Here's a chart that tracks the number of congs worldwide vs publishers per cong (among other things).
The two right hand columns show that last year, despite more congregations, peak pubs per cong were down on the previous year.
maybe some of you interested in this:.
between 11/2015 and 05/2016 they merged in germany 48 congs into 24 congs.
in this time they build 16 language-groups and 3 sign-language-groups.
Here's a chart that tracks the number of congs worldwide vs publishers per cong (among other things).
The two right hand columns show that last year, despite more congregations, peak pubs per cong were down on the previous year.
the gibbering buddies are guided by jeehipity-hop!
how can i say this with 100% confidence?
well, an emotionally unstable eldub was talking about "mobile devices.
Smiddy I believe the article showing the computer cord and the shadow of a snake can be found @ WT 2011/8/15 (not the public version)
Good advice in that WT:
Do not become an “Internet Eve.” Be critical
and suspicious of the information. Before
trusting it, ask: (1) Who published this
material? What are the author’s credentials?
(2) Why was this published? What motivated
the writer? Is there any bias? (3) Where
did the author get the information? Does he
supply sources that can be checked? (4) Is
the information current? In the first century,
the apostle Paul gave Timothy advice that
applies with equal force today. Paul wrote:
“Guard what is laid up in trust with you,
turning away from the empty speeches that
violate what is holy and from the contradictions
of the falsely called ‘knowledge.’”
we will not weigh you down with burdensome lists, as you have the freedom to choose, but here is our list anyway.some snippets:.
the law showed jehovah’s strong feelings against clothing that does not make clear the distinction between male and female—what has been described in our day as unisex fashion.
(read deuteronomy 22:5.
You missed the most important paragraphs in that article - paragraphs 17 and 18!!
it's been reported on this forum that bethel speakers at this summer's conventions are asserting that the establishment of the united nations in 1945 was predicted in advance by the witnesses.
this is being presented as validation of the claim that the witnesses are god's one true organization directed by holy spirit.. .
the basis for this claim originates with a public address entitled, peace - can it last given by n.h. knorr at the new world theocratic assembly, on september 20 of 1942. .
ScenicViewer Watchtower believes the scarlet-colored wild beast from Revelation is the League of Nations/United Nations. Rev 17:8 describes this beast as existing, then not existing, then existing again. Watchtower interprets this to mean the League of Nations came into existence after WWI, then went out of existence before WWII at some point, then came back as the United Nations after WWII, thus fitting the Revelation description that "the wild beast was, but is not, and yet will be present.".
IT'S FUTURE - w51 1/1 p. 31 Questions From
It arrives in our time when Great Babylon, the
Devil's organization, falls. So that "day" for Jehovah's strange act,
his battle of Armageddon, is still future.
1919 - w89 4/1 p. 21 par. 22 The Hour of God's
Judgment Has Arrived
the renewed activity and spiritual prosperity that
began in 1919 is clear evidence that then, in
1919, Babylon the Great experienced a downward tumble as viewed by Jehovah.
IT'S FUTURE - w12 6/15 p. 18
par. 17 Jehovah Reveals What "Must Shortly Take Place"
Soon Jehovah will cause the political elements of
Satan's system, as represented by the United Nations, to attack false religion.
They will destroy her influence and devastate her riches. Such an event may
have seemed unlikely just decades ago. Today, the harlot teeters on the back of
the scarlet-colored beast. Even so, she will not slip slowly from her seat. Her
tumble will be sudden and
violent.—Rev. 18:7, 8, 15-19.
1919 - w13 7/15 p. 12 par. 11 "Look! I Am
With You All the Days"
By 1919, it became evident that Babylon the Great
had fallen.
The WT tries to teach that BTG falls twice, which is not what Revelation
describes. WT teaches that BTG fell in 1919 and will yet 'tumble' in the future. The scriptures are clear that this is
Rev 17 describes BTG riding the scarlet coloured wild beast (the UN)
which then turns on her.
- The UN did not exist
in 1919 so could not turn on her.
Rev 17 then describes this harlot being eaten and completely burned with
- After 1919 BTG still
existed with power and influence. She was not completely burned at all.
Rev 18 continues the account saying 'After this I saw another angel
descending from heaven with great authority, and the earth was illuminated by
his glory. And he cried out with a strong voice, saying: "She has
fallen! Babylon the Great has fallen" '
- The fall of BTG is
actually her being devoured and completely burned with fire, which had not
happened by 1919.
To get around this problem there are some ridiculous ideas that BTG fell in 1919 in a symbolic or invisible way, and the devouring and burning is yet future at the hands of the UN. This is not at all what the simple sequence of Rev 17 and 18 describes.
in the following from the 2013 edition of the nwt, the watchtower society indicates that when it released its initial 1950 edition, it considered the greek text provided by westcott and hort as its master text.
as a result of these additional masters, the wts made some undeclared changes to the 2013 nwt.
it does not list these changes or give any explanations.. greek text: in the late 19th century, scholars b. f. westcott and f.j.a.
