Thank you C0ntr013r, it's the only way I can get to see these. I really appreciate it.
What Angus Stewart has realised and fully understands, is something that your average JW and elder will never allow themselves to grasp.
The WT prints just about every conceivable angle on a topic, then chooses when to use each one.
For example, the GB are prophets, but they're not really prophets.
The Holy spirit appoints elders, but the Holy spirit only guides the elders.
The WT abhor child abuse, but they really do nothing to stop it.
JW's love all people, but not enough to protect them from abusers.
You must do as you're told even if it seems strange, but there are exceptions to this.
The Catholic Church is the main part of the harlot, but JW's will pay them to get legal representation.
A brother must not take someone to court, but the organisation is famous for it.
Angus also see's the difference between the written word and the real life actions.
WT have tried to hide this with their large margins in the Elders book, so the elders themselves have to write in the questionable policies in their own hand writing.
The poor sheep are lambs to the slaughter. This includes elders who 'listen, obey', but are still waiting to 'be blessed'.