No, no, I've got it!!......
"Using your Bible, please explain Overlapping Generations to the Royal Commission."
what question would you ask geoffrey jackson, as a member of the governing body of jehovah's witnesses, to answer?
jw leaks.
No, no, I've got it!!......
"Using your Bible, please explain Overlapping Generations to the Royal Commission."
what question would you ask geoffrey jackson, as a member of the governing body of jehovah's witnesses, to answer?
jw leaks.
In what way have your intimidating procedures followed the scriptural direction to care for children in James 1:27 "The form of worship that is clean and undefiled from the standpoint of our God and Father is this: to look after orphans and widows in their tribulation."
How do your scattered and conflicting rules meted out by ill equipped men comply with the instruction to elders to "take care of God’s congregation" in 1Tim 3:5?
the royal commissions public hearing into the jehovahs witnesses will recommence in sydney on friday 14 august 2015 at 11:00am.. it is anticipated that the hearing will hear from one witness, mr geoffrey jackson, a member of the governing body of jehovahs witnesses.. .
It would be good to hear him admit that certain procedures have no basis in scripture, or that other organisations have better child protection policies, or that Bible procedures are inferior to modern procedures.
I wonder if the topic of baptising minors will come up since that is the leverage that a JC has to threaten df'ing if the child victim speaks to others about their abuse, when the JC has not found 2 witnesses or has a confession.
WT even has pictures of small children being baptised in their cartoons under the 'Children' section, not the 'Teenagers' section!.
the royal commissions public hearing into the jehovahs witnesses will recommence in sydney on friday 14 august 2015 at 11:00am.. it is anticipated that the hearing will hear from one witness, mr geoffrey jackson, a member of the governing body of jehovahs witnesses.. .
I wonder what angle the RC will take with him.
The worst that can happen is that GJ gets cornered and accepts that he'll review the procedures.
in the 1969 kit the society used a book by bible scholar justus lipsius as source material for their upright stake "stauros" doctrine of the death of christ.
they used an image of a man hung on an upright stake with no crossbeam attached to it.
then they placed a caption under it saying that the illustration came from lipsius.
in the 1969 kit the society used a book by bible scholar justus lipsius as source material for their upright stake "stauros" doctrine of the death of christ.
they used an image of a man hung on an upright stake with no crossbeam attached to it.
then they placed a caption under it saying that the illustration came from lipsius.
OK, now a serious question.
Mt 27:38 says "Then two robbers were put on stakes alongside him, one on his right and one on his left"
Picture that scene in your mind. How would it look?
Now read John 19:32-33 "The soldiers came and broke the legs of the first man and those of the other man who was on a stake alongside him. But on coming to Jesus, they saw that he was already dead, so they did not break his legs."
Question. If Jesus was in the middle, why does it say the two other wrongdoers were alongside each other, and that the soldiers 'came' to Jesus last?
in the 1969 kit the society used a book by bible scholar justus lipsius as source material for their upright stake "stauros" doctrine of the death of christ.
they used an image of a man hung on an upright stake with no crossbeam attached to it.
then they placed a caption under it saying that the illustration came from lipsius.
The society is obsessed with numbers. Numbers mean things.
Got less than 10 hours ministry? Spiritually weak.
Got 20 million attending the memorial? Proves it's Gods organisation.
2% increase per year? The small one is becoming a nation.
So how about this one: A quarter of the earth's population say Jesus died on a cross? The stake teaching is false.
This logic is unassailable, the conclusions irrefutable. Maybe 😀
wt obviously must realize now the value of those that tried to enforce change on them.
i think if it wasn't for these people doing what they did wt would be in even more drama now.
so my question is do you ever think wt would voluntarily reinstate and publicly apologize to bill bowen and barbara anderson for all their hard work in bringing reform.
After their hype and predictions about 1975 were proven false, the WT demonstrated their humility by blaming the ordinary witnesses for getting it wrong.
After the WT printed that receiving an organ transplant was cannibalism, they later corrected the faithful by reprimanding 'some who feel that taking some one else's organ into their own body was cannibalistic'.
The org is never wrong. Whatever the Ministry of Truth says today is right, and it was never any other way.
They have no humility, no shame, no modesty. They are above receiving counsel from anyone within or outside their organisation.
They have eaten from the Tree of Knowledge and now decide for themselves what is good and bad.
G.Jackson did the monthly broadcast in Nov 2014 and again in June 2015.
Let's see how well he does on TV, live and without an auto-cue.
i pressed all the wrong buttons.
here it is, posted about an hour ago..
kookie How the JW trolls and apologists are answering all this is to give information on other religions and their problems and society in general,
There is nothing else they can do but this.
In the face of being found culpable with no excuses, the only thing they can say is "look over there instead".