Does the fact that there even IS an appeals process, and that certain appeals are upheld and the DF verdict reversed, does this show that the original decision and elders on the JC were not led by holy spirit after all?
Posts by Splash
I have been informed that if u are df and you appeal the decision and you loose appeal
by poopie inthe elders will keep you out longer as payback for you appealing their decision how dare you peon appeal the secret weapons design you stupid publisher.
450,000 UK child abuse cases in 2yrs
by GodZoo inmy lawd... filthy britain.. as many as 450,000 children are thought to have been abused in england in the two years up to march 2014, according to a major new report.. some 50,000 cases of sexual abuse were recorded by police and local authorities during this period, but the office of the childrens commissioner (occ) believes this is a major underestimate.. a study by the occ found that around 85 percent of sexually abused young people are not receiving help and treatment.
There was a documentary on just this last week, looking at reasons why some people are attracted to children instead of being protective of them.
In a number of offenders their brains were wired differently, sending signals to the sexual area instead of how normal adults respond to children.
I wish I'd paid more attention to the documentary, but the underlying message was that paedophiles are wired to be attracted to children. I think it also suggested that without hormone treatment, they were unlikely to be able to change.
I wonder if this is as much a desire created by nature as all other sexual preferences.
Does this sound like a man who is inspired by God?
by Coded Logic inabsolutely disgusting!.
Herd was never cut out to be a leader. He should stop trying to be what he was never cut out to be.
I think this talk is just him in therapy, describing his every encounter with a woman.
Why My Wife and I Have No Kids
by JT in*** g74 11/8 ***9 is this the time to have children?there has always been a positive attitude about childbearing.
*** g74 11/8 10 is this the time to have children?
what does imminent mean?
What is shaping the current thinking in a similar, life changing way?
1. Sisters should only marry worthy men, as determined by their being an MS or higher.
2. Blood transfusion bans are still taking lives of partners, children, parents.
3. Shunning is stopping children having a relationship with their families.
In another 25 years time when these restrictions are laughed at for being old light, there will be old, single sisters who passed up opportunities for happiness, distraught ones who needlessly lost those close to them, and ageing parents who have no children or grand children to care for them because they were cut off decades ago.
Yet the GB will be fine, and it will be 'the witnesses' who read too much into things.
Yeah, my parents plan to will everything to this parasitic organization and forsake their seed
by Phaedra inyeah, they'll leave it all, their home, savings, etc.. never mind helping out their struggling children who never had a chance.. fuck this organization and everything it stands for when its members think god will favor them more by willing everything to a corporation instead of their own struggling seed..
Pr 13:22 The good person leaves an inheritance to his grandchildren.
Sorry to hear how indoctrinated your parents are.
Director of XYZ Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, Inc.
by cognisonance ini googled my childhood best friend that i grew up with in the cult.
he's my age and has shunned me for the past 4 years despite my efforts to reach out to, i noticed a listing online that states he is a director of his congregation.
i suppose only elders can fill this position (he wasn't an elder when i was a jw).
There's no such position.
If he's an elder then he's a trustee.
I think he covets having a meaningful job, and feels the need to sound important.
Kenneth Flodin: ‘This Generation Will ... Not Pass Away’ (Matt. 24:34)
by wifibandit in
Jesus was NOT talking to ANOINTED people when he said these words. Asshole!
02:05 - "Who was he talking to? He was still talking to his disciples. So the WT made clear it was not the wicked, it was the anointed who saw the sign that would make up This Generation."
No wonder he was so nervous, trying to sneak this through!
Bad helper!
Ex-Jehovah's Witness elder jailed for sex assaults on schoolgirl
by LevelThePlayingField inthis is becoming more common.
this is from the last part of the article: .
"this was about sexual gratification and you are a hypocrite because you became an elder and you investigated a sexual matter even with this in your sexual background.".
It surprises me that he was df'd.
Clearly this wasn't a religious decision but a PR one, since he does not fulfill the criteria for getting df'd.
Like all of these cases it would have been referred to the Legal department, so it seems the instructions they give are now more about damage limitation than 'helping an erring one return to the flock'.
Forget about the elders guidebook, legal are calling the shots.
Kenneth Flodin: ‘This Generation Will ... Not Pass Away’ (Matt. 24:34)
by wifibandit in
Canned laughter at 08:40!!!!!
What have they become????
I just found out that my youngest brother committed suicide
by SnakesInTheTower inmy middle brother called me a couple of hours ago.
our youngest brother, josh, who was 38, was found by his friends in his apartment.
he hung himself.
I've experienced suicide in my family too.
It raises so many questions.
So sorry to hear this, and I hope you'll all be ok.