That sounds like a lot of money for a detector!
There are some good tips for the things you are looking to do
i'm thinking about trying out a new hobby.
in my country there are plenty of places that are geologically suitable for the presence of gold nuggets.
in fact, several gold mines have been historically explored from the days of the romans until present day.. at the same time, i love archaeology and history and there are many possible unexplored archaeological sites near me that might merit a superficial survey.
That sounds like a lot of money for a detector!
There are some good tips for the things you are looking to do
bank - thank you for maintaining your loan repayments for the past 3 years.
to show our appreciation we are forgiving the balance of your loan.
borrower - yeah!.
Searcher - I picked up on that too.
It's amazed me that the WT have been so underhanded so quickly!
They took all the money, promising new halls and refurb's, then within just a few months tell everyone that they're on their own again and have to save up again.
Is there no end to their greed and corruption?
..your experience with the watchtower corporation:.
i'll start...... bully boy elders.
Don't get educated
Believe only us
You must obey
Do not question
Follow seven men
Not doing enough
Must do more
Believe every nonsense
Judge one another
Guilt and shame
well i just watched this "epic" video, i would have to say this is probably the most disturbing video yet.
there campaign to get people back is just pathetic in the most mind-manipulating way.
"welcome home" or "come back home" are they serious?
Oh, the irony.
*** w86 7/1 pp. 23-24 par. 2 Lining Up With Jehovah’s Integrity Keepers ***
When we carefully examine Jesus’ public preaching, we do not find him manipulating emotions. For example, did he appeal to his audience with choirs and singing? Or did he use clever psychology to establish a guilt complex in his audience and then cause them to dig into their pockets? On the contrary, his method of teaching caused people to think and reason.
a jehovah's witness who groomed a girl has walked free from court.. .
richard ogilvie was given a suspended prison sentence after a judge ruled his conduct was 'bad, but not as bad as some cases we see before these courts'.. the victim's father said he 'understands and accepts' the sentence and hopes the sex offender treatment ogilvie receives will prevent another child and family suffering at his hands.. .
thought she was gonna take a pic of me on the sneak.
im df'd...been df'd for over 19 years already.
so she probably would have gotten away with it without anyone knowing.....except that her flash was on.
It would be creepy if anyone else had done this because they would already know better, but for a JW to slyly take your photo is really nothing weird because JW's lack normal social interaction and therefore often have sub-developed social skills.
Just take that and the phone call as a compliment.
Give her a call sometime and tell her there's a couple of things you need to grasp, and maybe she can help.
Or that it's not just the WT who can provide meat in due season.
Or that you're re-enacting Bible scenes and would like her to help - starting with Adam and Eve in the garden.
Or you would like to discuss the real meaning behind the song Stay Awake, Stand Firm, Grow Mighty,
Or.... I'll stop here...
for the next two weeks, wt will attempt to lay the basis for their imitation "faith" by discussing the "imitate their faith" book, chapter on the flood.
a golden opportunity to share faith strengthening details with your believing friends.
do not miss it!.
prologos even if water came for 150 days, that is still ~2 meters, 3 feet every hour, everywhere to cover Everests
Everest did not exist before the flood, it was created as a result of the flood.
Therefore the waters did not need to reach so high.
*** w68 7/15 p. 422 Was There an Earthwide Flood? ***
there is no reason to believe that the pre-Flood mountains had to be nearly as high as that. You may recall that the Scientific Monthly magazine suggested that in earth’s earlier days “there were no high mountains forming physical or climatic barriers.” It was apparently the tremendous weight of the Flood waters that pushed mountain peaks to their high levels and produced more than six-mile-deep valleys in the ocean floor.
See, it all makes perfect sense.
that is supposed to make people go back?!
1:02:50 "A well known proverb says 'A journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step.' "
Seems strange that a GB member would quote Lao Tse, the founder of Taoism
The GB are obviously overworking themselves with all these videos. From next month the GB 'helpers' will anchor every other month's broadcast. Poor babies don't want to over do things, it must be very stressful.
at the latest co visit something very strange happened.
during the meeting with the elders and servants he passed out a copy of a hypothetical publisher card and asked us what we could learn from it.
upon receiving it i saw that the average hours were pretty good, it had return visits and quite a few bible studies.
Where on that form does it show the brothers' age or frailties?
Where does it mention that he has served faithfully for 50 years, but is now weaker than he used to be or that his circumstances have changed, but he still does as much as he can at the moment?
Where is mention that despite having a family and a full time job he spends hours preparing for each of his talks, and his items are among the most encouraging in the congregation?
Or that he spends time with the fatherless boys and the widows, giving his time and energy so that they can be comforted and encouraged.
What mention that he has undergone trials in the past and remained steadfast, and now is one of the community's most respected members, with a reputation for being a wise person and a peace maker.
He has put on the new personality so thoroughly that he is a beacon for those who need an understanding and compassionate ear. The fruitages of the spirit are evidenced in every part of his life, especially in the upbuilding and well prepared comments he always makes, meeting after meeting. Where is there space on the sheet for this?
He has been such a conscientious and hardworking father that his children and grandchildren have all made progress in the Truth. Where is this recorded on the sheet?
He is never missing when it comes to Hall cleaning and is the first to volunteer whenever something needs doing. He shows hospitality to visiting speakers and opens his home to Circuit Overseers. Where on the form does this get recorded?
Those with needs he has selflessly given to. Errands, money, food, clothes. Where is the column that counts this? He practices the Golden Rule and is known for having genuine love. Every night he remembers someone else in his prayers to God, even those now looking to judge and condemn him.
Why does anyone feel that is right in the sight of God to use a small slip of paper to pass judgement on a mans spirituality?
Romans 14:10 asks "Why do you judge your brother? Why do you look down on your brother?"
Jesus said to stop judging that you may not be judged.
For these reasons I think the CO is unreasonable, and the judging is both unscriptural and shameful.
the witnesses are really challenged socially.
in their own little world, they seem oblivious to the niceties of saying thank you or that they are sorry for some minor wrong.
these things help life go more smoothly in the real world, like a social lubricant.. i'm simply appalled at the fact that an elder's son, who was married more than a year ago, has never sent out thank you notes for all of the gifts that the congregation gave him for his wedding.
I know JWs who tip so badly, they wait for everyone to pitch in for the bill first, then see how much is left to pay thereby claiming everyone else's tips as their meal subsidy.
Appalling money grubbing behaviour.