Which GB member recently complained that some families have been to Disneyland but not to bethel?
What a disconnected twerp.
something occurred to me last night.
people that made their pilgrimage to jw mecca (bethel) would often be excited about some silly things, i say silly because for those of you who were there or lived near enough to be involved in these things regularly they lost their magic.
i am talking about on tours one of the most memorable things people talked about or looked forward to... lunch.
Which GB member recently complained that some families have been to Disneyland but not to bethel?
What a disconnected twerp.
the international property development corporation moves into chelmsford:.
jehovah's witnesses open 500k church in the heart of chelmsford.
"the new kingdom hall is a visible presence right in the city centre.".
meleti has not been wrong so far.
if anything he can be too cautious.
have a read of his last post on a wt study this week past.
that was a quote from a dyed in the wool jw recently.
it was a complaint.. we all know that with 'new light(tm)' that the watchtower corporation's version of 'religion' has kept changing for a long time.
since i remember.....and i go back a long way too.
so i've been pretty good at not going to meetings lately.
yesterday i went for the co's last talks.
older co. his last talk was absolutely shocking.
meleti has not been wrong so far.
if anything he can be too cautious.
have a read of his last post on a wt study this week past.
cult flakes?.
(welcome to the height of intellectual thread topics.
When you discover TTATT - Cheerios.
Not saying he was conceited, but Nathan Knorr only ever ate Special K.
Cocopops - Looks and tastes like xxxx but still told it's good for you.
My elders are so old that at the breakfast table they hear Snap, Crackle and Pop, and that's before breakfast is even served.
The GB have invented a new cereal called Biblepromisios. Basically it's an empty box.
Because of his speech impediments, Stephen Lett has started eating Rice Lispies.
Antony Morris misheard what was for breakfast, now he's banning Sugar Poofs.
I think it's just so he can keep wearing his Tony the Tiger PJ's.
They won't go anywhere near Mueslim.
jehovah's witnesses - group action lawyers fighting for justice | artemis legal .
artemis legal | watchtower claims.
13 october 2015 .
Congregations in Australia should expect more meeting items about simplifying their lives, increasing their donations, tax efficient giving, and pledge slips.
Assemblies and conventions will suddenly become more expensive, per day.
There will be reminders that publications are better in digital format than paper, and those still using paper publications will be shamed and mocked until they acquiesce.
I think Australia and New Zealand are ones to watch in the yearbook statistics over the coming few years.
so i've been pretty good at not going to meetings lately.
yesterday i went for the co's last talks.
older co. his last talk was absolutely shocking.
WT expect their shunning policies to continue unchallenged.
When you can freely leave without fear and threat of losing contact with your family, then it won't matter that they are baptising children.
if these forms have already been posted then just delete this post!.
.. forms you may want!.
.. click the green download button.. .. 2015 recommendations for appointment of elders and ministerial servants-s-62-e. http://wwwb.fileflyer.com/view/ilrtgal.
I notice the S-77 disfellowshipping form still asks the question:
"Did the individual confess, or are there at least two witnesses to the occurrence of wrongdoing or to the same kind of
wrongdoing? (ks10 5:37)"
Will they never humble themselves?