*** w11 8/15 p. 30 par. 14 Pursue Peace ***
elders need to pray for the help of Jehovah's
spirit and depend on its guidance by consulting God's Word and the publications of the faithful and discreet slave class.
*** w08 4/15 p. 7 par. 19 Repudiate
"Valueless Things" ***
Elders do not go beyond the things that are written
in the Bible. And by extension, they do
not go beyond the Bible-based counsel written in the publications of the
faithful and discreet slave.
*** w07 12/15 p. 27 par. 3 Highlights From the
Book of Malachi ***
Those who are given the privilege of teaching in
the congregation should make sure that what they teach is in harmony with God's
Word, and with Bible-based publications
of "the faithful steward."
*** w06 11/15 p. 26 par. 2 Always Accept
Jehovah's Discipline ***
Correction may come... from your study of God's
Word and the publications of "the
faithful steward."
*** w03 6/15 p. 11 Serving a Unique Language
Group in Korea ***
in the first century, books and letters were
written by experienced older men. In our time, an abundance of spiritual food has been provided by means of
books and other Christian publications.
*** w02 12/1 p. 22 par. 15 Personal Study That
Equips Us as Teachers ***
personal study of the Bible and Bible publications is vital to the maintenance of our spiritual
*** w01 5/15 p. 29 'By Wisdom Our Days Will
Become Many' ***
May we feast at wisdom's table by diligently studying
God's Word and the Bible-based
publications provided by the slave class.
*** w99 5/15 p. 17 par. 10 Keep On Walking in
Jehovah's Way ***
The 'word behind us' also comes by means
of "the faithful and discreet slave," who supplies "food at the
proper time." (Matthew 24:45-47) One way this food is supplied
is in printed Bible-based publications,
*** w95 1/15 p. 27 Assembling With Those Who
Fear God ***
the personal obligations of
all baptized persons are fourfold: (1) We must study God's Word
with the aid of publications that
help us to understand and apply it
*** w92 11/15 p. 28 Elders—Readjust Others in
a Spirit of Mildness ***
our statements must be founded on the Scriptures
and on Bible-based publications.
*** w87 4/15 p. 19 par. 14 Increase Your Peace
Through Accurate Knowledge ***
Oftentimes, these men can assist you in researching the publications of the
Watch Tower Society for help in making a right decision or coping with a
*** w86 2/1 p. 19 par. 17 Comfort for
Integrity Keepers ***
Prayerful study of God's Word and Christian publications provided by "the faithful and
discreet slave" can bring comfort in times of stress.
*** w85 8/15 p. 17 par. 3 Train With Godly
Devotion as Your Aim ***
But you must carefully study his Word and Bible-based publications, thereby
being "nourished with the words of the faith and of the fine teaching."
***w73 5/15 p. 310 par. 12 Leaving the City of
Refuge Means Loss of Life ***
God's law is clearly defined for us in his Word and
through the Bible publications that he has provided to understand his will
and purpose for mankind in the time of the end
*** w70 5/1 p. 285 Missionaries Counseled to
Hold to "The Way" ***
God, through his Word and by such publications as Watchtower,
helps Christians to walk in His way