In the elders training video, two elders tell her to repeat out loud "I am an integrity keeper" three times.
This voodoo obviously works because she then happily went to the kitchen to get drinks for the elders.
in the 1980's when i was an elder, i don't remember the society providing any guidance to elders on suicide prevention counseling.
i realize much has changed since then.
can any current/recent elders update me on what the current position of the local elders would be if approached by someone in the congregation contemplating suicide and seeking help?.
In the elders training video, two elders tell her to repeat out loud "I am an integrity keeper" three times.
This voodoo obviously works because she then happily went to the kitchen to get drinks for the elders.
around the 39:00 minute mark the focus shifts to a single sister who cannot find a mate.
at the 42:30 minute mark she states "i cannot believe it crossed my look on jw dating sites".
guess a new unwritten rule is added to the many oral traditions of these pharisees.
one of the elders schools i attended, we dealt with a person who touched a girls breast and covered it up and kept it secret until it was revealed through a source.
the instructor first laid the ground work for a guilt trip.
he read this scripture;.
Let's start with that first verse - Lev 5:1.
In the RNWT it reads differently to more accurately reflect the true meaning:
(Leviticus 5:1) “If someone sins because he has heard a public call to testify and he is a witness or has seen or learned about it and he does not report it, then he will answer for his error."
So this verse has nothing to do with reporting wrongdoing to the elders - he misrepresented the Bible when he said this. This verse is to do with a judicial case when witnesses are called for. If you know something then you must appear in that hearing.Then the next verse he uses, Deut 19:21.
Jesus referenced this when he said (Matthew 5:38, 39) "You heard that it was said: ‘Eye for eye and tooth for tooth.’ However, I say to you: Do not resist the one who is wicked, but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other also to him."
So the harsh Mosaic law was replaced by Jesus law of mercy and forgiveness.
Seems this elder doesn't trust Jesus enough to obey his laws instead of the inferior Mosaic laws.
Like most high up elders (instructors) they prefer to come up with their own brand of religious cruelty to treat the flock harshly. They are all invariably detached from human compassion and live to lord it over others.
Elders who still live by the old law reject Christ.
(Colossians 2:13, 14) He kindly forgave us all our trespasses and erased the handwritten document that consisted of decrees and was in opposition to us. He has taken it out of the way by nailing it to the torture stake.
i went through the original footage to get a good look at the watch.. from these pictures we can probably say that it is a apple watch and that it has a golden color.
the color on the pin is black, and the band is white, grey, silvery or beige.. .
the pin is in the exact place for it to be a apple watch.. only apple watch edition have the gold color.
guess the overlapping generation concept is difficult for most to comprehend.
david spane does his best to explain it again.
the cutoff date for this generation has now moved to 1992 (was once 1935), the year that fred franz died.
I wonder if they would look down on a non-generation anointed, much like a third generation witness might look down on a first generation witness.
It's all about heirarchy.
guess the overlapping generation concept is difficult for most to comprehend.
david spane does his best to explain it again.
the cutoff date for this generation has now moved to 1992 (was once 1935), the year that fred franz died.
smiddy 2 years ago I posted a thread listing 3 Bible accounts
Is this the one you were thinking of?
notsurewheretogo Mark Sanderson is 50...
Sanderson was baptised at the age of 9 or 10 in Feb 1975. I guess he believed the end was imminent.
As such he overlaps Franz quite easily, so is part of the same 'Generation' as Franz and Russell by way of being an overlapper.
guess the overlapping generation concept is difficult for most to comprehend.
david spane does his best to explain it again.
the cutoff date for this generation has now moved to 1992 (was once 1935), the year that fred franz died.
If we're going to get picky (and no-one is as picky as the WT in the crafty way they word things), then look closely at their definition of group two:
The second group included in “this generation” are anointed contemporaries of the first group. They were not simply alive during the lifetime of those in the first group, but they were anointed with holy spirit during the time that those of the first group were still on earth.
According to this definition, those who were alive before group one but still overlapped with those who saw 1914, are also part of group two. They are anointed contemporaries.
Henry Grew was born in 1781 and overlapped CT Russell (who was a group one generation because he lived through 1914).
According to this definition then, the overlapping generation started in the late 1700's. That puts the generation length at around 240 years long.
guess the overlapping generation concept is difficult for most to comprehend.
david spane does his best to explain it again.
the cutoff date for this generation has now moved to 1992 (was once 1935), the year that fred franz died.
runForever So one generation is from 1893 to 2015 and counting? 122 years so far? Correct me if I'm wrong.
Nope, not correct.
This one 'overlapping' generation starts from at least when CT Russell was born in 1852, since he is part of the first group of This Generation.
1852 to 2015 is 164 years and counting.
To put this into perspective, that means that Mark Sanderson is the same generation as those who fought in the American civil war (1861 - 1865). I wonder if Mark ever got a chance to meet Abraham Lincoln?
guess the overlapping generation concept is difficult for most to comprehend.
david spane does his best to explain it again.
the cutoff date for this generation has now moved to 1992 (was once 1935), the year that fred franz died.
It's easy!
i went through the original footage to get a good look at the watch.. from these pictures we can probably say that it is a apple watch and that it has a golden color.
the color on the pin is black, and the band is white, grey, silvery or beige.. .
the pin is in the exact place for it to be a apple watch.. only apple watch edition have the gold color.
The Rebel it's not such a big deal
It is a big deal, because they have said it is a big deal.
They blab on about being discreet but demonstrate themselves to be exactly what they condemn.
They constantly badger and heckle for more money but exhibit tactless hubris by parading their riches on TV.
*** w94 8/15 p. 11 par.
3 This Good News Must Be Preached First ***
stark contrast, news reports have time and again revealed many of the clergy in
some lands to be pedophiles, immoral swindlers, and frauds. Their works of the
flesh and their extravagant life-styles are manifest for all to see. One
popular songwriter expressed it well in his song entitled “Would Jesus Wear a
Rolex [a very expensive gold watch] on His Television Show?”
*** w92 5/1 p. 16
par. 10 Who Will Escape the “Time of Distress”? ***
does not seek righteousness. Many of her adherents adopt or sponsor permissive
life-styles. Rather than seek meekness as Jesus did, they make a showy display,
for example on television, of luxurious and often immoral living.
*** w83 6/15 p. 18
par. 12 Do Not ‘Turn Back to Weak and Beggarly Things’ ***
think that a “showy display of one’s means of life” implies flaunting
designer-name clothing or excessive jewelry, such as wearing four or five rings
at the same time. (James 2:2, 3) And it may, for the Bible counsels
against concentrating on adornments such as “gold ornaments.”
*** w84 10/1 p. 13
par. 14 Why We Must Be No Part of This World ***
showy display of one’s means of life” must also be avoided by Jehovah’s servants. How tempting it can be to show off costly
acquisitions! Such wrong desire often leads not only to trying to keep up
with others but also to striving to get far ahead of them materially. ... At the root of all this status-seeking and
showy display is sinful pride. (Proverbs 8:13; 16:18; 21:4) Surely, then, we must resist the temptation to flaunt our
acquisitions and supposed attainments.