police checks for anyone being appointed
5. A female victim or youngster not having to face three men
6. A victim not having to face their abuser
7. Reporting to authorities as soon as an allegation is made
8. A procedure of professional help and compensation for victims, not pursuing victims through the courts
9. JC elders being replaced by, or led by, a trained and qualified abuse investigator
10. JC elders being people who do not know the abuser, let alone are their friends
And to reinforce this I would like to see a retrospective prosecution of all those who in some way broke the law by not reporting a crime, and retrospective compensation payments to all victims.
I wish to see the GB take the lead in acknowledging this problem with a video on their website apologising for minimising it and lying about it.
I don't want it to be spun into 'new light' but a candid admission that they were wrong, and they are sorry.
Only when the current barbaric, harmful and inadequate practices are completely overhauled, will this menace start to come under control and JW's begin to look like caring Christians. Only when the JW 'persecution' mindset changes so that victims are not viewed as money grabbing apostates, will a little bit of humanity return to the congregations.