Posts by Splash
Elder's letter requesting details of solicitors, barristers and accountants
by jwfacts inthere was a letter sent to elders in australia on 18th november 2015 asking for details of publishers that are solicitors, barristers and accountants.
what would be their motive for these details?
the rest of the letter outlines 8 specific pieces of information to compile and send to bethel's legal department, and reiterates to collect the information only be "as you understand, without consulting the publisher.
Looks like they are interviewing to replace Vincent Toole. -
My RC hearing brought forward. Will be in two weeks
by umbertoecho inthrough this forum of wonderful freaks, i have met someone who is coming with me to my hearing.
initially i was slated for next year, but will be attending in two weeks time.
all is in place from travel vouchers, support, where to go ............very efficient and well done.
c) any elder hearing of a person's wrongdoing will immediately inform other elders of the offence, resulting in 3 elders being appointed
In fact it is often worse than this.
Someone confesses to an elder. That elder has to tell the COBE. The COBE will assign three elders for a JC. That's potentially 5 persons right there. Then the Branch has to be informed, and likely the CO. If the local BoE does not have suitably qualified men, or there is a conflict of interest (family, business ties etc) then another BoE may be asked to conduct the JC.
My RC hearing brought forward. Will be in two weeks
by umbertoecho inthrough this forum of wonderful freaks, i have met someone who is coming with me to my hearing.
initially i was slated for next year, but will be attending in two weeks time.
all is in place from travel vouchers, support, where to go ............very efficient and well done.
If any elder is found guilty of child abuse, every DF'd person they were on a JC for should be instantly reinstated.
There should be a compensation scheme for abused persons, separate from the worldwide work fund. Then, as a charity, the income and outgoings of this fund, plus all other figures should be made public each year.
To make an improvement, the WT needs to monitor and transparently report all pedofile activity. The WT should use it's own website to declare it's pedofile criminal case results, both those won and lost.
My RC hearing brought forward. Will be in two weeks
by umbertoecho inthrough this forum of wonderful freaks, i have met someone who is coming with me to my hearing.
initially i was slated for next year, but will be attending in two weeks time.
all is in place from travel vouchers, support, where to go ............very efficient and well done.
Some congregations have formal arrangements and rota's to pick up the car-less, elderly, infirm, or disabled (physically and mentally) for meetings.
Those that are asked to help with lifts should be police checked, since they may be alone with children (ie if parents can't make the meeting but pack the kids off) and vulnerable adults on a regular basis.If there's a known pedo in the congregation they should be fully banned from the field ministry, any privileges and all platform items, since the elders useless 'monitoring' is not regulated, coordinated or even sustained, and a determined offender will always find ways to work around it.
When an offender moves to a new hall there should be some alert for the families there, and not just the families of the elders who would know and can protect themselves.
When an allegation of abuse is made it should be the police who investigate, not a retired florist, a seasonal potato picker and a part time sales assistant, none of whom were allowed any meaningful education. During that investigation the accused should not be permitted to go on field service.
Cracked under pressure
by breezy ina big problem i have always had when talking about anything related to jw teachings, is that i get aggravated and frustrated when logical black and white concepts/scriptures are not seen/interpreted in a logical way.
it really frustrates me having to hear '' oh no this does not apply here '' in every scripture that i bring to my parents attention.
starting from when i was 16 to about 20, my frustrations would lead to these anger fits.
Expose their thinking pattern. When they say "that doesn't apply" tell them "it does apply, but you tell yourself it doesn't apply so you don't have to face up to it, and that's OK if it works for you, but I no longer choose to deceive myself."
Tell them that they don't believe the bible, they believe what Brooklyn NY tells them. If the GB said "new light, the Trinity is true!" then they would reverse a lifetime of beliefs and believe the trinity. Tell them you now think for yourself, which is why you can defend your beliefs.
Pick a topic that is completely unwinnable for them, like the overlapping generations, or the new scrolls, and every single time they start to criticise you, just go back to that topic with "until you can explain the new scrolls to me, I'm not going to discuss anything else with you. Can you explain it yet, or is it a false teaching?"
They will soon be on the defensive, and you won't ever get angry again.
Gerrit Losch Hypocritical: "Let Your Light Shine" Talk Given After His Refusal To Let His Light Shine Before Caesar In A Court Room
by Brokeback Watchtower inlosch's refusal to appear in court when subpeona'd to give testimony before a judge over his involvement in child abuse cover up and endangerment lawsuit .
i think such conduct should take away his freeness of speech and label him as a supreme hypocrite for giving such a talk about letting one light shine when he seems to be afraid to let his light shine in a court of law.
this man's hypocrisy knows no limits, and is extremely shameful.
Whatever happened to Zalkins backlog of cases? -
UPDATE APRIL 2015 New Documents Re: Charity Commission Investigation into Watchtower Britain
by jwleaks inan updated list of documents relating to the charity commission investigation into watchtower of britain and jehovah's witnesses are available on jw leaks.. jw leaks.
original charity commission press release.
press release.
Thanks for the correction maksutov -
UPDATE APRIL 2015 New Documents Re: Charity Commission Investigation into Watchtower Britain
by jwleaks inan updated list of documents relating to the charity commission investigation into watchtower of britain and jehovah's witnesses are available on jw leaks.. jw leaks.
original charity commission press release.
press release.
Announcement that the Charity commission will specifically look into the Anglican and Catholic churches in the UK.
I have been informed that if u are df and you appeal the decision and you loose appeal
by poopie inthe elders will keep you out longer as payback for you appealing their decision how dare you peon appeal the secret weapons design you stupid publisher.
Does the fact that there even IS an appeals process, and that certain appeals are upheld and the DF verdict reversed, does this show that the original decision and elders on the JC were not led by holy spirit after all?
450,000 UK child abuse cases in 2yrs
by GodZoo inmy lawd... filthy britain.. as many as 450,000 children are thought to have been abused in england in the two years up to march 2014, according to a major new report.. some 50,000 cases of sexual abuse were recorded by police and local authorities during this period, but the office of the childrens commissioner (occ) believes this is a major underestimate.. a study by the occ found that around 85 percent of sexually abused young people are not receiving help and treatment.
There was a documentary on just this last week, looking at reasons why some people are attracted to children instead of being protective of them.
In a number of offenders their brains were wired differently, sending signals to the sexual area instead of how normal adults respond to children.
I wish I'd paid more attention to the documentary, but the underlying message was that paedophiles are wired to be attracted to children. I think it also suggested that without hormone treatment, they were unlikely to be able to change.
I wonder if this is as much a desire created by nature as all other sexual preferences.