Another change from the NWT to the RNWT from Psalm 2:12
NWT: Kiss the son, that He may not become incensed, And YOU may not perish [from] the way
RNWT: Honor the son, or God* will become indignant, And you will perish from the way
*Footnote: Literally "he".
i thought that the 1975 thing started in the mid to late 60's, but it seems the seeds were sown two decades this the earliest reference to it?.
18 how many today are awake to the fact that the lord christ jesus, by his resurrection of the faithful bride members that slept in death, is taking his "bride" unto his father's house and the marriage of the lamb has begun' .... they do not say, 'it is a long time yet to the wind-up, and, according to the present understanding of bible chronology, six thousand years of human history will end first in the coming seventies and till then it is a long stretch to serve the lord continuously and undividedly.'.
... they keep their eye and heart on jehovah's kingdom, and not on the time clock.
Can I ask HOW you found it?
The March 2016 WT has a revised teaching on when Babylon the Great took God's people captive.
(For info it is now the 2nd Century CE, not 1918.)
When new light comes out, I like to go back and search for what the WT used to teach, and catalogue the flip-flops.
In this instance, a search of the WT CD ROM led to w77 10/1 where in an unrelated paragraph (p.14 par.12) it quotes from the 1944 WT but uses elipses (...) in the quote.
Knowing how WT use elipses to remove critical information, I looked up the 1944 WT (I have the complete set as PDF's) and saw the reference to the seventies in context.
To see if there were any earlier instances I scanned the PDF's from 1915-1944, and this was the first occurrence.
Simples! (squeek!)
i thought that the 1975 thing started in the mid to late 60's, but it seems the seeds were sown two decades this the earliest reference to it?.
18 how many today are awake to the fact that the lord christ jesus, by his resurrection of the faithful bride members that slept in death, is taking his "bride" unto his father's house and the marriage of the lamb has begun' .... they do not say, 'it is a long time yet to the wind-up, and, according to the present understanding of bible chronology, six thousand years of human history will end first in the coming seventies and till then it is a long stretch to serve the lord continuously and undividedly.'.
... they keep their eye and heart on jehovah's kingdom, and not on the time clock.
I thought that the 1975 thing started in the mid to late 60's, but it seems the seeds were sown two decades earlier.
Is this the earliest reference to it?
w44 9/15 p.280 par.28
18 How many today are awake to the fact that the Lord Christ Jesus, by his resurrection of the faithful bride members that slept in death, is taking his "bride" unto his Father's house and the marriage of the Lamb has begun' ...
They do not say, 'It is a long time yet to the wind-up, and, according to the present understanding of Bible chronology, six thousand years of human history will end first in the coming seventies and till then it is a long stretch to serve the Lord continuously and undividedly.'
... They keep their eye and heart on Jehovah's kingdom, and not on the time clock. It The present is the time to serve the Lord, while your individual opportunity is here! Who guaranteed to you that you individually will last till the seventies or even till tomorrow'.
... Hence make the most of your own present. Do not take chances and say, 'According to Bible chronology it will be some years yet, and I shall have time to get into Jehovah's royal service after I have grown some years older. Therefore I will use the present time for going after the same things as do the Gentiles who live for the present. But in the distant tomorrow, or in the final cubit of my life-measure before the battle of Armageddon, ah, then I shall get in real earnest and give my full time, strength and means to the Lord's service.'
i know im young.
i know i still have so much to learn i mean im only 14 but but even at a young age i have learned and i know what love is.
this is where the problem comes in.
Thinking about planning the rest of your life at 14?
Wow, I was still into computer games and sports, not mortgages and other lifetime commitments!
You already demonstrate that you are an incisive thinker, well done. This is a very bad quality in WT world and you will be reprimanded for it.
My prediction if you join up in order to please everyone else and get your girl is that you will at some future point realise the mistake you made, and have to leave anyway. Doing this after joining the JW's will be far more traumatic to you both, and any family you may have by then.
If she loves you as much as you love her then wait until she decides for herself to leave the WT and join you.
the org's writing committee think that if they repeat a lie often enough, the sheep will believe it!
seems to be true for most j.w.
's, sadly.. for lurkers who think everyone here is a "lying apostate", read revelation 20:1-12, then read the latest org quote, and compare it with the link.
It really doesn't matter to your average JW what the bible says.
Tomorrow the WT will say
"After careful research, all the evidence indicates that these scrolls are not 'new' in the sense that they are written in the future, but are 'new' in the sense that they are old scrolls which are newly opened. Given this fact, it helps us better appreciate the unravelling of God's purposes. How happy we are to be living in a time when "those having insight will shine... brightly" - Dan. 12:3."
New scrolls become old scrolls and no-one would bat an eyelid.
so what scriptures do you think will never make the cut?i will start off with one to warm you all up.. 1 corinthians 4:6 - do not go beyond the things that are written,.
Galatians 2:18 "For if the very things that I once threw down I build up again, I demonstrate myself to be a transgressor."